No video games & nofap.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by chris555, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    I have a similar story to you I got bullied a lot especially in high school which made me feel like I was worthless.

    It also didn't help that I had a disability so I learned at a slower rate then everyone else and of course I got picked on for that as well.

    Video games was a way to escape much like porn these addictions helped me cope with the pain that I was feeling.

    They made me feel like I was worthless, hopeless and inadequate and I still have trouble with that to this day.
  2. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Youtube and browsing the internet is also a huge problem for me as well it's amazing how much time I spend on my phone doing that.

    I know I can stop but it's so hard not to do it and I know I must stop but so far I have been unsuccessful.
  3. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Haha glad to have you on board my friend it makes me feel better like I am making the right choice.

    Although I didnt pmo yesterday I played a lot of video games so I will reset my counter.

    I an also going to up my challenge with no youtube(unless for educational purposes of course) and I will monitor my time browsing on my phone haha.
  4. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    I am the same way if I try to play for an hour I will keep saying one more game and then after awhile I will look at the clock and realise I spent 6 hours or more.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    I will start making daily checkups here for now on;) I hope to continue having your support I know you will all have mine.
  6. iansinphiladelphia

    iansinphiladelphia Fapstronaut

    Respect to you on that one. Although, I have stopped watching youtube videos about gaming. But youtube entirely. That's powerful. What are you going to do? I've recently taken up whittling. haha

    ELITE2BE Fapstronaut

    Stay strong brother. We are all here to battle some sort of malignancy that has had a toll on our lives. I myself have been an avid gamer since a very young age, I would say since I was 5-6 years old (25 as of now!). The would equate to 20 years of full-blown dawn to dusk, rinse and repeat, out of control gaming sessions. My eyesight was approaching blindness. I was so sucked in to the point where I would attempt some of the stunts I see in these games on my younger siblings . Of course that was when I was younger. I remember vividly being introduced to CoD 4 MW PVP mode by my cursed cousin and literally worshipping that piece of garbage day-in, day-out. I would even beat myself over for losing to others and obsess about leading the global leaderboards (such a faggy-fag). The last game I spent over 100 hours on was Persona 5 (my fuckin’ GoTY, of the generation possibly, but please don’t go about buying it..). Anyways, fast forward to the present: I have drastically reduced PMO (on a promising smooth sailing 30+ day streak). Games are a thing of the past to me now, at least compulsive hardcore gaming I would say. Interesting enough given the damage I caused upon myself through gaming and PMO, I was still doing well in the women and dating department for some reason . Wasted genetics, wasted potential.. oh well no point dweling on it now. I still see a long road ahead of me, but striving and persevering is what I chose to do, and trust me payment is in dividends dear brother. So get going, you all have sweet lives ahead of you.

    Excuse my bad English..
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    I played video games for an hour so far. I was weak I will do better this time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Haha I don't know what whittling is I would have to go on youtube to find out.

    I don't know what I will do yet I need to find some productive hobby.
  10. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks for the comment. I am glad to see you on a better path if you can do it I can do it and we all can do it right?

    Yeah I used to play cod a lot as well but I started with cod WAW and the cod black ops I would also play battlefield with my friends a lot but the games I have wasted the most time in my life playing was sport games pretty much NHL games. I loved the GM aspect of the games and I would play that none stop.

    Lately though I have been caught up in Ark. I always been obsessed with dinosaurs and since there are a lot of dinosaurs in it I will get caught up and spend a lot of time playing Ark.

    By far the worst problem I have is with youtube though I spend way to much time on it and it needs to stop.

    Your English is fine by the way thanks for your kind words my friend.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. ELITE2BE

    ELITE2BE Fapstronaut

    You can, and you will. Now I can’t possibly have more faith in you than your own self.. Just remember: you deserve what’s better.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Thanks dude.
    ELITE2BE likes this.
  13. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    Alright yesterday was a day to forget, time to move on I probably wasted 5 hours on video games.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. iansinphiladelphia

    iansinphiladelphia Fapstronaut

    Hey! You're choosing to start again! That's really brave considering the "missing out" culture surrounding video games. I'm still right beside you despite the influx of holiday game releases. They say 90 days is a good way to break a habit, so as long as you abstain for this time, you can attempt to integrate your hobbies back into your life. I look forward to integrating tabletop gaming into my life once I have broken my gaming habit.
    Deleted Account likes this.

    BENDERCHAT New Fapstronaut

    good luck, but dont take too much on your self
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. DGZ

    DGZ Fapstronaut

    My advice is, don't focus on not playing games. We play games because it's an escape. Create a fulfilling life for yourself in which you don't even have time to play games.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. jnebe

    jnebe Fapstronaut

    I decided to quit gaming a few months ago after deciding I was wasting so freaking much time with nothing worthwhile to show for it. I was considering it and trying on and off to quit for another 2 months before that. What finally did it was me throwing away/selling my mouse, controller, disks, etc.

    I think something to keep in mind that will be helpful is to not be too harsh in the beginning. At this point I'm playing clash of clans for like less than 30 minutes a day and then like an hour on the weekends, which is a heck of a lot better than 4+ hours a day before quitting. Be proud of the progress you make.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. kruznick

    kruznick Fapstronaut

    This is interesting. I was one of the people that played ark when it was free and still a Beta. It wasn't that demanding back then as there weren't that many people on it. However, me and my friend ended up logging in at least over 1000 hours. I quit soon after I noticed what a time sink it was. To get to my point, video games in general have become a source of contention for me when it comes to fapping. I tend to relapse a lot more when I play video games, which I noticed after a month of playing destiny 2. I would like everyone who have these two habits (gaming & porn addiction) to monitor them. You might see that one might be triggering the other. Fapping is a considerable drain on willpower which inturn can make it harder to resist playing videogames, which in turn create tension that might be released through fapping - this was my gaming-fap cycle. Again this is my opinion based on my behavior.
    Mithras and Deleted Account like this.
  19. I used to play etc. CS hours daily, many days was just gaming. But my mind
    began to turn little by little. I don't know was it just maturation or what. First i became
    aware of the amount of violence in the game (cs), then i began also question that was
    that really good way of spending my life? I became more aware that time is limited,
    one human life-span isn't very long after all. I could use some of the gaming time at least
    to something beneficial and self-improving.

    So i'm trying to read/study more, even though i'm really struggling with reading, i'm still pushing.

    I still play little bit these days but i have principle that yes, i can relax with a game, if feeling need of
    relax, so i play something relaxing, funny, nothing serious, nothing competative.
    And if i play out side of that perimeter, the game needs to have strong self-improving aspects, like
    puzzle solving, math, creativity. Most days i don't play anything. It is just about keeping healthy limits.

    Sure no one is perfect, i also slip sometimes, and realize i spent too much time with game, but
    isn't anymore real problem.

    Good luck to you all who also try to limit own gaming :)
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  20. DesRevived

    DesRevived Fapstronaut

    I'm not addicted to video games than I used to due to probably me getting bored. I only played a few games such as Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Minecraft and Monster Hunter. The Monster Hunter franchise was the most played for me as I spent over thousands of hours farming for new weapons and armors. I still play these games but I limited my time towards it such as playing it.

    I only quit lots of multiplayer PVP heavy games such as CSGO due to the heavy toxicity. I also stopped buying new games on Steam because I don't want to be like my friend who was influenced by consumerism. He buys any game to him that looks great and fun without second thought like checking reviews.