Counting 3 wins

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by u376, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday wins
    Went to gym
    Took cold bath
    Studied with concentration
  2. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:

    1. Went to church
    2. Read The Man In The High Castle
    3. Took a nap
  3. Today's wins:

    1. Built a gundam model kit (RX-0 Unicorn Full Psycho-Frame Prototype) with a friend.
    2. Didn't PMO.
    3. Ate good food.
    One Eyed Owl, dogeatdog and u376 like this.
  4. Finalito

    Finalito Fapstronaut

    3 wins of yesterday:
    - made a long list of things to do and finished it
    - made 100 new year cards
    - finally did my laundry
  5. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Today's three wins:
    Got a good score on a Bio test
    Got a fantastic score on a Trig test
    Went to the gym for the first time ever with a bud
  6. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    -Busted out some christmas shopping
    -Went for a skate and started working on some new tricks
    -Crushed it at work
  7. 1.Nopmo
    2.Did running
    3.Didnt use social media
  8. Finalito

    Finalito Fapstronaut

    Today's wins:
    - reached day 30 of no PM :emoji_clap::emoji_clap::emoji_clap:
    and rewarded myself by going to a sauna although I didn't have much time
    - completed an errand that I've been putting off for over a week
    - started planning for 2020
  9. Today's wins:

    1. Didn't smoke although I spent 4 full days at a childhood friend who smokes like hell and with whom I always used to smoke.
    2. Went to the gym and sauna.
    3. Called my dad.
    dogeatdog and One Eyed Owl like this.
  10. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:

    1. Ran
    2. Played some basketball
    3. Walked
  11. Finalito

    Finalito Fapstronaut

    Today's wins:
    - did mediation first thing in the morning
    - had a presentation in front of 30 people and it went great
    - inspired a guy to set himself greater goals
  12. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday wins
    Did yoga
    Made changes in my reboot
    Took bath
  13. Today's wins:

    1. Worked hard on recovery (read chapters of No More Mr. Nice Guy).
    2. Went to the gym.
    3. Had lunch with friend.
    dogeatdog, Finalito and One Eyed Owl like this.
  14. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:

    1. Didn't freeze
    2. Got some food
    3. Played some football
  15. Finalito

    Finalito Fapstronaut

    Three wins of today:
    - helped a client greatly
    - took my dog for an extra long walk
    - had lunch with a friend
  16. Today's Wins:

    1º: Got a job interview! (amazing how keeping away from porn focus us)
    2º: Shaved my viking beard and will cut my hair later
    3º: I will come back to study my guitar material after a long break.
  17. Today's wins (from now focusing on wins aimed at recovery from Nice Guy Syndrom):

    1. Had a therapy session.
    2. Read some No More Mr Nice Guy.
    3. Went to the sauna early.
    dogeatdog and One Eyed Owl like this.
  18. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Today's Wins:

    1. Ran
    2. Did some laundry
    3. Watched Evangelion: You Can (Not) Redo
    4. Walked
  19. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Today's wins:
    1. Watched the new Star Wars films with my childhood friends.
    2. Had a nice conversation with a girl about the film.
    3. Spent some time watching crappy yet funny TV with my grandparents.
  20. I'm a little behind.
    Monday: got a date with a girl
    Tuesday: took my last final exam of the semester, did well
    Yesterday: got the big enchilada - 90 days
    Today: anything's possible