This is Day one for me, anyone wanna Join in with Me?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Khudjo, Oct 6, 2016.


Anyone wanna join me on my journey

Poll closed Oct 13, 2016.
  1. Yes let's start Now Khudjo

    35 vote(s)
  2. No thanks

    2 vote(s)
  3. I have already started sorry Khudjo

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    a week
    a week is fine Enernest, however dont despair, do it again until you vanish this thing for good.. all the best
    Kreach and Emmet123 like this.
  2. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    Guys please stay strong... by now you're suppose to know what triggers PMO, you know how it comes about, you know it comes through when you're vulnerable, stressed, feeling like crap, when you're free, browsing on your internet, when you're anxious, depressed, all those sort of things, if you do not know yours, please try to learn what triggers you to PMO...for people like myself with 8 years of PMO almost everyday, suppose we can master its tricks now, please avoid them I am really begging you with all my heart guys, lets fight this together, however if you happen to relapse, do not despair, start over again, we're here for each other and this place is like our rehab. We have taken a very great decision not for ourselves only but also for for those around us... you guys are awesome...Again stay strong!!
    Emmet123 and RMSC95061 like this.
  3. kswinford

    kswinford Fapstronaut

    Day 1 officially started today. Day 0 (ie yesterday) didn't go so well. I've worked through most of the guilt today, and this afternoon I'm feeling pretty good overall. Looking forward to going a full 90 days no PMO, (followed by no P...forever)committed to put the work in. I noticed last night how mindless I was about engaging in the behavior. Like a drone. I know to achieve any goal in life, one must put forth conscious effort. I'm finally ready to do that.
    shazam4103 likes this.
  4. RMSC95061

    RMSC95061 Fapstronaut

    This is my day one too. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me remain accountable and get me through my first 30 days.
  5. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    Ey man, Well yeah, You see the only way you'll see that PMO was the main factor to having a brain fog is by doing Nofap, Just try it and you'll see the difference to yours too
  6. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    i can help you
  7. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    yhoh.... I almost relapsed, i was feeling depressed and anxious, i was very volatile, i also felt very lonely, it was a horrible experience, i just hope i won't have problems in dealing with such next time...the only thing that also play a role in me not relapsing is the thought of you guys....
  8. Ursamajor

    Ursamajor Fapstronaut

    i had same problem and is my day 14 today. i felt so sad and lonely because i live alone now 6 years and im single 7 years. i wanted to talk to m friend but she never had time to only talk with me and i was like bag of shit. i told her also that i don't want a friend like this. i do not see anything better in my social life. i met a girl that is the closest to me in the way i see things in life and i adore her but she sees me as a friend. i wish i could date her but even nofap will not change a shit. and there is a woman from job who is cute but she does not even see me and this makes me depressed. i need to meet new people just to talk to them. i don't think i will find another person i will like that much even if i don't fap. things get so much complicated and i hate it so much. i actually hate who i am because i fucked up things in life
  9. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    I understand the feeling...I am in a long distance relationship, I really do feel she was nearer...I however wish to meet new people and socialize more frequently, but I don't seem to be effective enough, Last night Friday night I just decided to take a walk alone, and just contemplate on life, I came back better and I slept peacefully....Let's have faith that things will turn out for us...let's not seek for people, let's seek ourselves and find the beauty within ourselves by loving us, perform everything that will result in us being the best versions of who we are, in this way, people will start noticing us, they will start recognizing us...
    Don't feel bad about yourself man, there's still hope, let's use it...
  10. Emmet123

    Emmet123 Fapstronaut

    Guys, sorry for the absence - I mentioned about a week ago I had a relapse, which turned into a once-daily thing that, every time, was the result of me baiting myself with P. We're talking losing some hours in the afternoons, nothing major - but it felt like a huge disappointment after the effort I'd put in during the first week.

    I chose to stay away from these forums, firstly, because I was feeling sorry for myself and, secondly, I needed to figure out how seriously I was taking this.

    But, had a bit of a turnaround this morning; I started looking at P (bad) and just at the moment where I was about to progress to M ... somehow managed to put the device down and leave the room. Just walked away. That was an hour ago. I'm still getting that "hey, come on, just one more" feeling ... but I walked away. That's a big step for me. Funny that the moment that drove me to this site was a heavy PMO session, and the thing that brought me back this second time was walking away from it.

    I hope everyone is doing well - Khudjo, well done for reaching 18 days (and sorry I wasn't around when you were having bad days of your own).

    How is everyone else?
    Kreach likes this.
  11. HeIsRisen

    HeIsRisen New Fapstronaut

    I'm with you dude! It's 0400 and tomorrow is my day one!
  12. Kreach

    Kreach Fapstronaut

    18 days since reboot...aim is for 60...Going Strong.. totally blocking myself from P . I guess its better this way .. examinations are here.. and i can concentrate.. Unlike when i was in the PMO binge,when everything was fizzy. Also relationship wise , problems i can deal it in a better way..clear head helps. Guys thanku for support. I hope u guys are also going strong too.
  13. plshelpme789

    plshelpme789 Fapstronaut

    I am on day 13.
    I hope I will be able to leave this.
  14. Cageyc

    Cageyc New Fapstronaut

    Well done
  15. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    Sup Emmet,
    You just used your will to overcome this man... its a daily fight, from your thoughts, to the way you look at women, I try always not to fantasize about the girls I see daily, and not to look at them with lustful eyes, it's Possible man.

    And thank you so much, I will keep on moving with the help of you guys, you're super awesome..
  16. Kreach

    Kreach Fapstronaut

    yes..keep trying....
    plshelpme789 likes this.
  17. Khudjo

    Khudjo Fapstronaut

    ...21 days guys, noFap... feeling like a hero right now...
    Lets keep going...
  18. Emmet123

    Emmet123 Fapstronaut

    Legend ...
  19. Kreach

    Kreach Fapstronaut

    just behind you Khudjo.. 20 days ...urges are getting stronger. When i can't control , I come in to NoFap, I read our forums and it helps.
    The Blue Ocean likes this.
  20. The Blue Ocean

    The Blue Ocean Fapstronaut

    Hey guys!
    I have been without PMO in 20 days.
    I was thinking, if I was trying 'hard mode' and I watched P today without M or O, does that mean I am now on day one again? Or how does it work?

    I was watching P for a while today, but I have everything under control. Do I have to reset my counter now? :(