Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Future role model, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Quiet warrior

    Quiet warrior Fapstronaut

    NO WAY. Last two days I couldn't wake up either!
    Future role model likes this.
  2. I can't remember when I woke up early last time...
  3. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

  4. Day 1 for me. Finally managed to wake up when I wanted. Got up at 6am today, because I'll climb the mountain today.
    R.o.B and Cel mai drept ideal like this.
  5. Today I've set my alarm at 5, but got back to bed and slept until 6am, which is considered relapse. So it's day 0 again, today I'm getting up at 5am.
  6. Mr. Stark

    Mr. Stark Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I wonder if I would be able to manage this...like ever!


    But I'm a give it a try...

    Day 0 I want to wake up at 7.30 am.
    It's an average time that I would wake up in general. If I go below this... Then it's a relapse. If I wake up early than this then it's not... Okay...

    And it's not a part of challenge, but I keep it that I will go to bed at 12 AM, midnight...
    Starting from today...
    Future role model likes this.
  7. Mr. Stark

    Mr. Stark Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Couldnt wakeup yesterday at 7.30 am. So today's it's day 0 on 7.11.18 again.
    Future role model likes this.
  8. Today I again haven't got up at 5 but waited until 6am to get up... Another failure.
  9. Mr. Stark

    Mr. Stark Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Today is day 0 again!
    Future role model likes this.
  10. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    Finally, day 1! Time to get back on track.
    Future role model likes this.
  11. I failed this morning again, despite not feeling tired at all. My alarm went on at 4:30am, but for some reason I delayed it to 6am and went back to bed. After it I couldn't sleep well, even had a nightmare...
  12. Let's do it together. I will wake up on 4:00 am everyday
    Future role model likes this.
  13. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Great video, enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for sharing!

    Some extreme wake up times being batted around here. Not surprising that people are failing.
    I really like the idea of getting up early. I have never been a morning person. Some people are just not wired that way (It is true, you can look it up. Night owls, early birds etc). There was one period of my life where, with the help of jet lag that did not go away, I kept on waking up super early (for me!), for at least a month. I would be wide awake by half 6am latest. It was great! I really enjoyed being a morning person for a while. By 8.30/9pm that night I would always be super tired. Just trying to stay awake long enough until it was acceptable to go to bed. So the cycle would repeat itself, due to such an early bed time. Then one night of drinking sent it all out of the window.
    Anyway, my point is, if you want to get up super early then it helps massively if you go to bed super early. Maybe that has been covered earlier in this thread (but it is 15 pages long). Just an idea for those struggling to implement the new routine. Even if you did it just to get a start on it.

    Also, I am in :) Not 5am though. I can't quite get my head round that one yet (even if I have done it to go to work a few times). I am going to go for the slow build up approach. Right now my alarms are set for the slightly embarrassingly late times of 8 and 8.35am. Tomorrow I will bring those forward to 7 and 7.35am and then go from there. The aim being to get up at the 7am one, of course! ;)
  14. Welcome to challenge and thanks for those nice advises. Somebody will find them helpful for sure! ;)
  15. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Well, not the best start, but I would like to qualify it. Went out with friends last night and saw some great music and singers at a jam night. As a result I got to be quite late, around 12.30. I did still leave my alarms set for 7 and 7.30 though, despite having my doubts. At 6.30 I woke up because I needed to go to the bathroom. It was then that I reset my alarms for a later time. My phone has an app for tracking sleep, and over the the last few weeks I have learnt that around 7 hours 50 minutes seems to be optimal for me. I have had such good energy levels and such a positive outlook on life the last few days that I did not want to potentially jeopardise that with a lack of sleep. Anyway, I still woke up naturally before my alarms at 8am ish, having had about 7 1/2 hours sleep. Also getting out of bed and on to breakfast sooner than normal. So, even though it was technically a fail, I still regard it as a kind of win, so I am happy :)

    Earlier night planned for tonight ;)
  16. Woke up @4:30AM Good day today
    Future role model likes this.
  17. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    Pfff, relapsed again. I clearly have to go to sleep earlier, something between 20:30 - 21:00 hopefully is going to work.
    Majik and Future role model like this.
  18. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Wow, I REALLY don't like getting up in the morning haha
    Had a good pre bed routine. Put the phone down and had a nice read. Can improve that by brushing my teeth before I get settled in I reckon. So trying to sleep from 11. Woke up at 4.30! Really thought it was morning and was hating that. Was surprised when I found out what time it was. I know some of you guys are aiming for that, but there is no way that I am getting up then! Haha
    Maybe I should have done, because quality of sleep after that felt poor. Bit restless. Alarm at 7. Kind of dreamed that I was awake then, weirdly. Up at 7.30 and hated it! But, made tea and now feeling good! Progress. Softly softly catchee monkey and all that ;)

    Aiming to be up at 7 tomorrow :)
  19. Cel mai drept ideal

    Cel mai drept ideal Fapstronaut

    Tried last night to go to sleep earlier, but I just couldn't, most likely because I woke up late. Today I woke up at 5:30, a reasonable hour, but not ideal. I have to find something to help me fall asleep easier, reading should do.
    Future role model likes this.
  20. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    5.30am is way more than reasonable! That is amazing! Well done dude, be stoked with that! Did you get up at that time?