Why should I quit Porn when you have 0% chance with Womens

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Furozima10, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.

    Well before taking this discussion any further I wanna tell you that I know that I’m not the best looking guys. And womens never noticed me or gave me any Sort of Attention. You’re gonna ask me Why ! Well Because I think that I’m Ugly.
    I’m the kind of guy that looks like a Nerd and i have Glasses and I’m overweight.

    I don’t have a chiseled jaw or piercing eyes or vains popping out. And Womens never noticed me and They have always seen me like a Nice Guy that is never gonna have a Chance with them.

    The only time i could have sex in my Life was with Gold Diggers And Hookers.

    I know I’m not the best Looking guy and that I’m unattractive. So why in the Hell should i Practice NoFap and No PMO if in the end of the day I’m not gonna have Sex anyways because Womens are not Attracted by me.

    I can never get Laid with womens because they See me as Ugly. This problem makes me sad and Wanna cry everyday...
  2. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Stop this mindset of improving for girls only, it's toxic and not good for you.
    The main reason you're not getting girls is probably not because you're ugly, it's the mindset, your world is surrounded by girls and sex only, where are the "YOU" in the picture?
    Think about it, is woman going to last forever? No. Is finding love the purpose of your life? No.
    Thousands of things to do and focus on, so why focus only on the small aspect of your life, use the time for you to look and woman and wank to read, to workout, to educate, to earn more money. You only get one life, and you're going to waste it all on just love? Bullshit to me.

    But you can change it all, from today, from nofap, because you're not suppose to do it for anyone, this is for you and you only, who cares if you get the puss by the end of the day, should live a meaningful life rather than pursuing woman for your entire life.

    Reborn16, lianm, Rehab101 and 14 others like this.
  3. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    It's the same for me. I'm almost 55 years old and I have never even kissed a girl or even held hands with a girl or anything.

    You need to fight PMO, because it will ruin your life. You may not get a girlfriend as the prize, but you will get some freedom. Instead of wasting time and money on porn, you can do something more memorable. PMO addiction costs us and it only gives temporary pleasure.

    I was looking at my journal today, and apparently I PMOed for about 12 hours Sunday plus some on Saturday and Friday and so on. Without my written journal I would have no memory.

    On the other hand, I went for a swim on Saturday, and I remember that vividly. So it's pretty clear that time spent PMOing is utterly wasted.

    So it's not about getting a girlfriend. It's about having the best life that you can have. There is more to life than girlfriends.

    Hope that helps you.
  4. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut


    I understand you but I need Love in my Life.
    For me I would pay A million dollar to find true Love and A beautiful girlfriend with an unbelievable Beauty. That’s worth more than all the money in Life or all the Purposes

    I don’t care about Fame or Status or Money or Job. But I only care about finding Love and someone who would care for me and give me an incredible Sex Life

    For some the purpose in Life is to Work and Raise money but Mine is to find Love.

    I’m a pure romantic like Romeo & Juliette that’s the purpose of my Life...
    Abel100%, WanderTruth and learning like this.
  5. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Look buddy, don't mean to beat you down, but that's just bullshit to me, if you want to stay like this forever, fine. But I'm confident in saying, you're missing out on life. You're here for a solution, and you clearly didn't understand what I just explained.

    Living life only for love is truly pathetic, get hurt all you want, but that's really some weak-minded thinking.

    I'm done with this meaningless convo. Peace out.
  6. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    I would love to follow your path but I’ll be faking it

    My heart want Love, My heart is Broken, My heart is Crying and I’m so sad
    Abel100% and WanderTruth like this.
  7. backtolife42

    backtolife42 Fapstronaut

    First of all, being ugly wont be an issue, if you work on your personality, and your own life. As it was mentioned before, the real issue is, that you see it as the only goal to find a girl. But i can tell you, even a great woman cant solve your problems. I used to think if only i could find a girl, everything would be fine. And guess what, i managed to work enough shit out, to be able to find a girlfriend and built a relationship. But it didnt solve my issues. It just showed me, that i have a whole lot of issues i wasnt even aware of. Yes getting into a relationship was an awesome step, and i am grateful for it. But to maintain it, to be actually happy in it required me to work on myself harder than before. Even though i am sure i have found my soulmate, things can go downhill pretty quickly if you are not willing to work on yourself and built a life that is not only rested on your relationship.
    And it is a good thing, to figure out, how to be happy even without a relationship. And believe me, you can be. Get out of this mindset of needing to be saved by a woman, start saving yourself.
  8. You shouldn't be doing nofap for girls, you have to do it for yourself.
  9. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    You shouldn't but it's a choice which in fact has very little to do with women but everything with your health. You can be wise and trust elder brothers experience or you can keep indulging in PMO, etc. all the way until your mental and physical health is ruined. It only takes a while under certain intensity to develop severe problems with your nervous system bad enough to become suicidal. And it's up to you to study and appy what you learn for you can get guidance but it's you who have to apply it and walk the path.
    p.s. As for the ugliness that's what you get for a decade of indulgence in PMO. If you want to look better get some 90 days PMO free for the reference point.(if you decide to do it take picture of yourself now to compare it to day's 90 one.;))
  10. PrioritySystem

