advice for newbie

  1. T

    I am finding it very hard to quit

    I started my journey on January 4th, 2025, Since i started, i have slipped/relapsed 10 times with my longest streak being 6 days. I suppose it's a lot better as before i was doing it 2-3 times a day. Today i relapsed twice which has started to really mess with my motivation. I really just want...
  2. L

    Is real sex preventing my progress?

    Hi, I am a 27 year old male who has been watching porn and struggling with PMO for 17 years. I’ve been going through Nofap and relapsing for a while now, but I have gotten to the point where I can easily go 4-6 days without porn at all. And even seeing porn, or if a girl I hookup either sends...
  3. R

    Essentially a cry for help

    Hello all, I realized I had a porn addiction about 6 months ago. I’ve wanted to get into a romantic relationship for some time and I didn’t realize porn was fulfilling those needs of lust for me in such an overly convenient and isolated way that I fell into this addiction. I’ve been watching...
  4. T

    Logans introduction

    Hello! My name is logan. Ive been on porn for ai dont really wanna admit but 8 years? Around there. I never realized I was addicted until a year ago. I keep trying to quit and it keeps coming back. Sometimes I can go a week. Sometimes only a day or two before I relapse. I keep trying and...
  5. E

    I can't stop. I need help.

    Hi NoFap community, I'm man in my 30s and I have, what I feel is, a serious porn addiction. I can't stop paying for, viewing, or masturbating to porn. It's serious, I can't stop. I can't emphasize how many times I have made attempts to stop, but if anything, things are getting worse...
  6. L

    The start of my journey

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this kind of thing. I've never been on any forums or sites similar to this one but recently (and by recently, I mean, over a year ago) I realized that I have a serious issue with pornography. It started slowly when I was a young kid. Probably around 11 or 12. It has...
  7. T

    A 20yo striving to be better

    Hi guys, I'm a 20yo from India, been into PMO for 6-8 years, I experience Depression, Anxiety and Cognitive dysfunction and memory impairment, Up till end of 2021 , I was a great student , I acheived academically a lot but after that everything came crumbling down and I realised that I've...
  8. L

    Advice Needed

    Hey! I'm checking in after a very long time. I have been suffering from addiction to porn for a long time and have been trying to quit but no matter what I do, I relapse. After relapsing its so hard to muster the motivation to start again and it feels like I lost all my progress. Whenever I...
  9. O

    Devastated after learning I accidentally relapsed

    Just a quick intro 19 year old male who has been masturbating daily since 14. During the end of October I started to want to change my life for the better and I wanted to quit over fapping. I recently had noticed that every time I got with a girl I felt this sense of boredom that was out of the...
  10. 4

    What I have gathered after 10 years on NoFap

    I will make this quick to maximise the amount of people who will read it. If you have any questions about any point, feel free to ask. There is no going back once you quit. There is no masturbation after 90 days. For many, coming to terms with this is an understandably anxious thought - PMO has...
  11. B

    Strip-Club and/or chastity cage no jerking og orgasm

    Hey i think i know the answear but i wanna Ask. I failed at sunday and have masturbated one time each day since. Now its thursday. My problem have not Been directly normal porn, but sexting mostly. Go to a chat site and sext. Never really watched that much porn, its Been sexting and that means...
  12. Living50


    Please give some advice to control strong urges of Porn & masturbation. Everytime hese urges come they distract me from my main work and force me to relapse. But still I am trying to control tem and have controlled them so far. If you can give any tip to control them easily then please give I am...
  13. William_Gregoire

    Sharing my epic success story

    Hi guys , I want to share my story with you, because it took me 12 years of trial and error to figure out how to stop porn once for all. I am completely cured now and I have a wife . I only had 1 girlfriend in my entire life prior to having a wife and curing myself from porn. So I was pretty...
  14. abcislife

    Is my lack of interest in making relationships amplified by porn?

    First of all, this is my first time admitting I'm addicted to porn and I feel like it's gonna cause me unrecoverable damage if I don't do something soon. To understand my situation, I will give you guys a little bit of context first. I was raised in a family that doesn't really show much...
  15. F

    I finally realised I am a big porn adict!!!

