The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.


Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    good for you bro :). you´ll be totally in the spirit of the Lord of the Rings :D, books and nofap challenge ;). I´m reading the trilogy also, and today i finished "the two towers". Tomorrow i open "the return of the king" ;)
  2. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    well, it depends, if you want to eat, like you´re starving, then eat all you want :). it´s your body needing refueling :D. however, if you are eating for confort, not for hungry, then there´s a switch of a deviant coping mechanism, like pmo, and you need to be careful with that behaviour.

    however, i see you eat on the basis of hungriness, so be at ease bro :). Bonne appetit ;)
  3. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your kind words bro :). You´re an inspiration to us all :)

  4. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Checking in Fellowship. Not feeling so good today since i feel dumb as a door, due to brain fog. i think my sleep was not so great last night, so tonight i will try to make proper changes.

    Let´s welcome our new member :)

    @The Confident Man

    and our returned brother ;)


    The following members have upgraded and reach places in Middle Earth. Congratulations!!! :)

    @ksie - Uruk-Hai

    @OttarrTheVendelCrow - Grey Wizard / Black Gate of Mordor

    Checking out brave Fellowship.

    For those, like me, that are having a bad day, here are some words of confort, from spiritual teacher Jeff Foster. Have a good day :)

    "Healing Isn’t Always Supposed To ‘Feel Good’

    One of the most dangerous myths we have inherited is that healing is supposed to ‘feel good’.

    No, not always. Sometimes our discomfort actually intensifies as the darkness emerges into the light, as unconscious material makes its way into awareness, as our old illusions burn up. Pain is not wrong, a mistake, or a sign that we are doomed.

    Pain may actually indicate that our healing process is intensifying, not stalling; that we are actually more awake and sensitive than ever, more deeply connected with the here and now, less willing to turn away.

    There is such a tendency in our culture to avoid discomfort of any kind, distract ourselves from it, label it as ‘wrong’ or ‘negative’ or even ‘unspiritual’, meditate or medicate it away. Much of our Western medicine is geared towards the removal of symptoms, the silencing of disruption, the numbing of chaos and the journey towards some socially acceptable ‘normality’.

    But sometimes, friends, we no longer have any interest in ‘returning to normal’! The ‘normal’ was the problem, not the solution! The status quo needed to shift. It was unstable and false. Old dreams were keeping us trapped.

    Sometimes our ‘normality’ needs to break open into chaos and crisis, our pain and sorrow, frustration, exhaustion and doubts needs to be felt more fully than ever before, the heart needs to break open more completely.

    Our pain is not a punishment from a judgmental god, nor a mistake in a broken universe, nor evidence of our failure and unenlightened ignorance, but a profoundly alive spiritual teaching.

    Witness Jesus on the cross. The device of his torture became his ultimate invitation to healing – the rediscovery of his own unbreakable Presence prior to his human incarnation, prior to time itself.

    Consider the possibility that within your suffering you are being given an invitation: to let go, to wake up from the dream of normality, to embrace life in all its brokenness and wonder. To fall in love with where you are. To come out of the story of past and future, and turn towards the present moment, the place where you stand.

    Let the winds blow, let the tempests rage, let all that is false be purified, let all that is dead remain dead, let life explode where you are. You are only being invited to a deeper healing, even though it feels like pain, even though the heart is tender and raw, even though you cannot yet feel your tomorrows..."
  5. bob200

    bob200 Fapstronaut

    another day is over. and thank God for that.
    today was shit, I don't know what was it about today but all day long I had dirty and nasty thoughts in my head. I was outside of the house all day trying to study and my brain just got fixed on one dirty act i used to PMO to all the time and that was it. and it drove me crazy all day. every girl I looked at today was just some kind of object for sex, looking at my work I was just day dreaming about sex, but in a bad was. not love making but porn. even going on a walk to clear my mind and meditating a little bit did not halp

    in the end in the middle of the day I just walked (without my phone) to the bathroom and jerked it to release some pressure. it took me less than a minute and it kind of work.
    I'm not sure how I feel about that.

    I'm not angry about the masturbation, I'm angry about the thoughts in my head.
  6. It's incredible that you've reached three months no-PMO and it is a joy to see someone succeed. I can say without a doubt that the work you're putting in is inspiring to everyone in the forum -- and not only that, I'm sure it's an inspiration to you. To see someone overcome an addiction to PMO and then choose to keep going after three months is fantastic -- but you have to keep in mind that as you said, everything is just beginning for us. Don't become blind to the urges that do come afterwards even if they're quiet now; always be prepared and ready to face what's ahead.

    One of the most fascinating effects I've seen in people on this NoFap forum when they reach a month, two months, even three months and beyond is that they seem to like taking responsibility and choose to do things now; it's unbelievable how much change people go through and choose to undergo. It's unbelievable. The biggest benefit I've noticed however is the fact that people choose to respect themselves and then actually develop as people. It's like seeing people change eventually, outright evolve from what they were provided the circumstances and mentalities in their situations are right for that.

    Besides the congratulations, I do need to talk to everyone and take this note to myself as well about the implications of the NoFap forums and what they serve to us as a way of getting through our journeys. The cost of quitting P (outright PMO if you're on Hard Mode) is realising that you can't hide from the flaws and issues that we have, whether that's ego, sloth, wrath, and so on because we used porn as a way of hiding from that. It was a way of hiding from the reality of ourselves and our limitations.

