The 2021 Green Day Challenge [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Dec 18, 2020.

  1. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    @Ian Of Freelandia - thanks for the kind words. Yesterday I was able to divert long enough to find two projects that fully occupied me until bedtime. Today instead of stress I feel great despair. Like many on their nofap journey here I have issues with the wife and of course like everyone in the world today, the COVID cloud. Just trying to hang on. No excuses. Stay strong.
  2. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    thanks to the members that reached out to me directly - this shows what a great community this is and how beneficial it can be when we are not doing well. I'm grateful for this place.
  3. Current Yoyagers
    @Blue Clouds
    @Ian Of Freelandia

    I've edited the first post, and removed the January NoFap golf challenge. We continue as originally planned. Anyone seeking additional motivation through regular score based achievement systems know that there are many to be found on here. We are unique here. Progress vs perfection. Growth vs. stagnation. Movement vs. stillness. A journey not a destination!

    1. Daily intentions. See yourself as the person you want to be.

    2. Daily Disciplines. Do the things that will manifest that person.

    3. Daily Reflection. Learn from mistakes. Yours, & our fellow challengers.

    4. Daily Support. Contribute to the group when and how you can.

    Let's reset our focus. Update your signatures. 12 days gone in 2021. Thank you to everyone that is a part of this adventure.
  4. HeadlessKnight

    HeadlessKnight Fapstronaut

    Despite having some recent relapses i feel it has released a lot of tension, now i'm more ready to go on and took some actions to prevent future triggers. Last year i've already deleted the porn content from my pc and a whole collection of triggering images, now i've deleted this porn backup from the external hard drive. Some day when the urges rise a part of me will be hurt for erasing a "rare and sexy material that is no longer on the internet", but this gotta be good for my health and growth. I'm also testing the blocker Qustodio, to make it harder for eventual slips in porn and other specific sites.
    Toni7, tonyk1982 and dharana like this.
  5. Interested in the blocker. Some people say they can't get in NoFap after setting one up. I need a mobile solution, more than pc too.
    Toni7, Chakra_Serpent and dharana like this.
  6. A rare strong day for me yesterday. Virtually zero concerns, urges, triggers. Went to bed and slept hard.
    Toni7, Chakra_Serpent and dharana like this.
  7. I feel like it's almost absurd to say this, but having 2 Red day (and 1 amber) on the counter already really has me conscious of the fact that if I am to maintain a 90% status for January....I'm out of passes.

    "But there are no free passes, BC".

    Really? Somebody please chime in and tell me if you've ever gone ___ days clean and suddenly find yourself amidst the inner dialogue of self vs. addict. "What's one day?". "You did so well". "You've come so far, one look at porn won't reset your progress, just take a break from it all, you're mentally exhausted". "One time isn't a relapse".

    It doesn't matter the dialogue. You're conflicted with yourself and your emotional, physical, mental challenges boil to the surface and tell you - "It's ok, you need this".

    So we fap. Maybe you don't like the free pass terminology, fine, make up some other name for it.
    The bottom line for me is that I'm drawing a line in the sand. I will have 28 green days. 4 weeks clean. 672 hours, victorious over porn. I have to.
  8. HeadlessKnight

    HeadlessKnight Fapstronaut

    Qustodio works fine for this forum, i've only blocked the porn category and some specific sites, i've allowed adult content, guns, drugs, etc, but maybe the configs depends on the goals and triggers for each person. Haven't tested on the phone but it must be possible
    Toni7, BrohkenCompass and dharana like this.
  9. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Good luvk everyone. Im in the same place as you Brohken, 2 reds 1 amber out of 13 days. My next goal: make the next 13 days better.

    Last night was a massive struggle, which reminded me of a valuable lesson: no matter how bad the urges, they will pass. Whether i give in to them or not. They dont keep building until relapse.

    A long weekend alone coming up, Fri through Sun. Actually with the baby,but he sleeps a lot :) but keeps me busy when he is awake. So i need to prepare myself for some challenging times.
    Toni7, BrohkenCompass and dharana like this.
  10. Interesting stat.... Not counting today, because I haven't done a session (yet)

    I have meditated 6 times this year with my preferred app. :)
    Toni7, dharana and Chakra_Serpent like this.
  11. 15 days in. 12 Green if I don't act out. Clawing my way above 80%.

    Working hard, staying intentional to get back to a week and then 10 days.
    tonyk1982, dharana and Toni7 like this.
  12. I made it through the first 15 days of 2021 without any mess. However, after 14 days of semen retention I made love to the wife and those post release urges come back. Its been awhile since I had the chaser effect so I'm worried about what's to come.
    Toni7 and BrohkenCompass like this.
  13. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    Hello All,

    I think I am on 7 days. Not as straightforward as last time, I'm working out a "middle way" for managing my obsessive compulsive collecting of images that are sent to me by my friend.

    I have generated a private and public key pair, I will store the private key away from me (I printed and laminated it), and keep the public key. Any archives he sent me, I will not look at them, but immediately encrypt with my public key and delete the original.

    I am aiming to go NoFap until August at the least. That is the plan. I have so much obsessional tendencies it's unreal.

    I hope everyone is managing themselves and this stuff better than I am!
  14. I too had a similar experience at the casa de Compass. I'm only on day 5, but it had been over 3 weeks since our last get-together.

    So like you, I'm going to be very challenged t not let the excitement of it all linger too long and or have replay fantasies leading to chaser effect dangers.
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.
  15. I didn't make it through the night. So I had my first red day of 2021. I thought last year was tricky but the start of 2021 has me even more lost about what to do.
  16. HeadlessKnight

    HeadlessKnight Fapstronaut

    Finally made 5 straight days this year, i've told once that i'm thinking about blocks of five days now and not on long streaks, and this time i'll try to tell a little bit here every cycle like this. Lately i'm very anxious due to crisis in current relationships and solving conflict about old ones. Despite this the urges are down and the site blockers are helping a lot
    BrohkenCompass likes this.
  17. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Dear oh dear, I'm not doing well at all. Sorry everyone. Eating like a fat pig as well :(

    Going to try and get a reasonable streak starting today.
  18. Sorry to here that @Chakra_Serpent . Get out of relapse mode asap if u can
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.

  19. Stick to the plan. Good job using blockers to get your devices safe, how can you "block" these negative thought patterns and relationship challenges from consuming your day?