    Hi there! i would like to share my story and hear if anyone else had similar experiences. I guess I am (was) an oeversexual person. On my teens there was a day i masturbated 17 times in a day. Thats my record. I am now 39 to 40 years old. I literally cant remember I day I havent jerked off at...
  16. T

    Need advice about relationship and sex life during a reboot

    Hey all. I've decided this month will be the month I do a reboot. Between an over-reliance of porn, medication, and major anxiety/depression disorders it's basically impossible for me to climax by penetration. While I know the latter two have an impact on inorgasmia it doesn't excuse the fact...
  17. N

    New to NoFap (kind of)

    Hi all, I am recently signing up to the NoFap forum to try and reclaim my life. A little backstory: I am 25 years old and I have struggled with porn addiction for 10 plus years. About a year ago I realized that I had a serious problem after asking a doctor why I found it difficult to get and...
  18. Fogrio

    Newcomer !

    Hi all, New to this forum, and after reading the Introduction Guide, this is my official presentation thread. Male, 24YO, in a relationship, abusive porn use, with kinkier and weirder stuff day after day (to keep the "hit"). After having a sane sex life, I want to reboot because I suffer from...
  19. B

    NoFap Advice

    Hello guys, I have some information that could help some of you guys on NoFap. I know that there might be a chance that you guys saw this, but I decided to still share since it is a very good piece of information that could help out the people...
  20. D


    Real Answer to Fap Or Nofap Is "I DON'T CARE." (Say it) This Things should not be important if you want to move Forward in your Life. Porn and Masturbation will fuck up Your Dopamine System. You are Getting free Dopamine by Masturbation and porn so Your Action and reward ratio is...
  21. A

    What would you do if you get a suicidal note like this??

    I got to struct in my relapse cycle Buddy please I beg Ur feet brother this addiction is killing me day by day please help me out nor there is work I'm still college student due to lockdown I'm unable to go college and I'm all day inside home please buddy only u can understand my pain I have no...
  22. P

    Need advice for boyfriend...

    Hi, im Problem88 and I need advice for my boyfriend who is copping with porn addiction. He used to do reboot and to succeed when doing so but lately there has been some issues... he relapses and it affected our intimicy baddly this time and I just dont know how I can help him... So if anyone as...
  23. iit

    17yo newbie here, really hampering my studies How do i keep myself focused in inital days

    Newbie here 17yo, been doing this for last 7yrs I am so sick of this and my concentration/focus level has dropped to zero. I am not able to study properly and constantly getting poor grades, i used to be the topper of my school but now i rank among the lowest. I have gotten thin to the extent...
  24. alphakadabro

    How to Use Devices In a Healthy Way

    I have been talking to many people here on the forums and I am seeing some common themes. #1. Guy relapses to Youtube #2. Guy relapses to Instagram #3. Guy relapses to Tinder #4. Guy is alone and bored in bed at night doing things on his phone that he knows will lead to temptation. The first...
  25. alphakadabro

    My #1 Tip: Change Your Environment

    I want to give back to this community and to all of our visitors here. I see how many guys are struggling. Some have been suffering for 20+ years, others for a decade and yet others are still teenagers. I haven't read all of the success stories so I am not familiar with the exhaustive list of...
  26. M

    Coming here for the first time!

    Hello, I am a 20-year-old male. I have been masturbating for the past 6 years, it increased considerably in the past 2 years. I tried several times to stay away from porn, masturbation. But, after a while, I found myself back in the loop. I realize now that I am objectifying women even those...
  27. Chimii

    Newbie here

    26 years old guy here with bad addiction to porn & henti try to keep it as normal as possible so no hardcore stuff but now it just doesn’t seem enough it’s getting to a point where Normal porn is just isn’t doing it for me. I can’t stop myself from looking or watching everyday. I just get to a...
  28. D

    90+ days and tips (Long read)

    Now I hesitate to call this a success story as I have long thrown away the thought of streaks, or anything to do with goals for fighting this addiction, but as I know that many people have an aim in this fight, whether it be a week, 90 days or forever, I thought I would give some ideas on what...
  29. J

    85 days hitting the 90 day mark

    LONG POST Im about 5 days away from what they say is the reboot stage. But I honestly dont feel a difference, that said we are in quarantine and I dont know the extent of whats become of me just yet. I have a pretty cute barber and it felt very similiar to how it was before and my interactions...
  30. D

    New user in serious need of advice (18/M/Gay).

