My speech to a woman who does not wear modestly

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by KennyKenny123, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. That kind of female power wouldn't exist in the first place if men would live more consciously and not let their decisions be influenced by their primal urges/instincts. Of course, that is no excuse for women to abuse that "weakness" in order to get special treatment or money. So I'd say it's a responsibility to reflect on for both genders.
  2. DucksInARow

    DucksInARow Fapstronaut

    I agree, its a chicken and egg dynamic, not about which 'side' is right or wrong.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  3. There's nothing you can do about sluttily dressed women. The only thing you can do is control and condition your own sexuality. We've been sold a false bill of goods regarding how much control we have over our sex response. The truth is that it's very malleable, and you have full control over it.

    Yup. But to be fair, it was designed that way because people wanted it that way. Supply follows demand. If women weren't willing to dress in that manner then there'd be more conservative clothing available.
  4. Sure, but which people? Women or men?
    Kenzi and DucksInARow like this.
  5. Women. They're the ones buying the clothes...
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  6. As I said, I think it's neither fair to victimize men nor women and it's both gender's own responsibility. Men's porn-influenced expectations of what makes a woman look attractive might have influenced the demand for such clothing to begin with, but women still have a choice. If they wouldn't buy the product, there would be indeed no demand for the product. I remember during my high school days there were a lot of girls who would wear low cut shirts with half their breasts exposed and they would get a lot better grades than they deserved from the male teachers. I could have done the same thing, but still chose not to, because I'd rather have done something productive for my mental abilities than for my image of being sexually attractive.
  7. DucksInARow

    DucksInARow Fapstronaut

    This all goes back to our animal ancestry, which has been updated into our societal and cultural norms. Sexual selection was tied to to survival and genetic propagation. Now our species has mastered physical survival (to the extent a mortal organism can survive) we are facing a rising crisis in meaning and identity. I.E whats the point of surviving if you are a slave to your animal desires and have poor self esteem due to poor choices.
  8. Freedom Jacques

    Freedom Jacques Fapstronaut

    Yes, they should. But that's not the world we live in. And to make that argument on a website dedicated to preventing pmo is a stupid argument to make. To ALL women: You have the freedom to wear anything you want. But we live in a dirty, broken world. And as long as you're comfortable with the thought that many of the men who see you will go home and jerk off to your memory, then knock yourself out. However, I would hope that my friends, sisters, future daughter, would want to leave a more elegant memory. One that invokes respect and class rather than lust, sin and immorality. You can believe what you want. But you can't be angry with the consequences of your beliefs.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    DucksInARow likes this.
  9. Freedom Jacques

    Freedom Jacques Fapstronaut

    If women could spend one minute inside the mind of a mind, it would seriously change your dress sense. Dress how you want but know that most people immediately lose respect for people who dress like a hooker. It draws attention to your body rather than your personality and frankly...Why should I respect someone like that? You have nothing to offer except your body and make my journey to liberation more difficult in the process. I would respect a prostitute more. Because at least they're earning a living. All a women who dresses scantily says is that 'I like to show off my body'. And that's just the way it is.
  10. How can you draw conclusions about a woman's personality based on the way she dresses without actually knowing her? Just because a woman wants attention by showing off her body doesn't mean her personality has no value.
  11. If I can spend one minute in someone's mind, I'd do something more useful then effecting how they dress. Maybe I would tell them "You are a beautiful child of God and are loved unconditionally."
  12. DucksInARow

    DucksInARow Fapstronaut

    Great post. This is about personal moral responsibility, doing the right thing regardless of whether you receive credit or blame for it.
    Freedom Jacques likes this.
  13. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    LMAO ! I thought this thread dieded. But instead, it freaking blew up lol. Good to see people discussing amongst each other. Ermm i guess it's time for me to reply too then.
  14. Move to Iran now.

    I think I understand why this is. If you had a suggestively clothed woman and a guy with nothing but shorts to hide his erection... See why at least one party has to overdress?

    ...and derive sadistic pleasure from the victim's dilemma whether to feel creeped out or just cringe
  15. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Lol finally someone who agrees
    But hey, i didn't mean to call women ignorant and ungrateful. Sorry for that.
  16. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Yeah. That's what i'm gonna do. I realize that women are wearing all this because of the influence they get from other people. And this people are popular. I'm just a mere human who can't do shit. So yeah. Why not just go with the flow right?
  17. I just got out of church, so that just came through my head, but shit, people need to stop blaming others for their own problems.

    I dont blame Phillip Morris for selling me cigarettes, even tho I am addicted to cigarettes. My mom doesn't blame Bud Light for her alcoholism. And you shouldn't blame women's "modesty" for your failings.
  18. It's like a goddamn 12 Step program. You think AA members think bringing back prohibition is a good idea? They admit they are powerless, find a sponsor, and separate themselves from their problem.
  19. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    It's not a trash topic if everyone is talking about it. My argument isn't trash so long as no one tell me why women wear what they wear instead of saying because they just wear whatever they want because it's their life and they can wear whatever they want. My defence? Well not so good since i made assumptions by calling them ignorant and ungrateful. But anyway, okay for whatever you said, it doesn't matter since i accepted reality.
  20. They don't go around hating neon beer signs. And you know what, for a while those neon beer signs might mess with them, then alcohol looses it's control over them, and they can walk by that same sign, and have no problems.
    Deleted Account likes this.