Athens Academy

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. You don't say haha

    Yo, you are really making me happy , you created a community of learning here.

    Work load is disastrous . I am leveling up , up and up and up , till I go All out .

    It's so challenging , I workout everyday just to stay sane .
  2. I feel you my friend, workout keep me sane as well in hard days.
    One thing complete the other.
    "mens sana in corpore sano" Latins used to say ;)
    Gryf, ....... and Leader of ME like this.
  3. 2 hours of anatomy, I spent maybe 6 hours trying to study it, but it was like 30 min. Quite a bad day. Although I studied in the morning latin (well, it is for university, nothing interesting) for hour and a little bit other stuff.
    aricking, Gryf, ....... and 2 others like this.
  4. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

    Got this in my email feed
    Hope it gives you all motivation

    After setting clear motivations and intentions, the biggest key to sustainability for that change is to make the change as LOW-FRICTION as possible.

    Here are three simple methods for reducing friction:

    1. Accessibility
    Make it easier to start up the task.

    Lay out your gym clothes the night before

    Pre-plan out a task in granular fashion before you do it

    Keep the book you want to read out on your bedstand

    2. Exclusivity
    Remove optionality so that you reduce analysis paralysis.

    Dedicate the first chunk of your day to ONLY one kind of task (like writing, or working out, etc.)

    Have a notebook dedicated to a specific kind of journaling and nothing else

    Only make one big change in your life at a time

    3. Aesthetic Attunement
    Enhance emotional attraction to the things you are trying to do:

    Use tools you LIKE and are excited to use (even if they are a bit more expensive)

    Create a more comfortable environment that you enjoy working in (cleaning, decoration, furniture quality etc.)

    Find the way of "skinning the cat" that most appeals to your personality type (e.g. I'd take my intentionally designed minimalist home-gym over most commercial gyms ANY day).

    Hope this is enough to get you started thinking.
    aricking, Gryf, fg4795 and 1 other person like this.
  5. Currently Reading - 'Physics of Impossible' by Michio Kaku
    Its an excellant book for physics nerds who are also in love with science fiction. The author has taken ideas form science fiction and has explained that how and when these technologies will be created like invisibilty, UFO's , Force feilds ,Ray guns, Time travel, Wormholes etc with the known laws of physics.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    aricking, Gryf, fg4795 and 1 other person like this.
  6. How to study productively and not loaf around? Any tips?
    aricking, Gryf, fg4795 and 1 other person like this.
  7. @Fighter_4_life post just above you is a great start ;)
    ....... likes this.
  8. Passing by.
    Still doing the work.
    ....... and tout ça pour ça like this.
  9. deathstar26

    deathstar26 Fapstronaut

    @Renaissance Man I like to use an app called Flip'd. You basically pick a task to work on, set a timer, and go at it. You can do pomodoros (25 min work 5 min break) or really whatever breakdown you want its up to you. What I like about Flip'd tho is that at the end of the day I can look at the app and it will tell me how much time I worked for in total. That way I don' t end the day thinking "wow I studied all day today" when in reality I only put in 2 hours spread out amongst a bunch of loafing around. Keeps me accountable.
    ......., Ὀρφεύς and fg4795 like this.
  10. 8 hours of anatomy yesterday. I was losing control in last weeks.
    aricking, Gryf, fg4795 and 1 other person like this.
  11. I am gonna try the pomodoro technique.
    ......., aricking and fg4795 like this.
  12. Good luck. But Pomodoro's tactic isn't salvation. For me Pomodoro was useless. I found that the best for me is to learn for 45-60 minutes and then for 5-20 min stop and repeat again.

    Anatomy for 6 hours. It will be really tough week.
    ......., aricking, Gryf and 1 other person like this.
  13. Low days.
    Less work than expected.
    ....... and aricking like this.
  14. aricking

    aricking Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Study-- 8.0 Hours
    Extra Maths- 0.5 hours(calculus)
    Reading 0.5 hours
    Divine Comedy:Inferno- Dante Alighieri
    Discourse on arts and sciences- Jean Jacques Rousseau
  15. 6 hours every day. I think it is the best option. Tbh it is a little more, I just include all active hours.
    Rosamund, ....... and aricking like this.
  16. Casper400

    Casper400 Fapstronaut

    Reading for today that I finished:

    1. Forward
    2. Psychology textbook
    3. Bible — chapter of Isaiah, Proverbs, and Galatians
    4. American Gospel
  17. This wonderful thread is going unused.
    Won't allow this.
    I am not doing all the work I would.
    So here I am. To keep accountable once again ;)
  18. Checking
    Still not at level.
    But improving a lot ;)
    ....... likes this.