    I am really sorry if this post does not belong here. I have what I'd call a severe porn and crossdressing addiction. I was about thirteen or so when I started to indulge in pornography almost daily, and it has taken severe consequences in my personal life. At the start, it was just the vanilla...
  31. C

    New guy tho

    Hi, as you probably know from the title, I'm the new guy. And I don't know what to do with my urges. I'm kinda "a lot of thinking" person and my fantasies about porn stuff are deep far enough, so urges come. And having procrastination gives more problems with that, I'm not motivated at all...
  32. O

    Dedicate your life to something greater than yourself

    This could be a set of beliefs, a hobby or an enjoyable occupation. There are a few reasons for this: it will heighten your attraction to the opposite sex (if that's what you desire out of NoFap), it'll lower your reaction to rejection- which contributes massively to relapses in my opinion, it...
  33. Ogkrainer9

    How I Successfully Stop My First Fapping

    Hey guys, I will like to share with you some tips on how I stopped masturbating for my first month. Firstly I will like to congratulate those of you who had stop fapping for some days now I know it's ain't easy but keep strong. On my first week of NoFap I avoided all porn sites that...
  34. ha20

    8 Weeks Challenge Reboot

    Hi, I'll be starting my 8 weeks of No-Porn today and I was wondering if those of you who have already completed 8 weeks of No-Porn or any time period longer would be kind enough to give me advice as to what should I do to achieve this goal, what are the things you recommend me do and what I...
  35. sweetbro22

    Some amazing resources for new guys: books, podcasts, YouTube clips

    Hey NoFap brothers. Just wanted to share some great resources (I'm sure a lot of you know) that are helping me on this journey. Comment with any awesome ones of yours. Terry Crews amazing/inspiring autobiography where he talks about his porn addiction...
  36. N

    Challenge to resist seeing escorts becoming harder

    Hello everyone :) I'm a 25 year old Canadian male. I have been chronicling my challenges to fight the urge to see an escort here on this forum. I first lost my virginity almost 3 months ago (late Jan 2020) at the age of 25 by going to a massage parlour here in Mtl and having sex with a...
  37. Klark Cent

    Starting hard mode need support and advice

    Hello everyone, I’m new here and about to embark on a 90 day hard mode reset. I’m interested in any advice and information you may have to share with someone like myself. Never quit for more than 14 days in the past six years. Enough is enough. I’ve tried to quit many times and failed. I’m...
  38. I

    31 Days, What could go wrong?

    Hi Guys, I'm quite new to this website and the concept of nofap so any tips, pointers, mindsets or lessons you can give me will be very appreciated. I feel as though I have to do this as for the last few years my life has been spiralling out of control and any hope of recovery quickly slips away...
  39. E

    I want to start going to the gym tommorow, need help with program

    As I go through my reboot time, I notice that I have quite a lot of spare time and I really want to fill it with gym and weight lifting, and actually feel good about my body and be more confident and healthy. I began researching what should I do, what to it, calorie balance, diets, learning...
  40. T

    Male Enhancement Pills!! Beneficial???

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to get the communities thoughts on using male enhancement pills like, V,S Etc. I spoke to my doctor about my PIED and he actually prescribed me the generic version of a popular male enhancement pill. I am 23 and by all means should not have to be using these types of...
  41. Hombre

    Hi I am new - Selfhate & Porn / Hola soy nuevo - Depresión y Porno

    ---------------------------(ENGLISH VERSION, ESPAÑOL ABAJO)------------------------ Hello everyone, thanks for receiving me. I am from South America I am 31 years old and I came to NoFap for help online because I think I have a problem with pornography and masturbation that affects my life a...
  42. A

    The extend of my addiction

    I've tried NoFap for 1.5 years now with my biggest streak being only 9 days. I was heavily addicted to sex and pmo. I spend ages 13 - 20 masturbating easily 7-10 times a day. I remember waiting for my sexual partners to fall asleep or leave so I could pmo. I'm never satisfied even when I'm...
  43. W

