The human failure
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Apr 29, 2016
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Washington, USA

The human failure

Fapstronaut, from Washington, USA

That's it. I'm not going to use this damn parasite on my crotch ever again. It's ruining my life. Dec 24, 2016

The human failure was last seen:
Feb 28, 2018
    1. The human failure
      The human failure
      Oh God my fac is completely numb I can't stop crying someone please help me
    2. The human failure
      The human failure
      108 hours, I'm still crying my eyes out and I want to die. This nofap thing is fucking fantastic.
      1. DannyCool
        You are doing really well. We are all behind you. This is amazing work. It is great that those emotions are coming out. Many men here report the same thing. What you are doing for yourself and others by tackling this problem which is no fault of yours is truly outstanding.
        Nov 13, 2016
    3. The human failure
      The human failure
      Does Tinder actually work for getting relationships? Or for men? From what I hear if you're not a 10 you get no replies.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. The human failure
        The human failure
        Trying offline is terrible >.> I can barely talk to strangers at all in real life. It would be so much easier if I could talk to them online first.
        Nov 12, 2016
      3. Deleted Account
        Deleted Account
        if you think it could work for you try it, no one better than you about what suits you best...
        Nov 12, 2016
      4. Headspace
        I tried Tinder for a few weeks. I had two matches with women who I actually liked (more than just finding them attractive). I met one of them but it turned out the chemistry wasn't as good in real life. I really liked the second one, but after a few messages she just didn't reply me anymore. Other than that, it gave me a lot of brain fog.
        Nov 13, 2016
    4. The human failure
      The human failure
      Almost four days now. When am I supposed to not hate myself again? Or be attractive enough for women to not hate me?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. a3a
        Time and cultivating has to happen first. You can't expect results in 4 days that's ridiculous. We live in a cut in dry world were everything comes "instant" but, success takes TIME. And, lots of it.

        "Rome wasn't built in a day"
        Nov 12, 2016
      3. The human failure
        The human failure
        I know, but this is still pretty good for me.
        Nov 12, 2016
      4. The human failure
        The human failure
        At what point to I stop wanting to kill myself?
        Nov 13, 2016
    5. DannyCool
      Hi Human Failure. I am a Human Failure too. :)
    6. Slylen
      Each day you can dig a deeper hole or do little things to make it better. I just wanted to reach out because being depressed all the time only feeds on itself to make it worse. No one should live like that. PART 2
    7. Slylen
      Just a quick tip since i have seen your posts as of late. Lookup the term self- fulfilled prophecy and see how it may be acting in your life. I can't know what has happened in your life to bring you down but staying positive is a choice.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Slylen
        Well if we dive into the actual science of it then we find its the best natural way to release endorphins into our system. As long as you take it easy and dont overdo it then you will feel better. Plus, its better to pass out from running than pass out in a puddle of shame after PMO ;)
        Nov 11, 2016
        The human failure likes this.
      3. Slylen
        Sorry if i am bombarding you. The best part of joining Nofap for me was helping other people grow and live happier lives as well. Best of luck to you and please reach out if you need to talk. All is not lost!
        Nov 11, 2016
      4. The human failure
        The human failure
        Um sure I always like talking to people. Online at least. Thanks >.>
        Nov 11, 2016
        Slylen likes this.
    8. The human failure
      The human failure
      Day 3: I still feel like crying my eyes out at the mere sight of a romantic couple.
      1. letter and SMK like this.
      2. IggyIshness
        Your comparing yourself to other people.. Dont do that thats just depression right there. You are you noone else matters
        Nov 17, 2016
    9. The human failure
      The human failure
      Being trans isn't bad right?
      1. Slylen likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. vulture175
        nah it's bad
        Nov 10, 2016
      4. Slylen
        No, its not bad. As long as you are not hurting others live your life however you see fit.
        Nov 10, 2016
      5. The human failure
        The human failure
        Yeah I guess you're right. It's not like I'm ever going to make friends anyways.
        Nov 11, 2016
    10. The human failure
      The human failure
      Something good happened for once in my life.
      1. letter likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. AntiqueRevolverGuy
        I'm relieved. For once and for all Obamacare will be gone.

