One Full Year (12 months) Long Post

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. If you are smart you will read this whole thing haha cause im gonna explain some things that arn't really mentioned alot on nofap at such a high streak.

    I'm going to pass My first Full year (Hardmode) this coming monday! and i've never been so truely happy in my life and i say this cause being happy takes a lot of hard work to feel after pmoing for so long. Before nofap i had brainfog, stayed up on all night, pmoing twice a day, Very Anti-Social, Heart pounding on social occasions, and anxiety. I felt no one really respected me since i knew i would constantly pmo and in a sense people knew and i never thought how messed up my life was and how porn effected it. Now Nofap is a huge life changer and those benefits are there but i believe they have been there but have been suppress from busting too much haha.

    First couple of months were REALLY hard i believe "90" days isnt enough if u are a heavy porn user and i recommend cold turkey for 10-12 months or even two years (my goal)

    It will get very hard believe me i remember urges were so intense in the 90-200 days that i couldn't sleep at night cause the urges were very intense. Kept going to the bathroom constantly which is a very GOOD sign. but my Inner self knew this is what will make me stronger at defeating the urges.

    If you want to pursue nofap you have to tell yourself you have a porn addiction and that you REALLY want to stop, believe me once your past 400 days you won't even remember what pmoing feels like. Now i dont even remember what it felt like. Here some things i have benefit from nofap this past year,

    Benefits: 1. No Social Anxiety
    I Don't really have social anxiety anymore but sometimes i can get nervous if im in a new crowd but believe me Being nervous is different than social anxiety, Nervous for me is something that is natural but social anxiety for me is when you feel in yourself that you are hiding something and your eyes can tell if u are and people can sense that which is why i use to avoid one on one interactions in the past. Now i love going out enjoy talking to people! making new friends! all of that feels great and able to interact with others with no sense of being scared is an amazing experience. I also am having very good eye contact with other people. I never really stay at home when i have the chance cause putting yourself out there in life and not on your computer,phone etc because it drains you in a way and a waste of time as i also deleted some of my social media (Instagram, Youtube, And Also reddit haha) but having one isn't bad just ONLY if you are talking to your friends. It overall gives you a clear mind, no bad thoughts, just having a calm inner self.

    2. Self confidence
    Having confidence is one thing that came first on Nofap and its amazing to feel that you know your self worth and nobody can stop you not even your closest hated people. Overall having better posture and others having respect for me is also one big benefit. And Attractiveness is definitely there but you get use to it after a while believe me one thing i learned is not to be thirsty on pursuing others acceptance. one thing that i had to face on nofap is never put anyone on a pedestal. Not everyone is going to like you and others will like you but YOU have to be yourself don't get scared of others not liking you especially women. you have to realize staying safe and being the nice guy is not the way to go but being nice in certain situations is ok.
    3. Mood swings
    Don't think nofap is going to make you happy 24/7 (it will) not always though sometimes there are days where im very stressed out and can think about my past life on how porn really affected my life you really get a whole new persective on your past pmoing days as you just think like How did i do this to myself why did porn get the best of me all the missed chances going out, dating, etc all of that and it hurts sometimes but you also realize you are doing better for yourself and your life is better than ever! and Always look into the future and always try to forget the pmoing days in the past cause remember them isn't going to help you sometimes its ok cause it pushes you to do better in life.

    4. Triggers
    Once your past 300 days+ your self disaplince is very strong and you always watch yourself. Believe me you going to end up seeing something that will trigger an urge and thats normal and feeling like "shit i'm going to get all the anixety and etc back again" no if you get a strong urge after seeing a image on accident or social media pic just feel the urge, my thought every time i feel an urge. Observe the urge. Accept it. Then Embrace it. Urges can't stop you from pursueing your goal and they will Never go away. always feel the urge but never pursue it or give in into it. Everytime i see a pic from a porn video or something related to it i laugh or just accept that i saw it and move on cause its something that will bound to happend always accept and move on.


    Having all the pent up sexual tension really can get you irritated sometimes or even becoming a dick in a way but WORKING OUT is the BEST thing you can do you release that tention believe me and also mediation or cold showers.

    Beware that Nofap benefits won't go away but will be normal in your life style after a while watch your thoughts and yourself.
    Nofap is something that will help you tremendously if you are new and relapse don't worry that is something we all have to face and that is what made me learned mistakes not to do on nofap. Just move onto the next day and reset, you might feel disappointed but the bright side is you FOUND nofap i wish i could of found it earlier but you even adding nofap to your lifestyle is something that is a HUGE accomplishment not everyone can do. Nofap makes you aware of the things you need fixing in your life aswell nofap is there to help and allow you to see what needs improving or that needs to go in your life.

    Remember Nofap is there to help you pursue in creating goals, having a social life, and creating relationships. don't trade it for a quick release that you are going to regret after.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2018
  2. 69pornhead

    69pornhead New Fapstronaut

    4 more days man. you inspire me!
  3. lifewithoutpmo@1

    lifewithoutpmo@1 Fapstronaut

    Congrats to you bro! I’m at day 99 myself and feel like I have more to go. It wasn’t until recently where I seemed to have more good days than bad. This community has been so therapeutic and supportive. Porn is like a hidden drug and there aren’t many support groups.