    I have come here to change my life around

    Hi, I have come here to change my life around. I am a Christian and have a beautiful Christian girlfriend of nearly two years. for the past two and a half years I have been struggling with porn. My goal was to hide it from everybody and sort it out myself. Then just a month ago with no success...
  44. dan’t

    Okay imma give this ago

    sooo I’ve been trying to talk to this girl for like 6 months and she’s so perfect and I can’t get her off my mind it’s lasted like 3 months and it’s actually kinda worrying. Idk how she feels about me but that’s off the table pretty much I can’t stop thinking about her and my sexual desires I’m...
  45. P

    Relationship fucked - Advice is needed

    Hello guy's i'm Chris (25m). I hope this community can help me! I fight since 4 months but i keep relapsing. But first, i'm gonna tell my story. English is not my mother language so i hope you get everything ;). Why NoFap? So as mentioned in the capital, i had a relationship since i was 18 (7...
  46. B

    New to Fapping

    Hello Everyone, My friend from another addiction online support group told me about this. I want to stop masturbating and watching porn. I think that is keeping from being intimate with women and preventing from being in a relationship. It has also messed up my views on sex and intimacy. I feel...
  47. B

    Can’t do it alone

    I don’t necessarily know if I’m addicted to porn because I don’t feel that it’s taking up a huge portion of my life (usually I view it once every two weeks), but I also know that it can get very worse and have more harmful effects. I joined this site in order to find others to talk to. I’ve been...
  48. D

    Some advice from a long time fighter.

    So if I have to give advice as someone who has being struggling and isn't actually too successful, well I've reached 85 days once but you know as someone who is still struggling, I'd say soak yourself in the mindset of quitting. I always found that although I wanted to quit, I tried to forget...
  49. R

    i need some advice

    well hello, so im really confused with my porn addict and It seems i cant really get rid off this bad habit, and I'll explain my whole story as simple as I can. im male 21 yo, so this year its my 8th year as a heavy porn addict, and I oftenly fantasizing sexual things before I sleep its like...
  50. K

    I need advice on how to stay on the nofap path

    Hello everyone. I need good advice on this whole nofap thing, I've tried at most seven days of nofap and it seemed to work. But sadly I got back into my porn addiction and relapsed over the next year. I am pretty miserable, my social anxiety is really fucking bad. I can't even hold a...
  51. I

    Addicted to PMO for 12 years, willing to start a 90 day hard mode.

    Hello fellow members of the NoFap community! Who am I? I'm a 24 year old male, single, still in college. How long have I been using pornography? Well this started at the very young age of 11, I was improperly introduced to pornography and masturbation by an older "friend", at some point I was...
  52. R

    Loosing the love of my life.

    Long story short: So basically i have been watching porn on and off my whole life. Not harmful amounts (or at least i dont think) but I would occasionally flick over and do the "business". I have been in a relationship with my partner for 10 years and now things are beginning to get rough...
  53. ImRashi

    It feels weird, does anyone has similar experience?

    So, when I used to watch porn and masturbate, it was easy to talk to women in my friend circle. But now I'm abstaining from Porn and Masturbation, all of a sudden I find it difficult to do so because the moment I see them, my mind starts to think of ways to get into their pants. I feel like I'm...
  54. Blockie

    Suggestions & Advices on my Morning Routine

    Hello, I've been wanting to start my morning routine but im quite worried because of some reasons, which i want to ask in this thread. Let me get to the point: My goals or at least my imagination is to (in order) Wake up at 4:40 AM (main goal) Meditate (I've been meditating for 61 days so...
  55. Bombadil

    What are your top three tips? Please contribute!

    OK. As the thread name suggests, if you were giving advice to someone just starting on this journey, what would you tell them? You're allowed three points...
  56. randomname3

    Stop counting up, start counting down

    PMO addiction, like addictions in general, is a mental parasite: it hogs as much of your will to power as it can, and gives you back only a momentary reward with diminishing returns. Since this is obviously a bad deal, the addiction must master all sorts of cleaver sophistry to fool you into...
  57. D

    New to the site

    Hi everyone, figured this would be the best place to start, slightly unsure of what forums to post in. I am a 23 yo student from Sweden. Been trying to stop watching pornography since I was about 19-20. Didn't think it would that difficult at first but here I am, 3 years later. Still trying...
  58. I

    Hello I’m new here

    hey guys. Sorry if this sounds kind of generic. I’m here for the first time. Today I just had a embarrassing experience which made me realize that I do need to start noFap. Any advice?
  59. J

    PMO Reboot - Advice please?