    PrioritySystem Fapstronaut

    Because PMO destroys your life regardless of anything else. Even if there would literally be no women on the planet I would still ‘try’ not to fap. Rather no sexual outlet at all than PMO
    Happy Man, learning, again and 3 others like this.
  11. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Firstly, if you don't know plenty of guys who are worse than you who have girlfriends/wives, then you aren't paying attention. What have they got that you don't? Is it just perseverance? Think about it.

    Secondly, all of us have things about ourselves that we can't change. But there are lots of things you state about yourself that you can change. Things that will make you more attractive in the eyes of women. And, more importantly, will make you feel better about yourself.

    Lots of girls like nerd guys, weird looking guys, even ugly guys. They have weird tastes - honestly, I think that women's taste in guys is much more varied than guys taste in girls. But overweight? Not so good. So take control of that. You don't have to be model thin, but vaguely trim with nice toned muscles, it doesn't take hours in the gym to achieve, but just a few basic lifestyle changes. And time. So make a start :)

    Glasses wearer? So save up some money and buy some nice designer frames that you are proud to wear and complement the shape of your face. Get a trendy haircut, buy a few nice outfits and some expensive shoes, a nice classic watch. Look after them well; iron clothes, polish your shoes and clean your glasses. These are the things that girls notice, it's about self respect and looking after yourself and caring about your appearance.

    Nothing wrong with wanting a girlfriend, but you are only ready to start dating once you truly feel that you are worth dating - a girl isn't going to give you that, you have to find it for yourself.
  12. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    You sir don’t know what is the female nature and Womens Hypergamy
  13. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Let me be frank, neither do you. You cannot possibly know the nature of a female. It is not in your experience. Everything you feel based on your mild interactions with women is all within your own system. That is, you project the meaning of what women do; you don't actually know. That projection is based on how you feel about yourself. You have to become comfortable with the life that is in you. See what happens when you stop labeling yourself and stop comparing yourself to others.
    WanderTruth, ReclaimedLife and again like this.
  14. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Hardest task in the world and probably not-possible full-time in modern living conditions.;)
  15. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    @Slider8 "...not-possible full-time..." I wasn't going to agree until you said full time. There is no doubt the brain will operate especially when our larger common society is so lost in what to teach when it comes to human life is. So based on those those things I agree. But, those thoughts can be dodged just like P-thoughts can be. They aren't real and they serve no purpose.
    Slider8 likes this.
  16. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    you can’t control other people and what they find attractive. You can control YOU so start there.

    stop PMOing. Absolutely no benefit. Refocus that time and energy.

    you got nerdy glasses? Get better ones.

    overweight? Stop eating shit food and get a good workout program you can do 3-4 times a week. Strength train to build muscle and burn that fat. Cardio for some conditioning thrown in.

    Get a good job and work hard to make good money. No woman wants to date a poor guy. Don’t flaunt, just buy quality when you can.

    If you think of yourself as an ugly, fat nerd—that’s what everybody else will see too.

    Until you start making changes, ain’t nothin gonna change. The process is easy—it just isn’t easy.
    Slider8, fredisthebes, again and 2 others like this.
  17. last chance

    last chance Fapstronaut

    Believe me my friend, there are more important things than sex. Try to be useful for your family, your country, humanity. Pure hedonism is an aberration. Your value does not depend on how many women you have had relations with. It doesn't matter if you are a little light or a big shot. It doesn't matter. If you do something for the society you will get self-respect again. There were many people who were ugly and did great things. If you sit at home and jerk off to porn, you won't be of any use to anyone. Besides, ugliness is not necessarily an exclusion criterion for women. I have acquaintances who probably look worse than you and have wives or girlfriends.
    tiger-uppercut!, Slider8 and again like this.
  18. well said
    Slider8 likes this.
  19. Hope_2_Help

    Hope_2_Help Fapstronaut

    Why should I quit Porn when you have 0% chance with Womens

    Because it makes me feel like absolute shit and has had negative consequences in practically every area of my life. If you don't experience that and are only doing it for women well then maybe there is no need to quit PMO for you, but my problem has nothing to do with trying to stop just to get a woman I'm trying to stop because it has destroyed my life completely.
    tiger-uppercut!, Slider8 and again like this.
  20. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    ^ And that's a fact, nothing but truth only.