    Let me ask you though, during your journey can you tell me about any head tingling, headaches that you had. These have been my worse symptoms and sometimes they are just downright scary as hell. Just wanted to hear your experiences with this of any. Thanks.
    jun007, m@fia, Coolyorky and 4 others like this.
  4. Glad I can inspire someone wish u luck
    Coolyorky and Liakim like this.
  5. Thanks man! And I had issues with back pain and major headaches in the past when I would pmo but if u are experiencing it during it your reboot maybe it’s just another sign of your body from withdrawal which is different for everyone, try meditation and see if that helps out. 100 is a huge accomplishment glad your on the right path
  6. mks2

    mks2 Fapstronaut

    Very informative post! I agree with you regarding the terms of curing. There are a lot of 30 days success stories here but 30 days is nothing compared to 1 year or more. The hardest days are 1-7 and 40-60.
  7. Some of this stuff is actually very relatable for me. My best streak was 59 days and I experienced the discipline you mentioned. Things that would normally trigger me a week or so in didn't trigger me as much when I was over 40-50 days.

    Good post. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Payne Plank

    Payne Plank Fapstronaut

    "Don't trade it for a quick release that you will regret after."
    Coolyorky and YoungBaller23 like this.
  9. Sefz33

    Sefz33 Fapstronaut

    1 year. Congrats. Very inspiring :)
    Coolyorky and YoungBaller23 like this.
  10. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    Well done man, very inspirational!
    Coolyorky and YoungBaller23 like this.
  11. Thats what I was looking gives answer to many fapstronauts.. Great going man... ;)
    I like ur attitude :)
  12. Glad I can inspire someone :)
  13. Glad I can inspired people makes me even push more to help others aswell
    Coolyorky and Professor Abraham like this.
  14. DucksInARow

    DucksInARow Fapstronaut


    Great work! - I'm guessing you are taking a break from romantic relationships?
    Coolyorky and Liakim like this.
  15. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Those are very wise and inspirational words!
    Although, I have abstained from PMO for over eight months at this point, there are still some heavy mental roadblocks to get past before I actually start reaching my longterm past.
    The heaviest ones being self-doubt, looking back too much on the negative past and not thinking you can get reach certain goals just because of previous failures/slow progress in the field. Comparing yourself to others is also a bad habit that is still haunting me, although I have become a lot better to not core during the past six months.

    My biggest challenge at the moment is to find an attractive, loving and wonderful woman with whom I can have a strong and thriving relationship. This is one of these things that still fills me with self-doubt to this day. Especially as many of my friends are getting married and starting families.
    But, I can't become desperate at this point but rather take it day by day and keep improving myself and becoming my best version (despite turning 31 nest year).
    Despite these above, my life has changed incredibly to the better since last February. My life before and after Nofap are like day and night and there is absolutely nothing that will make me turn back.

    I have also noticed that as your T-levels increase and you slowly become more confident, manly and controlled, you start to easier spot the insecurities in other people, especially other men. Insecurities that I used to have in the past.
  16. The longer you abstain the stronger become, one thing I learned aswell is not to compare yourself to others, you already ahead of them in something that is very hard to quit and will only make you better! don’t compare yourself anymore especially if you think about doubts around women aswell you are 100% worth it work on fixing that issue cause it will only make even want you feel like your missing out on things or even jealously focus on yourself and know your self worth is 100%
  17. It’s kinda in a middle as I’m not quite really sure if i’m Ready for a relationship since I still need to fix myself on things but it’s something I’m looking foward in the future when the time feels right
  18. ihopewemakeit

    ihopewemakeit Fapstronaut

    Excellent Post. Loved the information especially about feeling and accepting a urge and letting it pass instead of fighting it. In past 3 days i have been exposed to NSFW media and i quickly looked away and closed my eyes as well. But guess what both days i had wet dreams (really gross one's). I am not sure how to prevent these as they are totally out of my hand. Meditation before sleep is already being done.
    YoungBaller23 likes this.
  19. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    You are completely right on that! I have to more often reward myself and tell myself that I am simply great for belonging to this elite-club of men who have decided to abstain from one of the hardest of things possible. Not only that alone, but also a man who exercises, have productive habits, have lots of energy and tries to be his very best version. I should repeat this mantra (or similar) every single morning after I wake up:
    "I am a champ who have great self-control and doesn't deserve anything but a good woman and good/reliable circle of friends!!"
  20. You can’t prevent wet dreams those are totally natural and you might feel a bit nervous or disappointed but it happens we can’t stop it but after a while you get use to it and don’t worry on what u dream about as it’s another way for your addiction to try to get you back into pmoing again accept the wet dream and move on onto your day. believe me you will be more relieved it was a dream rather than actually happening in real life haha.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.