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20 Days gone. Already feeling many benefits. I hope I Will have the strength to continue and for the first time in my life hit the 30 days mark. Good luck to all of you guys and thank you for the support!
Don't hope, know! You have that strength, you've always had it and always will. It's just a matter of using it, which you're doing now and will keep doing far beyond the 30 day mark. Go for it!
Day 29/90
One more day to 1/3 of this challenge
Just read something from a book, it said don't think that you're suffering for doing noFap, but you're achieving your goal.
Some people will fall because they think it is a suffering, then when they reached their goal, they "reward" themselves by allowing themselves to do that activity, which actually contradicts with their own goal.
I’m on day 0, wife just found that I watched porn yesterday and that my sponsor with SAA suggested that I don’t tell her. Bad idea suffice it to say, let’s get to 90

i recomment that you tell her. it´s better to find out from you, instead of finding out for herself, that will be a shock. plus if she understands that you have a health problem, she can support you and be a valuable partner on the path to recovery.
DAY- 12 , Checking In ;)

These sexual propensities, though they are at first like ripples, acquire the proportions of a sea on account of bad company"
BY- Narada.

Guys day 12 here , no urges at all , is it normal ? i haven't hit the flatline yet , am i really recovering or what ?

health is not math brother. don´t expect that day x will be like this or like that. flatline periods or urges periods come and go, it´s impossible to predict what will be next. just keep going brother. no pmo! let´s go :emoji_muscle:
health is not math brother. don´t expect that day x will be like this or like that. flatline periods or urges periods come and go, it´s impossible to predict what will be next. just keep going brother. no pmo! let´s go :emoji_muscle:

Ok brother , i think i have just been overthinking about all this , i just need to focus my energy into some other areas of my life , and the more i will keep myself busy , the better it would be for myself. :)
Joined nofap Jan 25, 2019
266/290 Good Days (no relapse)
Longest streaks 67 then 51 (4 years later)
Current Challenge 16/90 (ends on my 1 year nofap anniversary)
Day 90 weight training (3X/wk)
Day 29 reduced alcohol, caffeine and sugar
- falling back down the slippery slope to enjoying caffeinated tea and coffee as well as desserts which is why this number above hasn't changed in some time
- it's not seeming to effect my streak though which is good ... Mostly effects my sleep
- I am doing well with almost no alcohol in my life and that has really helped me avoid PMO as I do mostly when hungover or late at night upon returning home from the bars
- keep clean brothers, it's worth the fight
- your brother in this struggle
I dedicate my success over the most overwhelming behavior on earth to Gary wilson, Alex rhodes & his forum
Man i was zombie not human, i was fake horny all the time, pmoing for any reason, HELL I COULDN'T HUG OR KISS MY OWN MOTHER DAMNIT
My story can be published in thousands of papers man....
Welcome to the 90 Days Challenge!


The 90 Days Challenge is currently the most common challenge for fapstronauts.

What is the 90-CHALLENGE ?

- The challenge is easy and clear. You must reach 90 days of no PMO.

- You must start on day 0 and you should post preferably every day in this thread until you reach 3 months.

When you reach 3 months, you leave this thread forever. That's all.

Want to try the next challenge ?

Please click here to participate in the 365 Days Challenge.

Note : Following the huge success of this challenge and my limited time on the forum, the hall of fames has been disabled for an indefinite period.
Day 8 and going strong
I dedicate my success over the most overwhelming behavior on earth to Gary wilson, Alex rhodes & his forum
Man i was zombie not human, i was fake horny all the time, pmoing for any reason, HELL I COULDN'T HUG OR KISS MY OWN MOTHER DAMNIT
My story can be published in thousands of papers man....
Reading this.. I might going through same thing. Would like to hear your success story, if you may