    Perhaps one of the best things I need to suggest, if not accept myself is to learn to live without NoFap being used as a form of ego. Our journeys in quitting porn are beyond NoFap and inevitably we will all leave and go beyond this forum, once we've reached 500 days. Don't get consumed by thoughts like 'I've made it to 100 Days, I've made it to 250 Days, 300, 400, 500!' because that'll keep you here. It's nice to celebrate that aspect, but eventually, a journey ends -- in the sense of this forum, yes, though the no-porn aspect will continue on. Work to improve your life, most importantly yourself, so much that you don't even look back on PMO. There is a reason why you came here in the first place, remember that reason, remember who you were before all of this and keep going and remember the positive and negative experiences.

    I wish you good luck. I believe you can succeed and get to 500 days, but it is you and by extension everyone else who need to believe in themselves of the idea that they will win and destroy their PMO rings. There is a reason why people have gone beyond 90 days, further than us, find that reason for yourselves and go for it.
  7. bob200

    bob200 Fapstronaut

    amazing!!!! bravo my friend
  8. Prophet Moonstruck

    Prophet Moonstruck Fapstronaut

    Try to focus on the work, and more specifically, try to see what else new can you learn from it and do what every you are paid to do! Frustrating coworkers will always exist so try to enjoy your work and enjoy your life.
  9. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Stuck to the plan yesterday and feeling good. Happy Monday!
  10. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Next time you feel like this go for a long run.It will clear your head of these uninvited guests.:)
  11. Silverwolf

    Silverwolf Fapstronaut

    Relapsed. Took a break for a while, initially telling myself I just needed some time to think things over. I had my doubts for a time and just kind of kept going day to day. I kept telling myself I'd go back to Nofap sometime "soon" but I kept making the excuse that I had a lot of work to do and no real time. I guess I didn't want to admit to myself and to others that I'd screwed up, so I just pushed it out of my mind. But after drifting day to day, slowly questioning why things weren't changing, and in some cases getting worse, I realized it was time to put my effort back into Nofap. Cause sometime "soon" isn't a time at all. "Now" is a specific time. So I made some changes to my system, putting barriers in place to reduce the likelihood of relapse. But I recognize that it alone is not good enough- one also needs a community of like minded people to help them get through the hardest moments, among other things. I guess the biggest takeaway I made is that its alright to make mistakes and share them w/ others. Everyone is imperfect and no one has all the answers. Anyways, I'm glad to be back w/ you guys and I'm looking forward to making some positive changes.
  12. Day 315. Into Mordor we go.
  13. ksie

    ksie Fapstronaut

    Day 7
    I feel like it's getting hard to keep a streak eh :/
  14. LuckyMan

    LuckyMan Fapstronaut

    31 days. Almost messed up due to fishing while tired. Staying offline tonight.
  15. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

  16. Onan the Barbarian

    Onan the Barbarian Fapstronaut

    Monday check-in

    Okay, now the cravings are rearing their ugly head. I caught myself fishing several times today. I even got to the stage where you're rationalizing the decision to use. I think maybe the grace of God held me back from it, as well as remembering how empty, tired, and foggy and unmotivated I feel after PMO. Plus, I currently have the honor of being "tied" with @RiseToGreatness for days free f/ PMO, and I wouldn't want to give that up ;).

    I'm drowsy and my groin and bowls feel clogged. The "Trojan horse" that my addiction has taken to employing in order to get me to reset has been the notion of writing pornographic fiction, something I've shamefully done in the past. It's always the perfect opening line occurring to me, with the adversary whispering, "c'mon, it's not really porn, Onan. It's erotica. It's sexy, tasteful, patrician even." Well, not today. I've given in to that rationalization in the past and it has only ended in demoralizing and enervating porn binges. I thank God I didn't give in today.

    I'm going to have to take up running again. I used to be half decent runner, you know :).

    It's just amazing to me how many of your posts from the last 48 hours resonate with me right now. We could get discouraged if we wanted, or we could take it as a sign that we're all in this together, united in the same struggle.

    Onwards to victory!
  17. bob200

    bob200 Fapstronaut

    can I ask what is fishing?
  18. Day 1 starting from the orc
  19. Gallade_Templar

    Gallade_Templar Fapstronaut

    Day 11 complete! Today I woke up feeling the most well-rested, refreshed, and energized I have in a long time. That all dissipated by about 3pm and I felt very drowsy and sluggish, but it could be that I'm making progress.
    You've done well to make it to a week! Take heart from that victory. If there wasn't some element of struggle, we wouldn't need NoFap, but we're all here to help you push through!

    Fishing is when you're doing things that aren't really] looking at porn, but put you in a compromised position too close to the line. So like, browsing social media and looking at pics of swimsuit models would be a good example. Don't do that!
  20. UpInSmokeTour

    UpInSmokeTour Fapstronaut

    Awesome post! Great to read that you're feeling so good!
    You can use this post for a motivational boost whenever you have urges or feel down. You can just look back at the message you posted and it will make you remember that you are stronger than the addiction!
    Congratulations man, much love!