30 days hard mode success plus tips and strategies on how to quit.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by SpaceThrone, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. SpaceThrone

    SpaceThrone Fapstronaut

    Completed 30 days

    Successfully completed 30 days officially today and after only a short period of time and a 1/3 into the 90 days challenge I’m already seeing the benefits.

    Quick analysis of who I am and my journey of how I got to this landmark. I’m 22 been PMOing since I was about 12. Realised I had an addiction and PIED at 19. Struggled through uni trying to quit. I had my first significant streak once I left uni back in august until October of over 80 days. But upon self reflection and analysis it wasn’t the “cleanest run”. Did far too much edging so even though no P I would consider it the MO part a failure. And realised a significant trigger which I also needed to nip in the bud in order to quit PMO. kept failing to start streak again due to this trigger. That being alcohol. Once realised the trigger I was able to do the past 30 days with ease and also whereas last time edging was an issue I’ve managed to have zero edging which is a massive achievement as well.


    there have been numerous benefits since I started this streak. The initial benefit has definitely got to be the mindset shift from wanting and craving to PMO to simply not even want it the idea of PMO is so negative to me now my brain doesn’t even crave it. When I started the streak I found myself trying to find ways to access P material. However as i have gone with the streak I have no cravings. Just yesterday for example I was in my computer and where normally temptation would be constant and I would have to avoid the computer, I was in it doing work for hours and I didn’t even open another tab “just for a peak” the temptation didn’t cross my mind. Simply put once you get the pain pleasure associations right as dated in Tony robins book “awaken the giant within” and get past the initial 2-3 weeks of hell as your brain freaks out from not getting the dopamine it craves (which is hard but doable with the right mindset and the correct tools e.g. blocks which I’ll mention later in this post) it’s smooth sailing.

    second benefit I’ve noticed is improved D health. Hard to really explain this one without sounding weird but my D just looks healthier. The only conclusion I can come to is that due to Not PMOing my testosterone levels must be higher thus resulting in a healthier looking D. Strange benefit to be posting but I’m sure all is guys can’t deny that it’s definitely a confidence booster.

    another benefit is certainly self respect, the way I communicate in terms of body language and just in general has certainly improved. Once you have the mindset shift and develop that self respect and self love for yourself that you decide enough is enough and you forego the disgusting habit you notice the difference. When you’ve struggled with this addiction for so long everyday feels amazing because you have a victory everyday you don’t give into that temptation and you know your getting closer to the goal of clearing the PIED and finally being able to have a real healthy relationship.

    another benefit is vitality. Now I don’t know if this is because I’ve also gone sober along with no PMO but my sleep and vitality has done a u turn I’m naturally waking up early and my brain fog is gone. I can definitely think that brain fog going away is certainly due to the no PMO but I would associate the improved sleep to sobriety.

    anyways those are the main benefits I’ve noticed along this journey. If you want to follow my log I post basically everyday you should easily find it under my account. My plan is to do another success log on day 90 and also when I’ve cleared my PIED and get back to action as I know there’s a lot of anxiety around PIED and someone going from PIED loser to chad will help motivate people who feel doomed like I once did. But no longer.

    next I’m going to list some steps/advice in order of importance in my opinion to those looking for how to and tips to overcome PMO and those initial 3 weeks where your brain thrashes out for any dopamine it can get it hands on.

    how to guide to quit (from someone who failed for years)

    1) environment - no matter what you do if you’re miserable in your current circumstances you will struggle to quit PMO. I was at university and hated it. However whilst hating uni and life there I thought let’s quit PMO. However when you hate your current circumstances you’re going to seek escapism and that for my was an alcohol (lots of it) and PMO. As a result every attempt to quit PMO failed miserably and the loop of 5 days streak, fail, 7 day streak, fail is going to make you miserable. So before even thinking of quitting PMO fix the environment you’re in. PMO is usually just a symptom and a more structural life problem. In my case for example PMO wasn’t the problem I hated school got picked on hated myself when a teen so used PMO to escape that or as I got older when I was lonely or stressed with big exams I was in the screen. The PMO is just the symptom of structural life problems that need addressing.

