Sorta done with porn, but not with edging...

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by FezMan76, Dec 27, 2020.

What's become a bigger problem?

  1. PMO

  2. Masturbating (Edging)

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  1. FezMan76

    FezMan76 Fapstronaut

    Today I relapsed after 27 days of no PMO (Longest streak). However, I've noticed that porn isn't really a problem anymore, but rather my compulsive sexual urge to masturbate (and usually not even orgasm).
    Ever since I've talked to close friends about my use of porn and what it's caused in me, I've been quite disgusted by it. However, my sexual urges seem to now manifest in fantasies inside my head that cause me to M, which made the last week of no PMO more like a week of only no PO (until today).
    I'm quite disappointed by myself as I finally realized what I've been missing all these years that I've been PMOing, and that is emotion. During my "flatline" (from day 7-20+ ish), while sometimes I felt a bit numb, other times I felt a strange sensation in my heart instead of down there. It's quite peculiar to me that I haven't experienced this until now. It's something that for a moment was way stronger than any other urge I've had, but it only lasted until I recently started Ming again, killing my flatline, and constantly bombarding my head with obscene imagery that distracts me in the least opportune moments, and eventually lead to a relapse.
    After this nearly month-long journey however, I've noticed that there are two big things that trigger frustration, which may eventually lead to masturbation, and those are:
    1. Stress
    2. Loneliness
    Now that I do know that it is these two things that may cause me to relapse, I must figure out healthy ways to deal with them. I'd already compiled a list of things to practice when my last streak ended (which helped for some time), but I still need more knowledge from the experiences of others to help me deal with these issues. Any suggestions on how to would be appreciated.

    With that being said, I will start taking this PMO journey more seriously and stop Ming as well in order to fully cure myself this time.
    Choosing Better likes this.
  2. Devilinme2

    Devilinme2 Fapstronaut

    I am the same way. I was a general 7 times a day PMO since I was a kid. I took to edging years ago with the hopes that maybe 1 longer (sometimes no cumming) edging session would be less painful and lessen the desire for multiple orgasms and the need for pleasure would taper down, but it makes things worse...I try hard and fail a lot because even edging becomes addictive and the lust can actually become greater then the quick release
    FezMan76 likes this.
  3. Ahiphena

    Ahiphena Fapstronaut

    In my experience edging always leads to PMO soon after anyway.
    FezMan76 and Wugazi32 like this.
  4. FezMan76

    FezMan76 Fapstronaut

    To begin, sorry I've been away for so long. I took some time off with my family this past week and wasn't able to respond to any threads or messages.
    Same thing here. While I've almost completely left the P part of PMO (p-subs included), it's usually the M part that can make it hard for me to focus on any tasks that I have throughout the day, especially homework and exercise. I need to keep working on mental exercises that shut down my urges, or do something that shocks me out of it when I can (i.e. cold shower). This way I can redistribute the sexual energy that I have and putting into something more productive.

    For me this can be the case within the first week of NoFap, but it usually takes a few more days of it building up for me to completely relapse.