Favorite porn scene craving

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by A_glass1900, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    Has anyone ever dealt with a favorite porn scene that suddenly remembered popped into your head while trying to reboot? It’s a really difficult kind of urges I had to deal with.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
  2. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Yeh this happens to me. My brain also cycles through stars. My brain will crave a certain star, then if i dont indulge it moves onto the next after a few days
  3. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I've relapsed so many times because of this. There's a couple in particular that get me every time.
    Asgardian36, Ogikubo and Strijder like this.
  4. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    Yes it happened to me. I told myself "ok I can see this video one last time and then I quit forever I promise !". Not a good idea of course. You really need to convince yourself that such a scene is to forgot. Basically this is a memory of a bad time when you did harm yourself. So this is a VERY BAD MEMORY and as for many bad memories it's better to forget it right ? ;)
  5. Same, but for several scenes. I crave them and get obsessed with them to the point where I can't bear it anymore. After my two year reboot the very first porn scene I watched again was one I had seen a million times before.
    Asgardian36, LavaMe and Strijder like this.
  6. Ya, after relapsing and you wanna stop, and you're like "last time" lol, then before sleeping or the clock striking midnight for your day 1, you fall asleep thinking and craving watching it again is the worst! Fuck pornography! Its never worth going back for anything.
  7. Strijder

    Strijder Fapstronaut

    Yeah I’m still dealing with it. Just only with pstars not the scenes. The funny thing is that it transforms. First weeks it was like craving for pstars and then it became cravings for (real girls) my girlfiend or some special girl at the gym.
    Asgardian36 and Coffee Candy like this.
  8. flabbergastedkoipond

    flabbergastedkoipond Fapstronaut

    This is what gets me everytime tbh. I'll find myself thinking about checking in certain porn websites to see if they have any new videos with pornstars just because i'm curious. Any curiosity tends to lead me to relapse, so I try to not entertain those thoughts.
    Ogikubo likes this.
  9. Haddock

    Haddock Fapstronaut

    Considering the constant novelty those website can provide, it's much better not being curious ! This is easy to say and hard to do but we must completely renounce P. When you're thinking "maybe there is an awsome new video I should watch before I quit", you're clearly not renouncing. I must tell yourself that maybe there is a new video that suits you, but you won't watch it because you're not that guy anymore. Now you're a clean guy who does not watch P. That's all.
    Gab238, A_glass1900 and Ogikubo like this.
  10. Daxos

    Daxos Fapstronaut

    Yes. This is a very typical tactic your brain ploys to make you crave a return to 'the good things'. This is a huge trap. After your relapse, you will feel and understand that you have been tricked by your own control center; your brain. To me, this always felt like betrayal.

    My mental fix for this is the following: I like to think of myself and my brain to be on the same team. My brain is me and I am my brain. So when I feel an urge, it is not my brain that is giving me urges (see how it sounds like my brain is something external that can't be controlled), but it is myself that is making up these urges. Now it is easier to say no since the urge arose from myself. And I control myself. Then, the cravings became much less, and were much better to control
    Ben4567, recon117 and Ogikubo like this.
  11. Oh, man, this happens to me. Talk about temptation. It's like a loop that never ends. It can take a few days, but it goes away. I know it'll come back but if I can let it pass once I can do it again.
    OnTheEdge and Targaryenn like this.
  12. yerrrrrrrtssssssss

    yerrrrrrrtssssssss Fapstronaut

    Take cold showers and meditate every morning. This is a must if you want to kill the urges.
    Asgardian36 and A_glass1900 like this.
  13. BreakingBenjamin

    BreakingBenjamin Fapstronaut

    Exactly, after watching it, you`ll get in a vicious cycle of mostly regret .
    A_glass1900 likes this.
  14. Yes. 90% relapse bacause of this . They never say no . They think this particular scene or star will be in his mind for the rest of his life and he needs to watch to get bored and get rid of this . This is the trick . When you say yes and watch you find your self watch another video of another star and find what your brain demanded is inadequate and wants more . When you consistantly say no and convince your brain that even the hottest video you watched did nothing to you , you will pass these days and defeat this addiction . All you need is to SAY NO FOREVER.
    Deleted Account and A_glass1900 like this.
  15. canary

    canary Fapstronaut

    Same here....
    Mistersofty likes this.
  16. I'll randomly have flashbacks to pictures I've forgotten about sometimes.
    Ben4567, Ogikubo and White Sheep like this.
  17. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    I’ve certainly experienced that. You hit on a key issue for most of us, curiosity. While we have a problem with porn we probably also have a broader problem of what has been called the ‘vice of curiosity’. That is the desire to know things we shouldn’t or don’t need to know. Tabloid news stories and useless information play a part of that. As a part of your recovery working on overcoming that vice will be helpful in not just ridding yourself of porn but for your whole life.
  18. Remember what porn is. An amazing post from a different thread describes it in a very sobering way:
    jolee80 and SherlockHolmes fan like this.
  19. BreakingBenjamin

    BreakingBenjamin Fapstronaut

    Me too ! lol my brain reminds me of scenes that i watched like 10 years ago
  20. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    I'll just watch that one scene one last time then I'll stop porn for good... Only 15 minutes of porn cannot seriously affect my reboot...

    Then I am binging again and cannot stop.
    A_glass1900 and Ogikubo like this.