THE VIKING CHALLENGE | 90 days / 3 years | (OPEN)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by purplebat14, Aug 13, 2020.

Do you have the potential to become a true Viking?

  1. Yes

  2. I will make it

  3. I am ready for it

  4. Lets go. I will get the superpowers!

  5. Yeah, I am unleashing the superpowers...

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the brotherhood. May the viking spirit help you to push your limits!!! Put the date of when you add it or when you streak started there. Every rank upgrade you note the date of your upgrade.
    Quake201 and RK@24 like this.
  2. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Realy amazing archievement bro. Just remember how you struggled and failed in the beginning.
    And now you reached day 60 of noPMO!!!
    That is a really strong story bro, definitively worth to be told in Walhalla xD
    And happy birthday by the way!
    guitarmageddon, fg4795 and RK@24 like this.
  3. SandyBeaks

    SandyBeaks Fapstronaut

    Hey guys im new on this website and im look for some support from a strong group and i've finally found one. I've been doing NoFap for around 2 years now but i just haven't been able to complete it after trying over and over I finally made it to day 11 which by itself, was a proud moment for me. Shortly after I relapsed which im still not proud of. Yesterday i decided that i needed more then just will power i needed a supporting family to join. So I was looking around and i found this which this group and im really excited to try this challenge. Im doing this for the betterment of myself. I want to stop being a slave to porn and i want to be free in my own mind and body so Im ready to start this challenge.
  4. Relapsed : today I relapsed, I don't think I can fight this problem effectively until I leave the current environment in my house. My parents are very toxic and for a few weeks I had distanced myself from them but after my car broke down they've been trying to craw their way back in my life like parasites leeching of my well-being. I've tried ignoring them but since I can't leave the house I basically coop myself up in my room and wait till they leave. The relapse today wasn't caused by uncontrollable urges, or anything related to addiction recovery, it was caused by resentment and anger, and as far as I knew it that was the only way to release it in a safe manner. Fortunately I'm joining the military soon and I'll be able to escape this toxic environment for good, i feel bad for anyone who isn't so lucky this is probably one of the worst things I will ever experience. Day 0
  5. Sorry for the late wishes Happy Birthday
    Congrats for your two month streak.
  6. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the brotherhood! May the Viking Spirit allway be with you and lead you to redemption and success:emoji_fire:
    guitarmageddon and vicicool like this.
  7. Thank you for this challenge brother.
    RK@24, vicicool and purplebat14 like this.
  8. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Only one relapse does not destroy all your recovery.
    Don't destroy your recovery now.
    Don't binge now.
    Fight chaser and come back!!!
    You made a good streak before!!!
    That is impressive anyway.
    RK@24 and vicicool like this.
  9. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    For me it was similar. After 40 days I got more calm and after 90 days it feels normal to live without porn.
    It's important to remember sometimes how you felt in those bad days.
    That make you realize how precious the new freedom is.
    I don't have television, but social media ant youtube etc. are very dangerous.
    But we will defeat this too :)
    Thanks for beeing here, you are such a great collumn of the army!!!
    guitarmageddon, RK@24 and vicicool like this.
  10. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Keep up the fighting bro. You seem to be realy commited, you will make it!!!
    Your counter says that you are on day 41, what is your current streak?
    RK@24 and vicicool like this.
  11. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    How are you doing bro? Is everything allright with you?
    RK@24, vicicool and Willhelm Masc like this.
  12. Quake201

    Quake201 Fapstronaut

    3 days checking in
    guitarmageddon, fg4795 and RK@24 like this.
  13. Quake201

    Quake201 Fapstronaut

    Thank you! This challenge is such a great idea and motivates me even more which is what's needed.
  14. Willhelm Masc

    Willhelm Masc Fapstronaut

    I’ve been good my man, thanks for asking. I’m on day 74, and it’s been going pretty smoothly the last few weeks. Been focused on a business I’m working on, being consistent with working out and a few other things. Hope everything’s going well!
  15. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    Happy late birthday COMMANDER guitarmageddon!!
    This new year of life starts strong! :emoji_muscle:
    Keep going!! You can do this.
    Remember when urges come just... get up and do smth else! ;) :emoji_leaves::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:
  16. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    Let’s gooooooo!!
    I am happy for your success.
    And I’m not the only one ;)
    Luke 15:7 “In the same way, I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who do not need to repent.“
    Keep that warrior Spirit in your temple lit bro! :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:
  17. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    Impressive streak.
    I bet many would like to be where you are and also considering all your past training and knowledge. You got this. Nearly in Valhalla haha
    Keep it up! :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_tiger::emoji_leaves::emoji_hibiscus::emoji_butterfly::emoji_christmas_tree::emoji_sparkler: