Severe Anxiety Help!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Leonidas Strongicus, Sep 9, 2023.

  1. Leonidas Strongicus

    Leonidas Strongicus New Fapstronaut

    Hello, this is my first time posting on these forums

    ive been struggling with PMO for 6 years now. My current streak is about 30-40 days, ive never made it this far before, i have noticed that i have more confidence in talking to people, ive never had the confidence before to post on internet forums before and now i do. i feel happier, i feel stronger at the gym, i used to have OCD with PMO which would set me back everytime, but this time i set everything aside and decided to forget about all the OCD. I however have noticed my anxiety has gone down significantly, like alot, and lately ive had these random aniety attacks which ive never had before, is this normal, i feel very weird, its an indescribable weird feeling. thanks.

    If anyone would like to be accountability partners with me please feel free to message me and we can exchange snapchats or whatever feels right.
  2. I would imagine that most guys here avoid Snapchat like the plague. Apps like that are no good in general but they're especially detrimental to someone trying to quit PMO and get their life and health back on track. Regarding anxiety and panic attacks, I'm afraid both are par for the course. Good luck.
  3. xuledywo

    xuledywo Fapstronaut

    Hi. I'd would like to know what is the best medication for anxiety in your opinion. Severe anxiety I mean, as in a somebody cannot eat ,sleep or do anything atm because of it.
  4. Jacky198

    Jacky198 Fapstronaut

    I would recommend meditation and breathing techniques. Don't go down the benzo rabbit hole.
    Semtex likes this.
  5. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Here's what has been working for me:

    1) Earthing (grounding) at least 5x a week, min 10 minutes a session, with one session for 30 minutes.
    2) Wim Hof Breathing Method, 4 rounds daily (takes 10-15 minutes). To save time you can do the earthing and breathing together.
    3) Daily cup of a herbal tea. If you'd like to know what kind of herbal tea then message me.
  6. Jacky198

    Jacky198 Fapstronaut

    I also do the Wim Hof breathing. Do you also take cold showers? I can manage to shower now up to 90 seconds when set to the coldest setting.
  7. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    I take cold showers daily. Almost never get a cold/fever anymore!
    Jacky198 likes this.
  8. Jacky198

    Jacky198 Fapstronaut

    Nice! I take two or three a day at the moment haha. It's kind of addictive. I also haven't gotten sick since I started this method.
    Icewarrior likes this.
  9. Leonidas Strongicus

    Leonidas Strongicus New Fapstronaut

    Working out is really good too, it gives your body a giant boost of testosterone, try to find a routine that fits your schedule and you like. As well as drinking lots of water, sometimes anxiety is caused by chemicals in the body and tons of water purges that, water fasting is where you only drink water for 2 weeks and have spoonfuls of salt occasionally, i did it once and i felt great after. thank you for the replies.
    Icewarrior and Jacky198 like this.
  10. Liege Blåhaj

    Liege Blåhaj Moderator Staff Member

    Forum users are not health care providers and are not qualified to recommend medications. You should speak with a mental health care provider such as a psychiatrist about your anxiety.