The most fucked up place you ever masturbated?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Air plane bathroom when I was 13.. Felt like I fapped in outer space lol
  2. Is that where you get your name from. A shuttle in outer space?
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  3. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    I might as well add my two cents.
    I did it once when I was 19, in broad daylight, on a secluded beach. Luckily, no one saw me.
  4. StuartR

    StuartR Fapstronaut

    Great thread...... Had me laughing out loud which helps with the tension and stress of trying to PMO!

    I'm sure there are loads if places I shouldn't have but one that springs to mind whilst I contemplate returning again was in the WC of a silent meditation retreat in a temple in Thailand! When you sit for so long trying to concentrate on your belly button your thoughts tend to stray rather a lot! First retreat I ever made I had great mental experiences but the first three days was very tough with so many fantasies and recollections.
  5. Blurasta

    Blurasta Fapstronaut

    Hi TKOS No, but i have endless webspace so i will write one as it helps me clear my mind of clutter and things i didnt realise bothered me but have always been on my mind. Writing somehow gives me closure? By somehow letting go of forgotten but pointlessly long held emotions and allowing to move on in my mind. Just switched jobs though so i got all week free to do nothing. Will probably write one now about my escorting antics, as I think it will be an amusing read to many as well as an eye opening experience for the clueless as i was when i started. The random places you end up in ( derelict looking buildings with metal squatter proof doors?) and suspicious situations that occur is quite astonishing.

    Im now out of my extreme fapping world (and am confident to say i have truly beaten it!) and into something a whole lot more interesting. luckily i have the funds for the time being, but being a nice person i get way too attached too easily, so visiting escorts seems like my way of transitioning from the constant euphoria of fapping all day to smaller more intense emotional encounters. Hell at least im interacting with more people. Im an artist too but cant say too much about my profession, and often do art of escorts like from photos they have given me so they can put them on their Instagram or Facebook or whatever. I even 3d scanned one in a brothel for free, Lol! Cheaper than hiring a model!

    Ill let you know when my blog/site/log/journal has fired up!
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  6. No words for this post.

    You're a fuckin' sex addict, if it isn't obvious.

    You're gonna get nowhere fast if you keep rationalizing and justifying this kind of behavior.

    NO words, just a book recommendation:

    Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn Obsession, and Shame

    Takes one to know one pal.

    We don't need people running around here minimizing problems as that shit makes others think addictive behaviors that replace fapping are OK. THEY AREN'T. YOU AREN'T FIXING THE UNDERLYING PROBLEM.

    And to answer the question of this thread, in class in 2nd grade, literally right in the middle of the class I stood up and leaned my jewels against the desk until a prepubescent blank climax took place. I don't think anyone knew what I was doing hehe.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    In an attic. Weird memory that was.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. classicalguitarmonk23

    classicalguitarmonk23 Fapstronaut

    I masturbated in the university bathroom once. I never did that again.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Moogie

    Moogie Fapstronaut

    I use to mastubate with a wooden chair. It was fantastic till I broke it.
    Deadlihood and Deleted Account like this.
  10. I've done it while sharing a room with my brothers on holiday after they fell asleep.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. I'm so sorry bro. I can't imagine how guilty you must feel. This goes to show why this is so messed up! I hope you and your sister heal from this.
    Lone_Wolf likes this.
  12. Thanks :(
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Blurasta

    Blurasta Fapstronaut

    Yeah, thats what i thought, but im not sure really because i can go without. An addict cant go without (for a certain period). Im a part time sex addict. I don't loiter the internet for sex or kerb crawl Im an over indulger. Thats what i am, legitimising things is fine for individual situations, and everyones situation is different so different things are acceptable to different people as we all dont share the same living or working emotional conditions in life. There is not one solution to anything in life, but one thing that we all agree on is that over fapping is a problem for various reasons, waste of time, demotivator, porn trigger, etc..

    Over time I've learnt not to judge others, and judge myself what is or isnt acceptable in certain conditions from society (if i choose to be part of it) or simply personal values. Everyone is different and some have more sexual drive than others. I write to control it and take comfort here that im not the only one with these obsessions.

    Some people thing that having sex everyday is extreme. Is dressing up in your friends sisters bikini and fapping extreme? Who knows?

    Im not seeing escorts or gonna fap for a while now, just to see how it goes? See how long i make it?

    The more things that you get up in life to leads you to accept that others may also be doing the same and you accept what they are going through as you have been there. Being hostile or forcing people to lie incase they say something they think others may find embarrassing is fruitless. Thats why these anonymous forums are good places to vent and let others to know they are not alone. I dont need help from others, ill help myself because i want to. If i want a treat every now and then so be it, as long as it doesn't lead to mindless indulgence.

