Make yourself pure

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Risingstar98, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. Risingstar98

    Risingstar98 Fapstronaut

    You don’t need to masturbate, you don’t lose anything by not masturbating, you gain more, you can regain your freedom, be in your own hands, what a blessing it is, what a joy to be free from porn and masturbation. Everyone knows that the reason why we reboot is because we once fell into the misery of pornography and experienced the pain of indulgence, which caused us to lose our physical and mental health and lose too many beautiful things. We must quit pornography and vices and become positive energy self - a self-disciplined, positive, energetic self. Instead of hiding in a dark corner and doing that wretched action, we can choose a life that is pure, noble, and full of positive energy. Only those with pure hearts are truly noble! Stop spoiling yourself and belittle yourself, think more about your parents, they worry about you and grow old day by day, while you are addicted to pornography, indulging in lust, and constantly killing yourself, how sad it is! Have you ever thought that you don't need to masturbate at all, you can be your pure self, be more self-disciplined, have a sense of responsibility, and have more positive energy, this is the real you! A life of rebooting and self-discipline is the life you really want! The life of being enslaved by evil thoughts is actually involuntary, a life like a puppet, and it is time to liberate yourself. Be pure and pure, and the good feeling you once had can slowly come back. Only then will you know what have you missed because of your addiction to pornography and masturbation
  2. Be serious

    Be serious Fapstronaut

    I wish I read your post before I masturbate... You are right we don't need to masturbate at all, but the addiction can not be easily removed from my mind. I will try again I am really mad by myself
    Risingstar98 likes this.
  3. Risingstar98

    Risingstar98 Fapstronaut

    Don't be mad at yourself. Just forgive yourself and start a new journey.
    Daniel Arboleda likes this.
  4. MsteiN

    MsteiN Fapstronaut

    Beautiful words!
    This is the absolute true, regaining your life is priceless!
    Risingstar98 likes this.
  5. Daniel Arboleda

    Daniel Arboleda Fapstronaut

  6. Daniel Arboleda

    Daniel Arboleda Fapstronaut
