35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    Busy hating myself today and just can't seem to get past it for some reason.
    Not sure how many times I will need to keep learning the same lessons.
    My father's drug of choice was alcohol and I hated him for it. I hated the broken promises and him always choosing booze over family.
    He's been gone a year and I wish I could just talk to him about it, tell him I understand now and I'm not mad about it anymore.
    I used to be proud of not having an addictive personality but it looks like that has all changed.
    Perhaps this is the universe teaching me humility.
    Not sure how much longer I can stand feeling so broken.
    artifact and Hope23 like this.
  2. Hope23

    Hope23 Fapstronaut

    I am very sorry that you feel this way... If possible, then meet him if possible, talk to him and I believe that you will feel better then.

    I also do not judge those people who are addicted on something and understand them, because I am aware that I am not better than others and this teaches me to be humble.

    Be strong and don't give up, we hear you and are with you in support.
    artifact, Keli and flyswat like this.
  3. Hope23

    Hope23 Fapstronaut

    @Mara43 hope you are well? We haven't heard from you for a long time...
    Mara is back, artifact and Keli like this.
  4. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    Checking in.
    Feeling a little better after a good night's sleep.
    Not great but a bit of an improvement.
    Keli, flyswat and Hope23 like this.
  5. Low Tide High Tide

    Low Tide High Tide Fapstronaut

    Reset today, on my 2nd day back at work from home alone. I feel like I might need to get back to working from an office withohter people, but my wife is scared of how much that would change our routines.
    Stelvio likes this.
  6. zeke1993

    zeke1993 Fapstronaut

    Good tired, was able to get back to the gym. Working from the coffeeshop to avoid issues.
    Stelvio and Hope23 like this.
  7. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Día 7
    Hace mucho no lograba una semana .
    Mara is back and Hope23 like this.
  8. Hope23

    Hope23 Fapstronaut

    Praise be to God! I wish the next week in the same spirit, don't give up, be strong, you can do it in the power of God!
    Lots of encouragement!
    Keli likes this.
  9. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    muchas gracias
    mucho ánimo para ti también.
    Hope23 likes this.
  10. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Muchas gracias..

    Espero estes muy bien tambien
  11. Hope23

    Hope23 Fapstronaut

    Day 45

    Fantasies have remained less and the desire to do M has not been there, because every time a fantasy enters my head, I start forcing myself to think about something else and ask God for help until my mind calms down.

    I wish you all to keep fighting and don't give up and may you succeed in achieving your goals!
    flyswat and Keli like this.
  12. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    Checking in.
    Feeling a lot better today.
  13. zeke1993

    zeke1993 Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Tons of anxiety and dread because of missing our kitty. Feeling vulnerable with a few urges, but going strong.
  14. Hope23

    Hope23 Fapstronaut

    I wish you peace and keep strong, you can do that!
    artifact likes this.
  15. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Día 0

    Hoy caí.. luego se una conversación. Aunque solo fue MO
  16. Max Chickens

    Max Chickens Fapstronaut

    I wish i spoke spanish!!
    artifact and Keli like this.
  17. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Entiendo igual..
    Me aparece la traduccion automatica
    artifact and Max Chickens like this.
  18. Hope23

    Hope23 Fapstronaut

    Do not give up, keep believing and pray God for help and fight with all your strength and when you want to get rid of that addiction with all your heart, you will succeed.

    Lots of cheers for you.
    artifact and Keli like this.
  19. Low Tide High Tide

    Low Tide High Tide Fapstronaut

    Checking in, today is easier thankfully. And I have a weekend of busy times with the family coming up so unlikely to slip up. I might actually be able to bounce back for once, and not spend days and struggling to get a few days' streak going.
    artifact and Stelvio like this.
  20. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Muchas gracias..
    Si. Me faltó luchar con todas mis fuerzas..
    artifact and Hope23 like this.