    Over indulging is the main problem, with most addiction problems.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Wake up and smell the coffee @Blurasta! a treat is an indulgence; an indulgence will escalate to mindless indulgence and before you know it you will be binging on porn and masturbating as you crave self-gratification. That is addiction. If you are unwilling or unable to even acknowledge this, you are in denial - further evidence of addiction. Complete abstinence is required to successfully heal from the abuse you have subjected your brain to. It will need many, many months free from P, M & O in order to heal and reboot back to normal settings. Face the reality and go for it. Good luck. :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Blurasta

    Blurasta Fapstronaut

    Ive finished my insane fapping for good but transferred the addiction to escorts unfortunately. I told myself i wouldn't do it but somehow i ended up with a nice columbian chick today only one day after i said i wouldnt. Luckily im back to work next week so i wont have all day free. I have an addiction to treats unfortunately, i was very busy in my childhood, and the transition of spare time and less frequent socialising with friends in adulthood is difficult. Boredom leads to thinking about treats or feeling good. I have to stop i know but like so many know its hard. I felt nothing today, as i thought i would. It was my first habit visit, out of the blue just because i had time. I will beat this in time as after bad treats i need to find something new, if i dont find another regular i like then ill be cured as i get bored easily and will soon tire of this escort game as i am already slowly tiring. But that could all change tomorrow i guess, lol.

    Keeping myself busy is the only solution i can imagine will work. Will defo stop for a while, need to. Fapping and escorting was basically my way of avoiding any real relationships but staying happy. I dont want to start stuffing my face with food as i can see that possibly happening too as i love good food.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. bearbones

    bearbones Fapstronaut

    There's a better way to live @Blurasta .... You don't just have to keep bouncing from one addiction to another, you can find real joy and relationships, and it doesn't need to revolve around sex. Oh yea, and it doesn't have to be boring!
    StepsReborn likes this.
  17. YOLO94

    YOLO94 Guest

    very fucked up in my case
    peeked in on a relative of mine having sex with someone then went and jo'd right after
    Deadlihood and Deleted Account like this.
  18. Blurasta

    Blurasta Fapstronaut

    Yeah, im feeling pretty lonely right now, just saw a thai escort and had a nice time but felt nothing after, i miss my italian escort too much, so depressed, i felt like a connection was there, even though I know it was probably just my brain enjoying the (paid for) company of a sweet girl who probably didn't care at all about me on an emotional level, but love towards people is blind and stupid at times. We cant always control the feelings we have towards people (which is that magical feeling with someone, yes even prostitutes), and unfortunately the emotional contact i crave that would easily beat my addictions is not very easy to find at all. Id say almost one in a million. It makes a very depressing outlook for the future. I need a companion in life to beat it, and like many others im just not very good at looking for one. Ive had many opportunities in the past but was fapping too much to notice them. Im single now most likely thanks to too much fapping in the past.
    StuartR likes this.
  19. Sex is more than a physical connection. It is also a connection of the soul, even if its with a prostitute. When you have sex with a partner your not in a committed relationship with, its like you glued 2 pieces of paper together and then ripped them apart. Bits of each piece of paper are stuck on the other piece. You will feel broken, depressed and lonely. Obviously sleeping with more people will numb this pain temporarily, but hurt yourself more and more.

    You need to step back right now. Prostitutes cannot help you. It would be wise if you found an accountability partner, one older and wiser than you, a man, who understands men, rather than a woman. Real life accountability partners are best because they know you more, and face to face communication is very good. But if not, find a decent AP on this site.

    And hey, God is always listening if you want to talk to him. He loves you very much :)
    D . J ., daerian, bearbones and 3 others like this.
  20. StuartR

    StuartR Fapstronaut

    I'd agree with most if that Rubidium said and would agree that paid for sex can create emotional attachments.... I've even dated such ladies! However as he pointed out it's no substitute for a real emotional relationship and perhaps you're putting the bar too high by spending time with ladies who are most likely good looking!

    By giving yourself a break from paid sex and porn you'll behind to find perhaps lesser attractive ladies attractive and start appreciating other qualities that are just as, if not, more important! And remember that there's no perfect person out there or there may be thousands...... A relationship is also about the effort of making it work (from both people) and that in itself helps cement the bond you share.

    I concur that taking a break from sec related activities is most likely what will help and in my experience the pain you're looking for is most likely to come along at that time too! Best of luck Blurasta
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
    Deleted Account likes this.