    2) Triggers - these are a relatively new thing I realised but upon analysis as to the question why do I relapse? I identified for me that 90% of all relapsed occurred when hungover from booze. Now I was in denial about this for a long time but came to the conclusion that quitting PMO was directly correlated to quitting booze and here we are 30 days after making that decision. Identify triggers and landmines and cut them out of your life to succeed.

    3) mobile devices and blocks - your phone (and over devices e.g. tablets) need to be made into a fortress against P there should be a single way for you to access P through your phone if you do it properly and put the passwords out of reach. My setup is simple and everyone can do it if you cared enough to quit. Firstly I got Purity browser of the App Store by Family first technology. They also have an even better vpn app for android called Detoxify but unfortunately it doesn’t work for IOS. Anyways this browser is to replace safari and is impregnable. Then go to settings under screen time and disable safari then disable the App Store and get rid of ALL social media twitter insta all that shit. Not only are you getting rid of heavy material but also soft like TikTok. Honestly not only does it help with quitting PMO but your quality of life increases after a few weeks you won’t miss YouTube or instagram. Trust me I use to be as addicted to you to social media’s once you go back after a few months you wonder why you even had it in the first place. Also block access to social media’s via the browser. Once that is done your phone is free from P. It’s funny because your brain will try to metaphorically bash down the gates of your blocks but it won’t be able to. Then with the passcode get a friend or parent to do it for you or what I did was put it in such an impractical place like a loft or garage etc (safe obviously don’t let it get accidentally thrown out or something I take zero responsibility if you lose the passwords like a muppet) then you won’t bother to take off the blocks especially if you have the correct mindset as mentioned in stage 1 (that’s why that’s stage 1 wrong mindset and still see porn as pleasurable and not painful then you’ll probably just get the pass word).

    Also if you’re wanting to level your life up across the board and it isn’t just to quit PMO I would highly recommend the downtime setting on iPhone. I have it set to 1 hour after I wake up and 2 hours before bed. Just means you ain’t on your phone as much and allows for things like reading before bed which is so much healthier for you and no doubt helps with the rewiring process and recovery from PMO, instead of being constantly on devices watching Netflix and frying your brain. Instead reading 2 game of thrones books in a month like me lol.

    4) Get a life, you are what you do repeatedly - too many of us young people sit around all day doing fuck all. My advice get some healthy habits. Sports is a game changer not only does it help with the self respect but it’s an easy win and releases endorphins which helps desire your brain away from bad dopamine from PMO to getting it from healthier activities. Also see friends socialise talk to fiends and family do something - anything. When your sat doing nothing and being miserable obviously all your going to think about is PMO but if it’s working at your career, doing sports or out with friends catching up on life your not going to be thinking about PMO. As I’ve stated before and will again PMO addiction isn’t a problem in and of its self it a symptom. You and me both have this problem simply because we had challenges in life and in our naïveté sought comfort in PMO. Now it’s 100% not your fault you’re addicted no one told us how much PMO would fuck us up. But the challenges in our path are the path and let me tell you overcoming this is only going to make you into a stronger better man if it wasn’t for the fact this addiction damaged me so much I would be transforming my life not only so I’m better but that I shoot past and become the best version of myself not the “good enough” that most people are.

    now I know how shit PMO is for you and I certainly know how shit it’s been for me the opportunities I missed out on the feeling of inferiority, the constant doom loop but once you turn your life around and implement the correct strategies to deal with this problem. Life stops happening to you and you start happening to life. Life’s now my bitch not the other way round hahaha.

    Anyways wanted to share my success story how I’ve changed and the benefits I’ve realised along the way. And hopefully some useful tips and strategies on how to overcome PMO and hopefully PIED in the long run (not there yet but soon I’ll be posting a success about that I have no doubt) and motivated fellow peoples of the earth who are struggling with the same challenges as I did. If you want some advice as I feel I’ve got this all figured out don’t hesitate to reach out. Also I have a daily log where I’m logging my journey to 90 and until I’ve cleared my PIED so you can follow that if it will help you as well.

    anyways see ya in two months.
  2. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut

    You’re right about the triggers. My advice would be if you wanted to reach my previous streak of 700 days nofap then fast every day if you can. And yes remove all triggers. By the way if you go screen time you can put a p blocker on without downloading an app. Do you know what in referring to? iPhones very own p blocker built in. Let me know I’ll guide you through it to set it up