Longer term rebooters - PAWS?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by diddykong, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    "I think i'm also getting 1% better every months."

    Yeah man, it's painful and a long road, I feel myself getting 1% better each month, the depression and mental lethargy are awful, it's dehumanizing
  2. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    For sure, there's a lot of books about it.

    Ayurvedic medicine calls the guts "the second brain"
  3. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    "But the brain and gut are linked for sure"
    I'm convinced of that as well
    In chinese medicine they talk a lot about this subject, they call this area Dan tian, it's where the solar plexus chakra is localized also as one of the energy centers in our body, since PMO screws us not only mentally and physically but also energetically somehow the gut is affected by this evil practices
  4. We dont get butterflies in the stomach for nothing. Gut feeling too. As silly as it sounds they all mean something. But yea like I said digestion/gut issues do happen if you abuse PMO i cannot state enough how bad mine were before.
  5. I haven't felt hunger in years, this stuff is real.
  6. My gut issues were playing Marco polo with me. One minute it's fine then the the next I'm bloated again. It was exhausting asf seeing me like this. Furthermore I could hear the neurons making noises in my head going through healing processes.
  7. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    True, and I don't get this butterflies in the stomach while flatlining, definitely there's something to it
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  8. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    Dude.. I've also been experiencing this sympton, I was way worse before, yesterday for instance my hunger was good, high, today though it's low/absent, but during most of my flatline my hunger was non-existant
    thankfully it's returning, my thirst is like 70% and my hunger 40% (out of 100) they're getting back slowly, my sleep which was fucked up as well is getting back to a normal state. Little by little my mind and body are coming back to reality
  9. I had a wave at the beginning of this year for two months of pure hell regarding sleep I think I slept 7 hours 3 times over two months, some days was up for two days in a row and on one occasion nearly three days in a row on the weekend. It has really fucked me over regarding sleep but it gets better, just a shame it's on and off.
    Younameit likes this.
  10. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    I feel a weird kind of DPDR (I think?) where I don't really feel connected with my past like I know it's my own past but it doesnt really feel that way.
    But the real torture when it comes to this is that I can't really connect to a future. I don't fantasize or envision at all about goals or possible future situations. But when I try I feel this existential resistance to it. Really really disturbing
  11. I've slept a lot though....more than a pregnant woman. Just the other day I've slept in the afternoon while watching tv. Then I woke up feeling so good. I thought my reboot was done(glimpses).
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2019
    Younameit likes this.
  12. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    I can totally relate to that, this has an energetic explanation, since our frequencies atm (due to PAWS) are low, we're vibrating at a low vibrational energy, that means our capacity to create and to do shit is handicapped. That's why Napoleon hill said successful man have high sexual energies, because our libido/sex drive when high is what gets you to do and create and ultimately win in life. Since you're flatlining and your sex energy is really low, your capacity to visualize, create and imagine is not the way it should be, finish your reboot and you'll be normal, healthy again
    too bad I only discovered this after starting nofap (and after had hit rock bottom), but maybe I wouldn't learn this lesson, experience is the greatest teacher
  13. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    dude.. this haunted me for months in my Reboot, my record was 3 days straight without sleeping! what would usually happen was, I would sleep and wake up at around 2:00 AM and then I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, this happened for months, I'd go to bed at 10:00 ~ 10:30 PM and would wake up between 2:00 AM and 4:00 am I couldn't sleep for 8 hours straight to save my life. And like I said, the worst was when this happened for 3 days straight, I was SO like a zombie during this period, it was horrible!
    THANKFULLY this passed, I'm sleeping 70% better now, not 100% yet, but I don't wake up in the middle of the night, I don't get up feeling groggy and I already can feel that my body is recovering after a night's sleep
  14. Number one thing that convinced me porn is poison is dreams returning after abstaining for a month. Literally after years of not remembering any dreams.

    Sleep is definitely affected. Words can't describe how bad it really is. It makes a mess out of the entire nervous system. Even now sometimes it's as if sleeping costs energy instead of renewing it.
  15. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    It's crazy how many areas porn affects... dreaming is just one of them
  16. What's your current streak now?
  17. Adam zamo

    Adam zamo New Fapstronaut

    I have said that before when it comes to evil there's one thing called porn
  18. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    How far on the road to recovery did you come? I'm asking because I had very severe problems with insomnia during current recovery streak. Sometimes I didn't sleep for 2-4 days in a row until my body just switched off from exhaustion and I fell asleep at some odd places without being able to resist. It's better now, I still can't fall asleep at normal hours no matter how tired I am, tend to oversleep and wake up tired. But at least I get some sleep, even if it's just 4-5 hours a night. Do other longer term rebooters still experience insomnia?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. I still experience insomnia at 21.5 months. I have better days now and again but mostly it's not ideal. It seems to gradually get better
  20. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    It's scary how long it lasts. Have you ever tried taking sleeping medications? I'm becoming so desperate, I'm considering asking my GP to prescribe me zolpidem. I can't be tired all the time.