Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by master3, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. iAlmostMadeIt2023

    iAlmostMadeIt2023 Fapstronaut

  2. Kvothe The Bloodless

    Kvothe The Bloodless Fapstronaut

    Going good, stay strong everyone.
    iAlmostMadeIt2023 and TheLinari like this.
  3. FG4795

    FG4795 Fapstronaut

    January 2nd checking in
  4. TheLinari

    TheLinari Fapstronaut

    2/366- It's been easy thus far. No problems encountered
  5. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    No Porn 2024 Challenge: 2/365
  6. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Day 2 done.
    -Negan-, Toni7, Mattropical and 2 others like this.
  7. Kvothe The Bloodless

    Kvothe The Bloodless Fapstronaut

    Jan 3rd - Feeling great. Eyes on the long game everyone.
    -Negan-, Mattropical and master3 like this.
  8. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Allready failed.
    -Negan- likes this.
  9. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that man, kepp trying ti find other methods to succeed. Hope you the best of luck through the year.
  10. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    I MO’d today. Had escort urges… Feel like that will eventually lead to my ending in this challenge.
    Toni7 and -Negan- like this.
  11. iAlmostMadeIt2023

    iAlmostMadeIt2023 Fapstronaut

    Stay strong bro. Remember, it's better to just smack your meat than to reset your streak lol
    -Negan- likes this.
  12. FG4795

    FG4795 Fapstronaut

    Words are important my friend.
    And we are battling a battle that goes way beyond this challenge or this forum. Is about our live.
    You didn't fail. You lost this challenge. It is not a good thing, of course. But now it's up to you.
    It is the first lesson of the 2024 that will lead to you to continuos improvement, and will be the first relapse that will lead to other and you will give up to the addiction
    At that point. You failed.
    Until then.
    Fight. Maybe not here. But keep on fighting man.
    We got you.

    As for me. January 3rd checking in.
    Toni7, master3 and -Negan- like this.
  13. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    :D:D Nice way to put it.
  14. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    No Porn 2024 Challenge: 3/365
    Toni7 and master3 like this.
  15. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the words and support.. and yes words are important. I will keep that in mind.
    -Negan-, FG4795 and master3 like this.
  16. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Day 3. Time goes fast.
    -Negan-, TheLinari and FG4795 like this.
  17. TheLinari

    TheLinari Fapstronaut

    FG4795, -Negan- and master3 like this.
  18. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    No Porn 2024 Challenge: 4/365
    TheLinari, master3 and FG4795 like this.
  19. FG4795

    FG4795 Fapstronaut

    Checking as for Jan 4th
    TheLinari and master3 like this.
  20. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Day 4, and today marks exactly 3 weeks since i wasted money on escorts and 11 weeks since i watched traditional porn (not images, but videos for the intention of PMO. Blocked all porn sites.)
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024