Quitting Map-What I learned from 3 of trying to quit

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Abraham Bond, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. Abraham Bond

    Abraham Bond New Fapstronaut

    I finally made it out but plenty of people are still where I was for a long time. Here is my step by step process for how I finally quit.
    Day One: You have masturbated earlier today, first of all never beat yourself up over a relapse. You feel relaxed but empty and probably a little sad, social situations will be hard, as they probably usually are for a porn addict. I always feel like a soulless piece of shit with no humanity on the first too days but that might just be me. Remind yourself all week that the first week is almost the hardest one, behind only the second week.
    Day Two: You masturbated yesterday, waking up was really tough. you feel pretty much the same as yesterday, empty, unfulfilled, but relaxed in a sedated kind of way. Urges to watch porn/ masturbate are often pretty strong on this day.
    Day Three: I call it depression day, waking up was difficult, you keep the empty feeling but the sadness and lack of social ability decrease hugely. Urges may be strong even if just to rid yourself if this horrible feeling. Be very kind to yourself on Day 3.
    Day Four-Day 6: Waking up gets a little bit easier, the empty feeling partially subsides and you feel happier, more alert and more confident/ social. Urges are very strong during this time so stay busy, don't let yourself be home alone because you will likely brake. Your soul is back.(not even religious that is just seriously how it feels)
    Day Seven: Holy shit, waking up was easy as fuck even if you use an alarm clock. You feel alert, confident, smarter, more attractive, more energetic and relaxed in an alpha male kind of way. Sounds great right? It is, but you will be hornier than ever before. The urges will be insane, you will stare intently at any girl's ass, even girls you thought were ugly before become hot. This is all because of the huge amount of testosterone now coursing through your veins. You are a beast. I would recommend working out to relieve sexual aggression/ tension Don't give up now it only gets better.
    Day 8: You will still feel fundamentally confident and energetic but be ready... At some point during the day you will be simultaneously hit by two very dangerous things at once. Intense, overwhelming depression, you will feel like complete shit, even worse than day 3. Along with that comes insane urges and horniness, more than ever before. This is without a doubt the hardest day of all and I relapsed here many times. You will probably have a boner in your pants for most of the day and any time you see a woman you will feel insane with sexual tension. Your brain will come at you with every excuse it has to masturbate. Dont even so much as look at your social media news feeds in case a girl posted something hot, dont let your hand enter your pants even for an itch. This is the mountain peak, its all down hill from here.
    Rest of Week 2: not easy that is for certain but the benefits are amazing, girls will pay you more attention because just being around you will make them horny. You will become superior in every foreseeable way, intelligence, muscle mass, fat loss, attractiveness, confidence, metabolism.... the list is endless.
    Going Forward: Gradually gets easier after week 2 with some urges here and there but if you have made it this far you will have good mechanisms to deal with the urges. It will be easy for you to find women at this point so go find one and start a meaningful relationship and get some real sex. Or just go to a party and nail some girl, point is go feel like a beast doing the real thing instead of being a little bitch sweating over his iphone in his room.
    Good luck my friends
  2. Well said and insightful.
    PotentLife and Abraham Bond like this.
  3. PotentLife

    PotentLife Fapstronaut

    Hey, even if everybody's reboot is considerably different on the day-to-day level, one thing I really liked about your post is it helps people to envision themselves actually making it successfully through tough times - envision themselves in the positions you described, from one point to the next, until they are free and clear.

    Congratulations on getting your soul and your moxie back, my friend! I hope this last reboot provides you with a strengthening foundation upon which you can build endlessly wonderful accomplishments!
  4. Fink93

    Fink93 Fapstronaut

    i haven´t gotten that much out of being PM(O) free as of now. think thats probably because i was a heavy fapper.. i was at least doing it twice a day. every day for 8 years (except some situations like holidays maybe)
  5. Like this map! Thanks
  6. Sulfur

    Sulfur Fapstronaut

    days 2-3 and week two are definitely the worst.
  7. fapnaut95

    fapnaut95 Fapstronaut

    It's funny because I pretty much create a stereotype for each day after Relapse. My addiction has been around for 5 years, cycling relapse after relapse, counting days after counting days, day 1, 2,3 mostly avoiding friends / strangers (creating excuses to not see them) . day 4 5 6+ it's ok to talk to them but they will feel you more distant, 1 week+ you seem ok on social environments, even though public speaking will still be haunting. 2/3 weeks+ you can actually start to be yourself in a way, with no fear of emotions of others and your own. 4-8 weeks, it's the sweet spot, but if you fall into other addictions (video games, etc) it will break your will and motivation to keep on fighting PMO,because at this point you're expecting more results from continuing struggle, even though the other aspects of your lives are great.
    So basicly the 110 days, my highest streak, is the point of unknown for me. I just knew I felt great, alive, and equal to all my friends or colleagues, more confident. I relapsed at that time because I was lazy, and let myself out of controll on other addictions like video games and other things, escaping my responsabilities. I felt urges when I felt abit useless again, and felt like curious because I didn't have PMO for so much time. Hopefully I can be stronger this time , and avoid those loose-canon urges.