    Hi, I turned 18 recently and wanted to stop my porn addiction, it was destroying me and my mind. I have been addicted since age 13 roughly, so 5 years of addiction. I have bad anxiety, depression and low confidence and I believe that's mostly because of porn. I have never posted anything like...
  60. I

    How do I explain to my wife?

    Hi all, I’m new to this and I’m sorry in advance if this is in the wrong section. I started nofap about 4 days ago and I think this is probably one of my longest streaks. I’m 27 and I’ve been married for 1 year together with my wife for about 6 years. At the beginning of our relationship we...
  61. DiogoFonseca

    Newbie dealing with this for the first time

    Hello guys and girls, My name is Diogo, 21 years old, I am portuguese and currently living in Portugal, I'm a Law Student and probably a pornography addict. I guess that everything started with me being 12-13 when I discovered by myself that a white liquid could come out of my penis if I would...
  62. M

    Need some advice please Depression, Anxiety attacks Day 76 first time trying nofap

    Hi there. My name is Dan , I am 25 yo. I've started nofap 76 days ago , my first streak ever. I used to watch masturbate since I was 11 yo with erotic content or using vhs tape with porn when my parents were not home and when I was 13 I got my first computer and I was watching porn and doing...
  63. B

    NEED ADVICE/HELP 20 year old

    hey guys, so i’m new to all this. i’m on day 20 of hardmode, and i started because i tried having intercourse with my new gf (first one) and couldn’t keep a hard on. it freaked me out thinking it was my first time and how i couldn’t keep it up. we tried again a week later and i got soft right...
  64. B

    New and Just relapsed

    Hey my Nickname is Bodybuilding, I like to go with the alias instead of my name. So I started Nofap 2 weeks ago. After I have watched some videos about it on Youtube. I was very excited about the whole idea of having full control of your urges. The first 2 weeks were amazing I felt more...
  65. MaximusDecimusMeridius

    Hello nofap community.

    Hi people. Not really sure why I'm doing this but I've gotta try something. Never joined or written on a forum in my 27 years, there's a first time for everything I suppose. It's been about half hour since I deleted my 250 GB porn stash ("system files" folder lol) from my portable hard drive...
  66. K

    Starting Today

    Hello everyone reading this, I've been off and on to porn, hentai, fantasies ect... Last year i got injured playing sports and then two weeks later got out of a toxic relationship. I was depressed, contemplating suicide and just not happy with myself I figured out that my problem was over...
  67. P


    Hi there, I’m here to once again go down the nofap path. I’m two days in and just avoided a reset. Had issues in the past and made it 50ish days (stopped counting tbh) before I had sex with ex. Newly single and scared about life and it’s stressing me out but here to say fuck all that! I’m gonna...
  68. S

    PIED at 18

    Hello Fellow NoFappers, I’ve recently discovered this back in Feb after going to have sex with someone and as you could guess.... I had a dead dick. Well the back story into this, I was 17 when I had lost my virginity. At the time it worked “fine”. I’d say like 70 percent erections, but I...
  69. Lankhill

    (NEW) Any Tips for M?

    Hey, I'm 18 and started NoFap just this year. I've been fapping since before I could remember at like 5 or 6 years old. In the past 43 days the best I've managed is a 3 day streak twice. I can go a couple weeks without P it just seems like fapping is my bigger issue. I usually fap when I'm...
  70. V

    Let's Try Again!!!!!!!

    Ok, I'm on a different phase in life. I'm not having one night stands, got a nice girl, Im finally studying what I love (mechanical engeneering) and I feel, with almost certainty that PMO is bringing me down..... I dont want to make this very long but my idea is to just cut the PM and leave the...
  71. Z

    Almost 3 weeks now and just got super horny

    So it’s been about 3 weeks now and for first 3 weeks was fairly easy was basically a flatline nothing really got me going I was able to go Yesterday and today I just got super horny like I haven’t been in a very long time I started nofap Bec my libido got very Low for while. I made the mistake...
  72. Tannhauser

    What DIDN'T work for you?

