Relapsed after almost 7 months :S

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Tankus, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Tankus

    Tankus Fapstronaut

    It's almost like I was just too curious and then made a logical decision to watch porn. Be wary of falling into this trap... I then watched porn 3 times that day and to be honest I don't want to say this knowing how damaging it can be, but it was fucking great?! having taken a break from it for so long and then looking at it again I seriously feel I have a diferrent understanding of it. That shit is like fucking heroine. My willpower is much lower when I'm hungover so that is my time of weakness where I need to be careful.

    I was very mindful of what I was thinking and feeling during the relapse and godamn I now realise more than ever how fucking powerful/ primal it can grab you.

    I have made a shit tonne of progress since 7 months ago and I want that trend to continue, I don't want to damage that progress. The thing is for some reason now I feel like I don't have a steel resolve to never watch it again. I don't know what will make me do that?? I wish I'd never fulfilled my curiosity and relapsed but damn, only human I suppose.

    Resisting urges feels harder now than before. I've now set a precedent for relapses..fuck... gotta just keep fighting it I guess, any advice appreciated.
  2. Believe85

    Believe85 Fapstronaut

    Congrats on 7 months. Wow. That's an achievement.

    I made it 30 days, relapsed, then 21 days and relapsed at 1 a.m. today.

    My wife is gone out of town, a time of vulnerability to me. But I have been unusually strong, not even feeling temptation until I awoke around 1 a.m. with the words "white bikini" on my mind and seemingly no willpower. I got up, walked to our spare bedroom, grabbed an ipad, downloaded a browser that doesn't track your history and, you guessed it, searched "white bikini," scrolling through the images.

    Of course some eventually had women without their bikinis.

    The only good thing, I guess, is that instead of binging, the desire kind of faded. I turned the ipad off. Didn't masturbate.

    At the moment, I'm not as despondent as I have been when this happened.

    Still I need to reset or reboot or whatever it's called.

    Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
    qwaiz, Tankus and vanilla gorilla52 like this.
  3. Tankus likes this.
  4. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend,

    Thank you for sharing this. I am on my 75 th day and my mind starts to telling me maybe I don’t have a problem. Maybe I can have a look on it. But then I know my mind is playing tricks on me. Remember we have a very strong addiction like hard drugs. I think you did a great job the last 7 months. It’s not about perfection it’s about progress. I really believe that you have progressed the last months a lot. I think failing is part of our way. Don’t give up. I think your next days will be hard because all the memories come back. But if you will resist the urges it will get better. Remember what helped you before. I wish you the best. I will fight please do also.
    4DCreator, Tankus and BravelyKegger like this.
  5. i agree it is about progress, people might think relapsing after 100 days is a failure, but that is still 100 days away from porn, if you get right back to abstaining after it you wont have hurt yourself that bad compared to the benefits you have received.
  6. C.HNF

    C.HNF Fapstronaut

    It's okay man. I know from personal experience that this shit is even worse than heroin. Those who have gone through PAWS can catch the music of what I mean to convey. This relapse should be a motivator to you, man, and not the other way about. Now go for a never ending commitment of NoFap.
    Freeddom_Taker, Dagger323 and Tankus like this.
  7. Tankus

    Tankus Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone for your responses, the kindness really means a lot to me. This time I am going to physically write down a huge list of why I shouldn't watch it. Pros and Cons (There are no pro's except temporary, falsely-based physical pleasure - which isn't a pro..)

    I listened to an amazing audio book called The Willpower Instinct and it helped a lot for a while, does anyone know any other willpower related audiobooks or books, i feel like that could be a good thing for us to share.
  8. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    You are going to look at it differently after so long and you will come to realize that you really do not need it any longer. If I understand you then you didn’t PMO you just looked at ootn os that correct. I know some will call it a relapse but I don’t think you have to start over at all. New on your streak and get stronger from learning a lesson from this moment you had..

    Congratulations on 7 months as well. I am completing four months right now. I would be interested to know how you felt after four to five months and when your PIED symptoms improved if any..
  9. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

  10. Seriously consider using technology to block porn on all of your devices. After failing to fully do that once, I found porn and reset after 8 days. Once that happened, I sat down and locked everything in the house down, from phones, computers, to the network hardware. Took some research, but I used a combination of host files, programs, apps, ISP filters, DNS filters, and a few other things using UNIX shell. Once I was on day zero again, I took that opportunity to test it all, and found more loopholes. I closed them. Even if I now deliberately tried to find some, I would have to go in and disable at least 8 different things, one of which has root access and is set to a delay timer of FIVE days before you can go in and change it, and another I would have to go into a shell and delete around 10,000 sites line by line, which would take hours from a terminal. For all intents and purposes, finding porn can't be done easily. It's out of my life, and there's no easy way for me to see it anymore. The habit is quickly disappearing because I simply can't get to it anymore and I have to say, it's a great feeling to know I would literally have to spend days to get access again. If that doesn't stop someone, nothing will. In my mind, it's gone from my world.
    Tankus and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Talalelsayed

    Talalelsayed Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this experience.
    I am making a strong believe that everyone is at the danger of this wecked porn industry, but we can divide people into four groups:-
    1) innocent people, who have never watched, and those are more at the danger of curiosty, if they find a helthier way to express their sexual desire they will decrease this danger.
    2) addict, who watch without feeling the problem, and those get the least amusment cause of the down regulation of their receptors and the problem they face in their life and health.
    3) rebooting, in the middle of the fight, they feel they are borderline between relapse and have better life, they are always aware, feel the danger, the main trigger for them is the urges and stressful conditions, but they have a back-up of the improvement they feel.
    4) fully reboot, who came back to life, and i believe that self confidence is the main danger they are suspected to, they believe we are cured and nothing can make us addict again, they don't believe that there are unhealthy pathway in the brain that is fibrosed but still present, their main obstacle to relapse is the suffering they felt along the trip.
    Tankus and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately you have re-sensitized your brain back to porn, especially after 3 relapses. While its fantastic that you went such a long time without relapse, you havnt changed your life enough so that PMO is no longer an option.

    It is my opinion much more must be done to successfully beat this addiction. You must have different outlets for your emotions and also be able to trust yourself in every situation life throws at you.

    Good luck man
    Tankus and Deleted Account like this.
  13. Tankus

    Tankus Fapstronaut

    Thought I'd post a quick update in case anyone's curious;

    I think it's 3 weeks now since this has happened and I haven't PMOd since then, at first when I relapsed a few weeks ago I felt like I hadn't lost much progress, but now it feels like I may have slightly gone backwards a little bit, it is very hard to put into words but it's almost like a comfort/ harmony or something around women, that has slightly degraded since that relapse.

    But no worries, just keep moving forward and I don't want to let my brain get rewired again. Other than that, life is pretty awesome. I think I might install a porn blocker extension into chrome or something for when I'm hungover, does anyone have any recommendations?

    Hope you're all well
    vanilla gorilla52 likes this.
  14. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend, I think you do a great job. Keep fighting. I have relapsed on Saturday. But now I am back on track. I am wondering how my next days will be. What helps me a lot is to work out. Have a great day
    Tankus likes this.
  15. qwaiz

    qwaiz Fapstronaut

    After 7 months is not bad to relapse you clean porn from your brain just don't do it again.
    Tankus likes this.