Help! Tips on stopping 'involuntary' porn watching?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Anonymous24, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Anonymous24

    Anonymous24 Fapstronaut

    I've been doing NoFap for two months now, my current and longest streak is 16 days now although I prefer the ratio of 7:60 (7 resets in 60 ish days) and generally I have been feeling much better, recently though I've started to find myself watching porn agin and stopping myself when I realised, I didn't reset as to me this is still progress as I didn't O and mostly didnt M which compared to before shows an increase in self control and I found that it barely affected the "super powers" I had gained. However even after putting a block on porn through my ISP and on my tablet, I found ways around it and I don't want to slip up. So any tips on helping to stop this. I seem to just get a strong urge and then it's like Im watching myself do it like a backseat driver hence the use of involuntary in the title. Also it doesn't help I'm a teenager so it's really easy to get strong urges from small triggers.

    By the way for those who relapse after the relapse I found it helpful to remove all porn associated programs/apps and bookmarks as well as taken a vitamin which helped to counteract the feeling of fatigue after. Possibly just a placebo effect but still worth a try.
