Last Activity:
Jun 22, 2017
Feb 22, 2016
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Mar 4, 1994 (Age: 30)


Fapstronaut, Male, 30

Have not watched porn in months, but I keep dreaming about it. I had my first wet dream a few nights ago. It's such a strong obsession. Jul 17, 2016

wellthenisay was last seen:
Jun 22, 2017
    1. wellthenisay
      "No human being should be considered beyond the reach of redemption."
      1. Dustin Johnston likes this.
    2. wellthenisay
      Relapsed.. I keep wanting an escape from reality. Totally not worth it. Feeling so down :(
      1. TheFapstronaut
        you relapse because you can't handle the pain. But remember that pain is only temporary
        Mar 17, 2016
      2. wellthenisay
        Thank you for that reminder..how easy it is to forget that.
        Mar 17, 2016
    3. wellthenisay
      Day 2. Alone in front of the computer. Temptation is strong..ok, time to get off of the computer!
    4. wellthenisay
      "What characterizes an addiction? Quite simply this: you no longer feel that you have the choice to stop. It seems stronger than you.
      1. PaFappa the Rapper likes this.
      2. wellthenisay
        It also gives you a false sense of pleasure, pleasure that invariably turns into pain."
        Mar 15, 2016
      3. Dustin Johnston
        Dustin Johnston
        Very true, it certainly felt like a David and Goliath sort of battle.
        Mar 22, 2016
    5. wellthenisay
      Well that was fast...had an anxiety attack and relapsed :/ Having difficulties with approaching a big fork in the road in my life situation
      1. View previous comments...
      2. wellthenisay
        Yes I do :) It's so easy to lose sight of those things when the cravings for instant pleasure are so strong, though..last night I actually wrote out a list of things to do during crisis mode, and I think that will be helpful.
        Mar 14, 2016
      3. Deleted_User_912949124
        I agree. Stay strong.
        Mar 14, 2016
      4. wellthenisay
        I appreciate the encouragement..
        Mar 15, 2016
    6. wellthenisay
      Day 7. Cravings come and go, but I feel strong. I think the relapses have helped me gain perspective.
    7. wellthenisay
      Relapsed. It gets VERY difficult around day 9. I'm a little disappointed in myself..doing my best to accept it and have self-compassion.
      1. makethatchange likes this.
      2. makethatchange
        I know exactly what you mean, day 10 was my doom day BUT once you break that cycle (easier said than done) you keep step out of the darkness.
        Mar 8, 2016
      3. wellthenisay
        Thanks for reaching out! I feel very inspired by all of my fellow no-fapping brothers. I'm glad I experienced the relapse as I found that it was NOT worth it..yet again, haha. But each time it happens, I view the situation from a different angle.
        Mar 8, 2016
    8. wellthenisay
      Day 8. Alone in front of the computer...temptation is STRONG
    9. wellthenisay
      Day 5 of my streak..so far, the cravings have never had such little power over me. Thank you, beautiful nofappers, for the encouragement!
    10. wellthenisay
      Ended up PMO-ing twice later in the day and my confidence has plummeted. I can now easily recognize the benefits that arise out of nofap.
      1. wellthenisay
        Even after just 9 days! On day one again.
        Feb 29, 2016
      2. Dustin Johnston
        Dustin Johnston
        Don't give up bro, I relapsed too two or three days ago (I don't count anymore really) but each time is a lesson, learn them well :)
        Mar 1, 2016
    11. wellthenisay
      Masturbated this morning without porn and, frankly, I can't remember the last time masturbation felt so good. Still want to reach a month.
    12. wellthenisay
      ...relapsed. I'm not feeling as ashamed as I usually would. I want to make it a goal to reach a month of NoFap.
    13. wellthenisay
      Day 9 complete. Cravings for PMO are pretty strong. I know that it won't lead to anything good. Part of me wants to pretend that I don't.
    14. Dustin Johnston
      Dustin Johnston
      Day 7, this was the hardest day for me EVERY single time I had to restart from a relapse. The cravings got...unbearable usually. but once I broke that cycle and made it to about day 10, it's usually smooth sailing. Keep your head up, brother, and your hands down. You're doing great!
      1. wellthenisay likes this.
      2. wellthenisay
        Thank you for the support, Dustin! On day 9. Got angry and bored and wanted to surf the web for porn, but saw your comment and felt inspired to do healthier things instead :)
        Feb 27, 2016
      3. Dustin Johnston
        Dustin Johnston
        That is the best news I've had all day. You're actually inspiring ME! :)
        Feb 29, 2016
    15. wellthenisay
      Made it through day 7..had sexual thoughts, but the d did not respond. I suspect that I'm flatlining and it's making nofap easier.
    16. wellthenisay
      Day 6 completed and, despite waking up with intense morning wood following very erotic dreams, I am surprised at how easy it was!
    17. wellthenisay
      Day 5 successfully completed :)
      1. swagnarock and FreedomIsHere like this.
    18. wellthenisay
      Balls are very sore! I take it this is blue balls? Pain pain pain....
    19. wellthenisay
      Day 4 of nofap and the cravings/fantasies are getting very, VERY strong. I am doing my best to remain observational, but having a hard time!
      1. Slylen likes this.
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    Mar 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
    I am ready to feel ALIVE!!!