35 and older accountability, Group 2

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by persona2903, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. persona2903

    persona2903 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the group @Espi1971 , It's good that we join forces to win our battles!
    Espi1971 likes this.
  2. persona2903

    persona2903 Fapstronaut

    Seen from the positive side, you come from a two week victory! Congratulations.
    Now is the time to go for new goals, walking one day at a time!
    ANewFocus likes this.
  3. persona2903

    persona2903 Fapstronaut

    First, welcome to the group!
    The analysis you do is very interesting and very true.
    In my experience,
    • When I don't have good goals to meet I tend to use leisure time worse.
    • the objectives that benefit others are more important and satisfying than the personal ones.
    • interacting face to face with real people removes pressure from the mind and dissipates ghosts.
    We are at the gates of the weekend, it will be good to be focused to effectively use the time!
    RightEffort, discovery and Espi1971 like this.
  4. persona2903

    persona2903 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your encouragement and welcome to the group!
    From the passage of judges I suppose that the image is that of Sanson beating the lion, impressive scene! I love it, because its strength came from God Himself and I could face impossible challenges!
    I make a little reflection:
    This hero of faith had our same sensual weaknesses, falling again and again into them until they were almost destroyed. May the Lord help us to have the strength to destroy the lion-enemy, but without that dark side by donating us! Perhaps having the balance of David, who also faced the bear or the lion, but who remained according to the heart of God ("a man after his own heart").
    I am very happy that you join the group, hopefully together we will achieve great things.
    Have a great weekend!
  5. persona2903

    persona2903 Fapstronaut

    Day 188. The desire level of P is surprisingly low 1/100 ... I also don't trust this, I know that a storm can be triggered at any moment!
    Very happy with the new accountability group, we are already 7 members in just one day. It will certainly be a time of growth and victory for each member.
    Have a good weekend, let's be predictive and stay focused on good things.

    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
    Espi1971 and RightEffort like this.
  6. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Really happy to have a group that I can join. My wife is gone for another two days. I plan to get outside house this weekend and relax and try to keep myself in safe places with lower risk of PMO.

    I have 48 hours right now. I want 96 hours at end of this weekend.
  7. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    D64. It was a very good day. I enjoyed the pleasant reality of living with my mind in peace, not only for having obtained 64 days of freedom from PM, but because I did not love money, I do not live for work as my colleagues do.
    Thank you for the welcome and for the biblical reflection. The enemy is powerful, and we have no fight "against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12), but together we will destroy it. You also have a great weekend!
    Espi1971 likes this.
  8. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

    This really resonates with me. I've been thinking about this ever since you posted it.

    I realize how self-focused I was (and still am!).

    For years I lived an unhappy and reckless life. I always focused on my own benefits and objectives, never thinking how my actions and words would impact others. Today at least I can now realize that my selfishness stems from my fear of loss of control and acceptance.

    I'm working on being a better man and a better human being. I still have a lot of work to do. Every day, many times each day, I humbly ask God for more understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." This remains a real struggle for me, but with God's help and others' support, I feel like I am more connected to people and able to offer and receive support from others.

    Today I'll start my day with a walk to the gym. I am blessed to live within a mile of the gym and I have discovered that these weekend "walkabouts" are quite meditative and pleasurable.

    Along the way, I've resolved not to wear my headphones, and as I pass people who are walking by, I will look each person in the eye and smile, and I will say "hello" to at LEAST one person who walks by.

    Also, while I'm at the gym, I will not wear my headphones while I'm lifting weights, and to at least one fellow gymgoer, I will look him/her in the eye, smile, and say "hello."

    I realize these are very small objectives, but I am convinced that making eye contact, smiling and acknowledging people in my life is helping me to become a more selfless person.

    For many years I never wanted to acknowledge people, especially strangers, because I had no confidence or love for myself, so opening myself up to people, even in the smallest ways, feels like a step in the right direction.

    Have a nice weekend All!

  9. Thank you brother,

    I appreciate you taking the lead on this group and sharing your success with the rest of us.

