Started the Journey to Glory

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ModernMonk, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. ModernMonk

    ModernMonk New Fapstronaut

    Hi All,

    I'm 23 years old guy. I started masturbating from very early age (since 10 year old kid) without knowing about masturbation. The craving for that feeling made me an addict to Masturbation. I got introduced to porn during my early college days and i literally became a slave towards PMO. As other porn addicts, even I was lacking self confidence, self esteem, energy which made me a very shy and lazy person, I was scared to talk with girls.

    Due to the PMO addiction, I was always feeling lethargic all the time as I was masturbating once or twice every single day. I haven't had a wet dreams in my whole life, Haha this thing can tell you how consistent I'm in masturbating.

    4 months back, I had been to 10 day meditation course(Vipassana), this thing is literally changing my life. Those 10 days, we were made to meditate for 10-13 hours a day which is crazy. I learn't to meditate, I felt so much positive after coming out of that course. After closely observing myself for sometime, I found that this bad habit of PMO is hindering the growth in every aspects in my life, be it spiritually/sexually/ career wise. So I've started to change myself by quitting PMO and meditate for an hour every single day.

    Its been 7 days, since I masturbated/ watched porn and I'm meditating for an hour(1/2 an hour before and after the bed) every single day. This platform seems to be perfect for me to avoid any relapses and to go strong. Now I proudly say, I've started the journey towards glory!!!
    Beybladefan likes this.
  2. Lookinwards

    Lookinwards Fapstronaut

  3. Life's Journey

    Life's Journey Fapstronaut

    Hi ModernMonk, welcome, and wishing you loads of strength and good luck on your journey away from porn. Keep up the good work!