    There are lots of threads on here sharing things that people have done that helped them, and lots of people asking for ideas from others of what they have found helpful. This thread, however, is to discuss things that DIDN'T work. What have you tried to do to beat PMO that just didn't work...
  73. D

    My second time

    Hello everyone! I'm not new to this website. I used to be an active member of NoFap community for more then 1 year, but my life had changed and I decided to quit this website and continue journey on my own. The main reason was that I decided that for me masturbation is OK, but porn is a real...
  74. LivingInAJar

    Ideas for newly found free time.

    New Fapstronaut here. I am currently unemployed but that's about to change. However, even during the times I've been employed I have always found time to PM. I know that I roughly spend at least 2-3 hours a day committed to looking at Porn and PMO. I know that during my reboot, I should be...
  75. BumbleTheBee

    Advice on PIED

    Hi, M24 I'm describing some symptoms and looking for advice on PIED. I've been masturbating since age of 11, not always to porn. I would say that I have been regularly masturbating to porn since last 4-5 years - 4 times a week. I'm not sexually active. I'm not addicted to porn - as in I don't...
  76. A

    Brothers! Give some tips to get through first two weeks

    Hey guys. I am starting a nofap challange. I am really thinking about quitting the addiction. Now the thing is that I have not been able to continue without pmo for > 2 weeks. I need your advice and some tips that are needed to be kept in mind for the mental and physical aspect of quitting this...
  77. Angus McGyver

    Actions and hobbies that might set you up for a long successful streak

    One Fapstronaut on this forum asked me kindly to create another thread that discusses some productive and stimulating actions and hobbies you can pursue in order to fight urges and fill in the emerging gap/void that will appear after leaving PMO behind. It is of course hard to come up with...
  78. R

    Does this usually happen during a reboot

    Hi guys. I just started me reboot to finally kick this nasty habit. My question is since I started my reboot I feel as if im am checking out girls/women even more than before. I understand it is normal to look at people we find attractive but I feel as if I am staring at literally EVERY SINGLE...
  79. B

    First Timer: The State of Things

    It's my first time signing up to this. I live in Europe. I'm a male in my late 20s, and I don't want to hit my 30s with porn and masturbation still sitting as huge weights around my neck. I'll be going PM, not PMO, as I'm married and want to keep and develop a better, more intimate connection...
  80. thorswrath32

    Motivation and Advice from a guy who's been abstinent from P for 3+ years

    Hi folks, I don't usually post new threads but I thought I would put together some advice and motivation that has helped me along the way, it's just advice so take it or leave it. You can choose to be better than your mistakes through action, perseverance and holding on to a vision of yourself...
  81. Kai101

    Can teens fap while doing Nofap?

    I was just wondering, since most of us don't have any sexual partners, and our hormones are raging like crazy. Thanks
  82. C

    Is edging without porn bad?

    So, I've reticently started NoFap because i herd it lowers anxiety (and so far it has.) I've been masturbating since i was 9 so i rely some what on photography so here's my question can i jack off without ejaculation for short periods of time? (Without porn) Another little thing to consider is...
  83. Ravengel

    Newbie wants some advice

    Hello, guys. My name is Andre, I'm a 29yo from Brazil who just realized how porn has been affecting my life. I used to think that fapping was a simple everyday activity like go to work or do the dishes: it was part of my day and I did not necessarily enjoy it. I have been training Jiu-Jitsu for...
  84. C

    The beginning of my reboot..

    So, the first two days of my reboot process have been going great, and honestly, I feel good in not masturbating nor having watched porn in these two days. I've done things such as work, taking hikes and swimming, so it's been a nice two days. I hope for some good tips from some of you guys...
  85. Silver36

    What the fuck? Mother nature just punched me. (First encounter with wet dream).

