Post published by ThroughtheValley

It was a great time being here, but it's time to go! Heading out from here so I can find future growth, I feel I have maxed out on what I can do while I am here, so that's why I need to head out. Don't worry, I'm not quitting, but I am heading out from the forum.

To be honest, I find the wider forum a bit negative in emotion and also in regards to my faith. I need positivity and healing, something that seems neglected in many ways.

I want to thank everyone that has helped me and I wish you all luck and God's Grace in your struggles.

Thanks for reading :)
Miked132 more_vert
Goodbye, I hope your journey to find peace is a successful one
Flyhigh likes this.
passi more_vert
Yeah I understand you quite Well , go find à bigger and wider future thanksto you too
Flyhigh likes this.