30 Day Lite Mode Challenge

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Here's one for the "lite weights"--those who are trying to quit porn!

  1. Start on day 0.
  2. Post every day or as close to every day as possible. Say whether you watched any porn the day before. If you miss a day, your next post should mention that day and explain why you didn't post.
  3. You're encouraged to discuss what worked or didn't work for you or how you experienced the benefits of avoiding porn or the downsides of using it.
  4. Stay off the porn for 30 days!
  5. If you fall off the wagon, get right back up on it!
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I'm in, obviously!
I stayed off the porn yesterday. I'm excited about joining this community. I'm also in a bit of a low-stress period work-wise. Those two things made it easier than usual to resist porn. But work's going to get really intense in a couple weeks; that's the time I'm most worried about relapsing.
Good luck and welcome to the challenge!
Another day off porn. It's the week-end and family stuff has kept me busy and away from my computer. Hopefully, I can keep this up once the work week starts and it's just me and the screen for much of the day.
Starting the challenge. We will definitely succeed in our endeavour !!

Nice! Welcome to the thread!

As for me, yesterday was another success. So...


I'd like to add that after just three days without porn, I feel an improvement in my relationship with my wife. I feel more motivated to "woo" her--today I encouraged her to put her feet up and read while I made her a fancy drink. This is the first time in a while I've done this kind of thing. (Although correlation =/= causation so I can't say for sure this is entirely because of my staying away from the porn. But it's still encouraging.)

Yesterday went without a hitch. Today's going to be one of the hard ones. I'll be alone in my home office a lot. But I feel like this website and this challenge might help.

I had some urges yesterday but managed to resist. Today I'll have less time during which I have to rely on willpower, though there will be a few of those. I'll try to remember that giving in to the urges and watching porn only made me less happy.
Relapsed. starting the challenge over

That must feel disappointing. But I hope you'll take a minute to congratulate yourself for honestly admitting it and for taking steps to achieve a goal. Neither are easy things.

Do you feel there was anything in particular that caused the relapse? If so, could you do anything differently to avoid it going forward? You don't necessarily need to tell me--these are just questions that I feel I'd want to be asked.

I think my urges to watch porn are diminishing a bit. They might be getting replaced by fantasies about my wife. I think this has really positively affected our marriage this week.

I think my urges to watch porn are diminishing a bit. They might be getting replaced by fantasies about my wife. I think this has really positively affected our marriage this week.

You are on the right track, bro. Just keep stepping forward and reminding yourself of your goals and what a wonderful relationship will you have when you've finally given up your bad habit

I'm so grateful for this message board. Being able to set up this challenge here has improved my relationship and helped me spend my time more meaningfully, productively, or restfully.
I won't be getting any from my wife this week. That'll add to the temptation to use porn. I'll try to be extra aware and mindful and to keep in mind that watching porn only makes me feel worse.

I've also certainly been more productive since I stopped using porn. Combining this challenge with the No Screen Challenge has helped me shift the time I would have spent on porn onto pretty good uses of my time. I need to remember this as I get tempted this week.

Things are going to get really tough. I've got some big deadlines at work coming up and I'll be going without sex for a while. Both of these things will make porn more tempting.