#masterbation #addict

  1. T

    Help mee i cant able to stop urges

    I am getting constant urges to M not because of i want to but because ot stress i am facing kindly help me i dont want to break my NoFap
  2. T

    I see thick women...!!!!!

    I always try to control my urges and continue to do for nofap for 15-16 days and then i fap once or twice then again i continue for 15-16 days but in between whenever i see any thick womenhow to control this stuff i know this is a natural process which happens with male when seeing attractive...
  3. M

    How I control from watch porn and masturbate

    I am started NoFap but not me control on me and I watch porn and masturbating me
  4. Galactus

    Counting Days UNTill they become countless

    It's my first day....I have tried many times before I always relapse at max after 6 days...help me to make it a long streak.
  5. K

    Do you think I have a venous leak or is this pied...

    So I am 21 years old, this problem has been occuring since I was 18/19, thought not much of it.. When I masturbate, I get solid erections, without porn or with porn. However, it slowly starts to fade in 5-10 seconds, to a semi, and then goes to flacid. It has more difficult to keep my erection...
  6. A

    Guys i need the most effective way to NoFap, please help

    I've been trying to stop this shit for 5 years now and i failed to do it every time please tell me the most effective way to stop masturbation/watching porn