        Now let's challenge ourselves, NoFap until he gets inaugurated
        Nov 9, 2016
      4. vulture175
        haha.maybe trump would make nuclear war with north korea and boom, the earth blows up, we are freeeeee :D
        Nov 9, 2016
      5. Lone_Wolf
        Yeah, I'm sure that'll happen...
        Nov 9, 2016
        Mitchell's Way and AndySky180 like this.
    11. The human failure
      The human failure
      Are relationships even real? Sometimes I wish they weren't.
      1. vulture175
        you're right. they aren't real.
        Nov 7, 2016
      2. The human failure
        Nov 7, 2016
      3. vulture175
        Nov 7, 2016
    12. The human failure
      The human failure
      Maybe everything would be better if life never came to be in the first place.
      1. AndySky180 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lone_Wolf
        Who enjoys depression?
        Nov 7, 2016
        Mitchell's Way and AndySky180 like this.
      4. The human failure
        The human failure
        Vulture seems to from what he posts.
        Nov 7, 2016
      5. vulture175
        Nov 7, 2016
    13. The human failure
      The human failure
      Why can't I ever stop crying? I don't even know why I'm crying anymore.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. The human failure
        The human failure
        Heh, reminds me of my life. Pointless and a waste of resources.
        Nov 5, 2016
      3. Deleted Account
        Deleted Account
        Nothing is waste unless we created it , same principle goes for life too.....
        Nov 5, 2016
      4. vulture175
        heh, hehe, hehehe :D. in this life we're merely specks of sand
        Nov 5, 2016
    14. The human failure
      The human failure
      I don't understand it. I don't know how anyone could actually want to keep living.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lone_Wolf
        You don't understand REAL depression. Real depression places a person outside the realm of logic, swimming in a sea of despair. Depression isn't comprised of feeling blue over a stubbed toe or something.
        Nov 5, 2016
        Mitchell's Way and AndySky180 like this.
      3. vulture175
        because people fear death. death is ok. but pls don't die cuz suicide or accidents. die from cancer. depression is mean, but it can't kill you directly
        Nov 5, 2016
      4. IggyIshness
        you shouldnt fear death. the thing you should fear is not living your life
        Nov 5, 2016
    15. The human failure
      The human failure
      Great. I missed my therapy appointment and now I'm not allowed to go anymore. Fucking wonderful.
    16. The human failure
      The human failure
      Today feels like a stay inside and cry sort of day.
      1. AndySky180 likes this.
      2. Lone_Wolf
        Don't be sad. Or at least try not to. It's hard to convince someone not to when he's depressed (I know this from my own experience).
        Nov 3, 2016
        AndySky180 likes this.
    17. The human failure
      The human failure
      Got blood drawn today. I'll have you know I only cried for half an hour.
      1. vulture175
        look at your hand. don't move your eyes. keep focus. did you feel that...
        Nov 2, 2016
    18. The human failure
      The human failure
      You know back in highschool where everyone said life isn't a popularity contest? It's about being yourself? Biggest lie in history.
      1. Star Lord
        Star Lord
        Not it's not...your just trying to fit into the mold of normal boring people...stand out from the crowd.
        You will get stick off others, not because your weird for being yourself but because they are jealous of your braveness to be different and not just another sheep in the herd.
        Nov 1, 2016
      2. The human failure
        The human failure
        I don't like sticking out. I'd rather be part of the crowd. Maybe I can actually make a friend that way.
        Nov 1, 2016
      3. vulture175
        How about looking for a homeless guy as a friend? =)
        Nov 2, 2016
    19. The human failure
      The human failure
      Why is it so impossible to make any friends. It's like I'm destined to die alone.
      1. vulture175, NF SINCE BIRTH and Typo like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Typo
        About finding it hard to make friends but could be going through a worse situation compared to yours and could be isolating him/herself from society and you are the only person who can help them. They could be having suicidal thoughts at this very moment..You are the only person Who they can relate to ThF...
        Nov 2, 2016
      4. Typo
        That's why you have to take the initiative Nofapsincebiths advance and learn the needed social skills like body language and socializing in order to seek him/her out. I can recommend a couple of short articles to check out that helped me out if you'd like...
        Nov 2, 2016
      5. Typo
        But even after you've learned what you need to know you have to be ready to face rejection.Some people just don't want friends.
        So Startyour search for your friend somewhere small like where you live and keep on searching if you'dont find them.But never give up brother!

        Sorry for the long posts everyone...
        Nov 2, 2016
    20. -Leo
      same mate i replaped 2 keep trying
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    Washington, USA
    Always depressed. Always lonely. Always hoping that I won't wake up from my sleep so I don't have to face the next day.

    Put me out of my misery.


    This parasite on my crotch has done enough damage. Time to fight back.