Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Oct 2, 2017.

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  1. Lost_Survivor

    Lost_Survivor Fapstronaut

    Day 1 is over ... Heading for Day 2 !
    LeoCapl and Love369 like this.
  2. slitebg

    slitebg Fapstronaut

    Day 8

    Had some erections in the morning following fantasies about my ex. Nothing serious though, I patiently waited for it to pass and I gradually regained control and my libido turned back to normal. For me the main issue is loneliness and too much spare time (what a problem, eh). Anyway, another day passes.
    LeoCapl likes this.
  3. NSaran1965

    NSaran1965 Fapstronaut

    LeoCapl and Love369 like this.
  4. Deerstrong

    Deerstrong Fapstronaut

    Day 4

    Felt the need of masturbating yesterday but did not relapse, my goal is go full mode no ejaculation nor porn, edgin or any sort of gray area thats dangerous only one thing I am keeping if I can (hoping I will) is to have sex with gf only but not orgasm and making sure I wont jackoff after. I know it is a danger zone but I ultimately believe 2 things, one that yes I am addicted to this pmo shit but recuperating and that this behaviour happens also because of the human mind ability to adapt and learn, so the most I could stubburnly telk my body hey this tool is for this, it will learn and adapt. I also know there are guys that went completely monk mode 0 anything for hundreds of days and then had issues staying hard with women, I hurd it once use it or losse it. Not to be persuasive but my own personal belief at this point and time which might change in the future I guess I am looking for the right combo that will work for me. And yes one more day,one more hour, one more minute and one more momment of feeling like I am slowly achieving something, thNks all.
    Princelet3_vp, LeoCapl and Love369 like this.
  5. Bandook meri laila

    Bandook meri laila Fapstronaut

  6. Love369

    Love369 Fapstronaut

    Day 17 done onto day 18 :D

    Keep on keeping on everybody.

    Big love

    LeoCapl and charlie81 like this.
  7. charlie81

    charlie81 Fapstronaut

  8. THJohnFTH

    THJohnFTH Fapstronaut

    Day 22 done!
    Love369, Slade and LeoCapl like this.
  9. No urges and I feel nice.

    7 days down, 23 to go.
    Love369, Slade and LeoCapl like this.
  10. Day 5/30 Done
    Love369, Slade and LeoCapl like this.
  11. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    Day 28/30 days! Only 2 more days left!

    Finally reached Day 70 milestone! Tomorrow Day 71. Next goal: Reach to Day 80.

    Urges still can be intense at times, other than that so far good.

    Stay strong brothers!
    Love369, Slade and LeoCapl like this.
  12. Deerstrong

    Deerstrong Fapstronaut


    Thats the spirit, keep at it bro not up and if up leave it alone , cheers bro
    Love369 and LeoCapl like this.
  13. "Completed Day 18" - "Started Day 19" (total 108-109 days)

    Hello everyone, only 2 days before moving on to the third week of this challenge, which is great.

    No urges, and everything seems to be going fine. I'll keep moving along.

    I'll see you guys all tomorrow.
    Love369 likes this.
  14. Deerstrong

    Deerstrong Fapstronaut

    Stay strong my friend after the 21st day things ease but dont let your guard down, speaking of self experience. Kudos on them 23 days , era boy
    Love369, charlie81 and LeoCapl like this.
  15. Deerstrong

    Deerstrong Fapstronaut

    Day 4 update

    Man i know it is soon and have gonn many times through the 4th day of no pmo but today I felt my eyes were alot more moist and shining slightly to the point I looked directly on my eyes about 4 times while washing my hands at work and when driving back home looked in the backing up mirror and again, smiled little bit and thought it might be im more focused on seeing this small things and writing about them here.

    One thing is my articulation when talking is more gibberish as if my tongue isnt helping much when comunicating(talk over radio to federal agency) hundreds of people hear me , police, fire depart,homeland security and engineers, makes me a little bit shy to say or sound little bit unconcentrated over the radio but what the hell I know it will go away, in fact I remember how articulate I was last time I hit 30 days.good times So lets do this.
    Love369 and LeoCapl like this.
  16. Arc12

    Arc12 Fapstronaut

    Day 12 ... NoFap is a reality now... Don't want to look at porn now...

    I have broken down many times... Don't want to do it again ever ...
  17. LeoCapl

    LeoCapl Fapstronaut

    Day 12/30
    Icematey and Love369 like this.
  18. Iron_Polack

    Iron_Polack Fapstronaut

    Day 8 done yesterday, today is the end of the day 9. Day 10 in progress.
    Every day I am feeling more confidence in what I am doing. I have much more energy than before. Will keep updating.
    Icematey and Love369 like this.
  19. Day 23: done.
    Day 24: In progress...
  20. WU1617

    WU1617 Fapstronaut

    Day 5 was good! See everyone tomorrow
    Love369 likes this.