I desperately seek the truth considering the nature of release

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by kroman, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. kroman

    kroman New Fapstronaut

    I had a porn addiction beginning from the age as early 8 years old, I believe. It was only the late Spring when I had taken the idea of NoFap and abstinence from PMO seriously. Although I was exposed to pornography at a very young age I had discovered that my urges towards imagery are much easier than I had initially believed them to be, which makes me very happy, since I know that I won't bear as much suffering in my path towards porn-free life as others might.

    Or, at least I had thought so up until this day...

    I had heard that edging, despite claims of the people who edge, does indeed lead to the release of semen. Instead of releasing semen through ejaculation, it mixes with urine and gets released that way.

    My concern is as follows: I had peeked today, got an erection and even released a bit of preseminal fluid (precum), but did not stimulate any further (did not orgasm nor ejaculate).

    Could it be that my seminal vesicle had already released semen (once i had and erection) and I had urinated it after I went to use the bathroom?

    This question makes me very self-conscious and nervous ever since I've peeked today, and the internet has nothing to say about this, please give me the answer, please!

    PS: The reason why I want to find out whether I lost semen or not, is because I want to find out the effects of so-called "Semen Retention". Do not resort to prejudice, though, since I do not support any of the claims of the Semen Retention community. I simply want to know if I had lost semen or not, to be sure whether I bombed my initial attempt to know the effects of SR (today has to be the 6th day).
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  2. Flesh

    Flesh Fapstronaut

    Semen and "pre-cum" (seminal fluid) are two different things. While the former is made in testis, the later is made by the prostate which secrete when u are aroused (but most of it is saved up to mix up with sperm/semen when u ejaculate). That's what is mixed up with urine, the prostate cleans up itself.

    That's only part of the answer, coz Idk about how/if balls do "clean" themselves by this way aswell or if they use nocturnal emission for that matter. Could be both. Someone more knowledgeable than me might have the answer.
    kroman likes this.
  3. kroman

    kroman New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the answer. So you're telling me that it's the precum that is leaving the body with the urine? Thanks again, seems I haven't screwed up so far.

    I'll hope nobody will debunk this statement, cause I've relapsed only 2 times when going for longer streaks, And I'm already fed up with this.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  4. kroman

    kroman New Fapstronaut

    Also, would you tell me how to add the day counter like the one you have?
    (btw good job, 51 days, wow)
  5. Flesh

    Flesh Fapstronaut

    on the bar just under the website logo, u have "update day counter", that's it
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  6. IbrahimViking

    IbrahimViking Fapstronaut

    No. The answer is no. You're fine.