Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Mar 11, 2019.


Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

  1. I don't know yet, i'm gonna start training now!

  2. Yes, but it will be hard.

  3. Not only Super Saiyan, but i can go even beyond. AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

  4. I can only reach the level of an Elite Warrior, nothing more than that.

  5. I can't even beat Yajirobe, i'm a failure. ;(

  1. hewm

    hewm Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! Let's keep our guards up and keep training
  2. Kingfisher

    Kingfisher Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Day 215!

    @Yambo, congratulations!

    @Redemptionisrequired, thank you brother! It's all about rising again after a setback. One day at a time.

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2022

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 18

    Feeling good/ok but I felt I lacked a bit sleep when I woke up.
    Almost slipped again. I was casually looking in Amazon Japan for calendars and P images were around. I couldn't stay so I exited out. I hate that.
    Again, I have to somehow clean it up my Amazon Japan account.

    Nothing else to report. Reading stuff here and I will hit the gym soon or later.

    @Redemptionisrequired Thank you brother! Time certainly does go by. This I'm aiming to beat my no PMO streak. I am just keeping up here. Right, of course I will try not dwell on "What if I relapse". I trying to make that effort every day as I go. I am curious about @Kingfisher is journey. I want to read some posts as I'm learning. Right now, I'm doing whatever I can do get to my main goal here.

    To the nay sayers reading this, I never said it here but yes I want my long streak for number of reasons. If you have a problem with that then go back to incorporating M or MO or PMO like everyone else in the world even if you are able to achieve a long streak. Another response is screw you. Moving on. That is my rant for now.

    This is me being nice.

    Like I say that to anyone over here and other threads. I try my best to encourage people to move up here in this NoFap lifestyle with my advice and not question why they want a higher streak.

    Onward to Super Saiyan but first Oozaru.
    Let's go Saiyans.

    Keep Training Saiyans!
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2022
    Kingfisher, Yambo, Toni7 and 2 others like this.
  4. Day 17 checking in

    You guys are kicking ass
  5. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Checking in Saiyan's!

    94 Days Free of PMO.

    Some anger arose this morning, moments of the past, people who did harm in one way or another. If I delve deeper, no external person can harm me unless I leave them to. Although difficult to practice, it is something that I'm trying to adopt.

    Ruminating over anger, is in and of itself, poison at the root. If we externalize it onto another, we continue that bitter cycle. Best to just watch what arises, forgive the situation. Write out a letter that you will burn if you must, but don't get tangled in its web. Free yourself from its hold and seek to understand it. Not resist it. Likely that anger is also trying to tell you something, seek to see what that is and change what is in your capacity and never seek to change another. This would only feed your anger more, given we cannot control how others act and react, only what we do ourselves.

    Keep training!

    @Yambo Well done Saiyan!! Keep at it.
  6. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

  7. Yambo

    Yambo Fapstronaut

    Thank you all and to you: have a great weekend!

    Day 16.
  8. T2Q

    T2Q Fapstronaut

    day 10. The last 10 have flown by tbh.
  9. day 1

    hello again im ready
    hope i can get to where you all are
  10. Yambo

    Yambo Fapstronaut

    Back at the beginning..

    It had actually been hitting me all week. I fantasized a lot. Not even consciously. I haven't slept for nights. I kept it up for 4 days but yesterday it didn't work. I just couldn't get through it.

    I think one of the reasons is that I'm texting a girl on one of the dating apps. And I already know it's not wife material, just for sex. And that got me. That's why I've now done the following: I deleted her number, blocked her and been very honest with myself: don't do this again. It counts as porn. I wasn't even attracted to her, only her body.

    I'm glad I could be honest about it and share it with you. I just want to have a no pmo lifestyle.

    Day 0!

    PS: the days where I was extremely horny just went well I could resist a lot this week!
  11. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    Day 19

    Pretty good overall including mood. I didn't get to hit the gym earlier so I have to wait until Sunday midnight over here where I live to go. This was an important for me for this journey. That is all I'm going to say.

    From yesterday, I forgot to mention that I was looking for a movie scene from a movie that I was searching on Youtube by one of the movies from Tales From the Crypt. If you heard of it and there was a vampire movie associated with it after finding one of the scenes found from the movie I was looking for. It was one of videos recommended to me after I watched one of the scenes that I was looking for. I never heard of it and so I clicked on the video lo and behold I saw topless women vampires :emoji_expressionless:

    See, I have no control over this. Any way, good thing I wasn't trigger as much but sometimes it can get to me.

    @LeviHS On my part, just doing the best day by day. Doing my best to get my ranks here and ascend higher. Sometimes, I don't know if it's enough.
    But I'm glad everyone else doing good for the most part. Motivating to see others moving up and keeping on track. Again, I'm kicking ass now because I have been fired up as a Saiyan & I am serious. I'm not letting no one tell me I can't do this! Because I can! I did say you have to go Super Saiyan to beat this PMO addiction now didn't I? ;)

    @Yambo Sorry for the relapse bro. Rise again fellow Saiyan.

    As my two of shaker bottle for the gym says "KILLING IT". I love it because that's what I do when I train at the gym.
    Let's go Saiyans!

    My redemption is on it's way.

    Keep Training Saiyans!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2022
  12. Kingfisher

    Kingfisher Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Day 216!

    @Yambo, rise again!
  13. hewm

    hewm Fapstronaut

  14. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Checking in Saiyan's!

    95 Days Free of PMO.

    Slight disturbed sleep last night and a gloomy day outside today. The intention remains though, meditation, exposure, workout, reading and rest.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Keep training!

    @Yambo Glad that you feel comfortable in being honest here brother. Do your best not to let the relapse lead into a binge, rise again Saiyan and get stronger this round.

    @kingdawoo You can Saiyan, just don't give up and always analyze a relapse. It's key to conquering this.
    Yambo, LLOYYD and Kingfisher like this.
  15. DRAGON_

    DRAGON_ Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Rise again fellow Saiyan.. You can do this.. Just remember one tip. If you are having heavy urges then report here on forums, we all will try to help you subside urges.. It worked in my case... At around day 50 I had high urges and @Kingfisher and @Redemptionisrequired helped me a lot. Being honest with yourself and others helps a lot. Proud of you man.
  16. hewm

    hewm Fapstronaut

    Day 32. Check in. Getting a little complacent. I have to remind myself that I'm a saiyan and keep pushing the training
  17. DRAGON_

    DRAGON_ Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

  18. Kingfisher

    Kingfisher Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

  19. SDversionupdate

    SDversionupdate Fapstronaut

    Day 43 - Oozaru
    Yambo and Redemptionisrequired like this.