Anime with out addiction


Hey everyone,

As you can tell by my profile pic of Naruto I have always been a huge fan of Anime. Now my wife (after I hurt her for lying to her about my life behind the scenes with my addiction) has banned anime for me understandably. Before I would read Manga and watch anime almost daily.

How would you guys suggest dealing with the sometimes lewd nature of anime and welcoming it back into my life without getting on a slippery slope to relapsing?

Do you think it is possible or is it something I should just consider me needing to grow up and move on from?

I’m very interested to hear others thoughts on this.
Yeah its just difficult when its so deeply rooted in my childhood but so is P so it may be for the best
Just try to slowly phase it out. Don't go cold turkey. Or tell your wife to compile a list of animes that she thinks are okay. Or even better watch it together as a couple?
Just try to slowly phase it out. Don't go cold turkey. Or tell your wife to compile a list of animes that she thinks are okay. Or even better watch it together as a couple?

unfortunately anime is not her thing. I might seek out resolutions with her once we get in a more comfortable stage of our marriage (ie not worrying about me relapsing and lying). I just wanted to know if there were others who successfully have watched it after quitting PMO