THE VIKING CHALLENGE | 90 days / 3 years | (OPEN)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by purplebat14, Aug 13, 2020.

Do you have the potential to become a true Viking?

  1. Yes

  2. I will make it

  3. I am ready for it

  4. Lets go. I will get the superpowers!

  5. Yeah, I am unleashing the superpowers...

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    It can only get better. NoFap is a great start for an addiction free, amazing and blessed life. If I had a son and he’d be trying to break his habits I’d be proud of him.
    No warrior has fallen from heaven. They all had to train and fight to become true warriors. You got this, you’re here in Viking Army, I can respect that, now show me what you’re made of.
    fg4795 and purplebat14 like this.
  2. Day 1 complete checking in. Not a lot happened today just a lot of stress regarding my car, the shops had it for a week and their just now telling me that they haven't even done anything to it, its pissing me off considering how much I'm paying to get the car fixed.
    fg4795 and purplebat14 like this.
  3. Day 40. Yoga for 30+ minutes, good music = great mood.
  4. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Day 136 noPM, day 19 noPMO - Imortal Legend ✅
    Internet addiction defeated day 12 ✅i
    Did my full body workout and the yoga exercises.
    I lso meditated as every day, I am doing a self made combination of pranayama and classic maditation with some formulas of autogenic training. This and the weekly yoga session pushed me on a new level of focus and serinity. Keep up the work guys, it's so much worth the effort!!!
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    guitarmageddon, Quake201 and fg4795 like this.
  5. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    I am glad to hear that :)
    The Viking army goes strong !!!
    vicicool, fg4795 and Willhelm Masc like this.
  6. Willhelm Masc

    Willhelm Masc Fapstronaut

  7. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Conratulations on that great archievement!!! The viking power is strong these days:emoji_100::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:
    vicicool, Willhelm Masc and fg4795 like this.
  8. johnartista

    johnartista Fapstronaut

    180 days as of today brother. Very glad that I was able to do it. You're doing great yourself. Let's keep pushing!
    vicicool and fg4795 like this.
  9. 112 checking in
    Still working on it ;)
  10. Quake201

    Quake201 Fapstronaut

  11. guitarmageddon

    guitarmageddon Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys! I had a great day, and looking forward to many more! ;)
    vicicool likes this.
  12. guitarmageddon

    guitarmageddon Fapstronaut

    Day 65

    Fell out of routine a bit over my birthday just from messing my bedtime up so bad lol. Dealt with some serious urges lately but nothing abnormal, I've managed to push through it and distract myself. Got a new guitar so ive been pretty much just playing that and working out for the past week with few breaks. I feel a lot more energised lately, hopefully a sign of things to come.
    vicicool likes this.
  13. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Day 137 noP - Imortal Legend ✅
    Meeting my goals (start)
    Internet addiction defeated day 13 ✅

    I have to switch to noP mode.
    I fell sorry for the streak to do that, but I decided, what I think is best for me.
    I have read some articles and a book on Tantra, yoga and seemen retention.
    To do the exercieses I have to switch to noP mode.
    There was no weakness involved and it was a decision I made some days ago.
    I set up a very strict rule of restriction for that.
    I will call this "meeting my goals".
    If everyone has some experiences on that field I would be glad to hear it.
    Further reasons for the new rule:
    I have completely no urges. I can have sex with very good erection quality, bu I have bad controll on orgasm and so I have problems with premature ejaculation.
    The usual way would be having several orgasms, I tried it and this already worked for me.
    Having very much orgasms may be harmfull for my currenty very good state of everything in life.
    But maybe it is possible to get controll without that and that would be much better I guess.
    Additionally I have quite few erections throughout the day without thinking of something on porpuse.
    I don't want my libido to go even lower.

    The new rule:
    -Only tantric exercieses are allowed.
    -Maxim one orgasm in 7 days or one on the day before a date.
    -Doing the exercieses only arware and after strict planing with noting on paper what I am going to do before.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
    RK@24 and fg4795 like this.
  14. jtmedley21

    jtmedley21 Fapstronaut

    I would like to join. Viking challenge Day 1: today, December 18, 2020.
    purplebat14, RK@24 and vicicool like this.
  15. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Welcome Bro! May the Viking Spirit help you to push your limits!!!
    RK@24 likes this.
  16. Day 69 checking:

    Completed 2 months and I would like to mention the most notable changes I had during this 2 months(rather 3 months I would say).

    • First notable change is max concentration.
    • Secondly I don’t get easily manipulated by any intimate (not too much intimate) images contradictory to the beginning of NoFap.
    • Third is physical stability due to exercise.
    This couldn’t have happened without all of your encouragement. Thanks to everyone and a special thank you @purplebat14 to let me join the challenge.
    This time I am aiming higher and wish continuing to hold the record for six months.
    guitarmageddon and purplebat14 like this.