
  1. pamer

    "PMO FREE once and for all" is it possible?

    I was just thinking in my experiences struggling with PMO since i was 12 and got to the conclusion that this problem won't be solved once and for all unless me from inside changed like my thoughts and my ideas about sexuality. i think it's not about PMO abstinence for a period of time but about...
  2. D

    Dealing with urges in middle late recovery/reboot

    Hey guys got some questions for you, I was on day 35 and relapsed pretty badly this morning. Everytime when I start over again Im doing pretty good like weeks without it and Im thinking that Im doing it right. Its not like I have to endure much this first weeks, no super bad urges to use et...
  3. peter mountain

    Different things I can do with the time I'm freing from MPO

    I start this post with the aim that it becomes a collaborative source of ideas. The idea is that each one of the activities we suggest is doable in a time span similar to the time you spend in a regular PMO session and that this activity increases your day quality and improves the posibilities...
  4. bartbar

    Underlying causes and ideas

    I feel like I knew that the problem here was not pmo by itself. But underlying coping mechanisms with stress and self doubt. I realised this when I was numbing myself by watching series, and films and youtube a lot after going off pmo. There was this feeling of giving up. Letting time rot...
  5. Gucci Gang

    Male Fashion Guide & Ideas Thread, (Highly Detailed with Pics)

    Some really fly Fashion Icons to take some Fashion Spiration from -Kanye West
  6. H


    Hello. I may be the first person to introduce you to NoFap. Welcome! We're glad you're here. Many of you ask for advice and strategies in ending your porn addiction. Here are tips that work for current NoFap users. I highly suggest you read it. Thanks and Good Luck! We are rooting for you!
  7. Hellnopmo

    What is success?

    I have joined NoFap recently, I am now for the first time ever considering the negative effects of what you could probably call an addiction. I see many people on this forum giving a summary of how this has impacted their life in a fantastic way. Do I treat every single day I make the choice to...
  8. Jestr

    Healthy alternatives to PMO during reboot

    Hi. I thought it would be good to start a reference thread of alternative things to do instead of PMO. some of the thoughts I have are: Going to the gym Hit up the NoFap App Get on the phone - give someone a call and have a chat. Any other ideas. It would be great for this to turn into...