    Yes, there is something about interaction with other people in person that brings a sense of calmness and harmony to me, and there is something about being alone and digitally focused that increases addictive patterns.

    I think its pure biology, babies that doest get physical hugs from mothers die, the same way when we don't get social needs met our body goes into fight/flight and seeks addictive patterns to release the energy and find a sense of peace.

    And I like your attitude about not being comfortable about not having P temptations - I can tell you have been doing this for a long time and you know these temptation ghosts can pop out at any time lol
  10. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    D65 Today I got up early and studied all day, preparing my class next Tuesday (union with Christ). Now, a while ago, I memorized my dialogues for the play of the Church, which will be in mid-December (I have the main role, I play a businessman, who realizes that his life is meaningless, he repent of your sins and receive salvation)
    persona2903 and RightEffort like this.
  11. dasher

    dasher Fapstronaut

    Emergency.nofap.com is great resource for keeping you motivated
  12. teece

    teece Fapstronaut

    I have read the rules and would like to join this group.
  13. jakeblueshammond

    jakeblueshammond Fapstronaut

    I have read the rules and would like to join this group.
  14. I just want to share something that has been very helpful to me.

    Sometimes when I am very much by myself and dont have too much human interaction my mind can reallly cause me trouble. I feel really uneasy and i feel strong urges come over me - this can be an urge to overeat or watch youtube or chocolate. or whatver.

    Its like i am not at peace and i want to get to peace through sensual pleasures of some kind.

    What i found to be ULTRA helpful is going to a HOT YOGA class where i am surrounded by beatuiful hot girls :) I find that somehow being in that room, even though I do not thikn about sex or fantasy about anyone, just being around other people and breathing and doing yoga, it feels very grounding and peaceful.

    After the class, I feel like the same way as if i had mind-blowing sex with someone I love and I am now at ease. The urges even though are there, they are more loving and playful instead of painful and unpleasant.

    Its like I am happy that I'm turned on, instead of feeling upset that i have this sexual urge.

    Lastly, those of you who want to try this I have recently discovered a super awesome solution which is free for the first 2 weeks! you can try any yoga class near you for free - It is called Class Pass and i just had my first session and really worked :)

    And you can share the link with your friends to get a referral credit as I am going to share with you https://classpass.com/invite/7VTFTEP49 (select your city and the activity you want )
    discovery, newtry and dasher like this.
  15. dasher

    dasher Fapstronaut

    Record keeping.
    Besides 90 day PMO, I am doing following
    1. Cold shower every morning
    (Replaces bad fat with good)
    2. 100 push-ups in 3 months program
    3. 200 squats in 3 months program
    4. A garlic clove every night (studies have shown that sweat of garlic eaters is attractive to women)
    5. 3 hours walk/run every week (got to lose 20 lb to get BMI to 25)

    In three months, I will be Adonis
  16. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    Today was a great Sunday. I advanced with my biblical reading to 2 Timothy (I will soon have arrived in Revelation and finished reading the entire Bible. I started reading it in March of this year). I was also studying all day, and then I was memeorizing my lines in the play. In the afternoon, in the Church, the rehearsal went very well, I remembered almost everything. Now, at home, I'm still studying. My brain is healthier than ever.
    persona2903 and discovery like this.
  17. MBSR

    MBSR Fapstronaut

    persona2903 likes this.
  18. MBSR

    MBSR Fapstronaut

    I have read the rules and would like to join this group.
    Thank you for putting this group together. I'm looking forward to getting back on track and making some great progress together!
    persona2903, discovery and Espi1971 like this.
  19. Have you considered Wim Hof method? A little breath work before your cold shower can do so much good :)
    persona2903 likes this.
  20. jakeblueshammond

    jakeblueshammond Fapstronaut

    My goal is no PM. I will try regular relationships (as in the past) after I have a longer record and feel ready without porn.
    Comments Please.....
    Do you think it is destructive to do long distance camming (yes, sexual) with my girlfriend who is no longer close? It would be maybe once a month and abstinence the rest of the time. But certainty no porn.
    persona2903 and discovery like this.