    Just last night, I was reading this humorous book, about a full-of-life grandmother (Book Name: Rosie). In a scene, the main character was involved in a sexy kissing scene, this did aroused me, but i fought the urge to watch porn and fap and somehow went to sleep. Good morning I had relapsed. I...
  86. H

    Confused and Need Help

    Hi everyone, I am 16 years old and have been PMing for 2 1/2 years and recently I joined NoFap. My social skills aren’t that great and I often get social anxiety. After reading about porn’s effects I decided to stop PMing because it was only making my situation worse. It has been 26 days since...
  87. T

    Porn has ruined my relationship

    About a year and a half ago, my girlfriend caught me fapping to porn. I made excuses for my actions and as to why my behavior was ok at the time. Until recently, I figure that she had forgiven me for my actions. But it is a problem that I should have dealt with prior to entering into a...
  88. L

    First Experience with NoFap

    Hello, this is my first experience with NoFap, I will be attempting to recover from a porn addiction that started when I was around 13 (I am now 18). I have only ever achieved an erection and orgasm once in my sex life, every other time I am with a partner I am never capable of doing either. My...
  89. E

    Will NoFap get me laid?

    This is a question that always pops around in this forums and one that you shouldn't be afraid of asking. I've seen a lot of guys who are brave enough to ask this kind of question but then people start attacking them telling them that they're shallow and superficial. And no, I mean sex is...
  90. B

    New Phase of my Life

    Hi All I'm 26 this year and I have PIED. I haven't had an erection to actual women since I was 18. Started my spiralling towards porn when I was 13 as I was having family problems. I've been abstaining from Masturbation since 31/5/18. It's 9/6/18 now. But I'm still exposed to Porn every now and...
  91. D


    Okay I got this huge problem. I am a college student lots and lots very beautiful women around me. This is one of my major triggers is when I see a really pretty girl I get hit with instant urges. Guys help me out here. Need some advice on how to ignore those hot girls and stop commenting on them.
  92. N

    Hi NoFap community, need some help.

    Hi Everyone, I have seen this website before and I have abstained from watching porn multiple times for various periods but I was not serious about it, this time I am and I will tell you why. I am 23 (too young for NoFap, right?), I have started masturbating at a young age, maybe 11, I do...
  93. G

    Books on addiction

    Hi all I found this site about a month ago and am currently 10 days into my reboot after a couple of false starts. I'm feeling good, but starting to feel some of the temptations to lapse more strongly. Something that would really help me out is to throw myself into some literature around...
  94. M

    Apologies to an Ex

    Hi Guys, I recently discovered, like many others, that I’m sufferering from PIED. Despite me always embarrassingly knowing that I had ED I never knew it was coming from my porn addiction. To cut a log story short, 3 months ago I got finished by my fiancé after a 5 year relationship for what I...
  95. H

    Starting on This Journey

    Hi, I'm 26, male, Indian. I'll write a slightly long post on why I'm here and then get on to my NoFap journey. Some of you may pass on this (It's long, different to your experience) but I request anyone with a similar journey or even any advice to comment. I've been reading a lot online to...
  96. fierybastard

    My name is FieryBastard and I've been addicted for 18 years.

    I'll most likely say a lot of things others have said, so my apologies in advance. My name is FieryBastard and I have been addicted to masturbation and pornography for the last 18 years. Wow, I've never realised it's been that long before now. I recently quit my job to go freelance. I've...
  97. Mitness

    Doing the right things when people are watching is good, integrity is when you are doing the right t

    Do it for yourself, and for nobody else ! In the end, it's harder to lie to yourself, then to everyone in the world.. Keep up : I just hit the 50 days in my reboot !!
  98. HopeThisWorks111

    No benefits

    To anyone out there, please give me some advice, I feel like I'm drowning here! :( Day 27 of reboot. I have received almost no benefits over this reboot. Found my computer. I had originally told my mom to hide it where I could never find it so I could increase my productivity. However, my mom...
  99. G

    Advice for Starting

    Hey everyone! Sunday (Tomorrow) is going to be Day 1 for me. I have been having some problems with ED for about a year and a half and I believe it is from PMO. I have been getting frustrated, embarrassed, and just agitated. I have also have a couple of fetishes that I would like to get rid of...
  100. Sleepingbadger

    What should I plan for the first date, and how should i ask her out?

    Not sure if this is the right forum to ask these kind of things, but... I'm 17 years old guy currently studying in high school. I would like to ask a girl out, but i don't know how should I do it, and what should i plan to do on the date. We had great time together at a school prom, and we...