Hello! It's my first post here on forum so I want to say hello to everyone. I'm 27 yo right now. I've been addicted to porn since I remember, I was like 14 years old or so. I started watching porn before I had any sexual performerce with a real person. I had my first girlfriend at age of 21. Due to porn addiction I haven't been able to get an erection and perform. I put a blame on alcohol... After second or third try she left me, what was a terrible experience for me. I thought to myself that something is bad with my body, but never put a blame on P or MO. After a half year I met my second girlfriend, she was incredibly hot and was really into me. I was really horny kissing her, but the same terrible lack of erection destroy everything... After that she lost interest in me. I was psychological destroyed... I put a big blame on me and started looking for some herbs to help my performance. I didn't even thought that it happens due to PMO. It happens about 2015 so it was quite long ago. When I look on it from today's perspective I really don't know why I didn't found a right solution those days? It was the only my fault that I haven't search enought to find out about Nofap Community.. maybe because I didn't even thought that porn is something bad...
In a state of depression I found PC exercises which I thought would help me. Actually it made some improvement and I learn due to that how to orgasm without ejaculate. Becouse of semen retention I transform myself really in case of learning and personal development. Because of the semen retention I got a big energy kick, compare to the days when I was PMOing and feeling totally Like a shit. But the real problem still was there and I saw that in another failed performence...
After that (finally) I hit on NoFap Community what blow my mind. Since two last years I've been on a few streaks which the longest was about 75 days but on a hangover I gave up...
Ok, that was the background story and here I will describe you my latest story. I've been in Germany about month ago living in a hotel with all workers from our company. I met there a beautiful girl and she was really into me, a same as me. After some time we got closer and closer and we finished sleeping together and ended in a foreplay becouse my dick was not responding good enought. Here I need to say that it happend on day 60 streak and probably the flatline occurs. I guess she was dissappointed and gets a little bit distance to me. I felt really down and I decided to get a step forward. I have told all the fking TRUE about myself what was really amazing experience. After that I felt that I've made a big connection with her. We arrange a walk to talk more about my story and she was really interest. Then she admit that she have a boyfriend in Poland, whats hit me a lot, but probably due to NoFap I was able to be totally okay with that.
I think that this honesty was an addiction crusher! Today is a Day number 110 and I am really happy to say, that I feel like a totally different person. What helps me a lot were:
- cold showers - i take it 2/3 times a day. First on the morning, second after gym and third before going sleep. It gives me discipline and energy.
- intermittent fasting - I'm doing 16/8 fast. Clarity of mind and control of myself x5!
- gym workout - everyone knows that is one of the major strategies
- facing the urges - when an urges appears I think to myself and remind myself why it is important to stay strong and why I am doing that. Always I tried to remind myself about that girl and how i felt after failed performence...
1) mind clarity
2) disciplined
3) real emotions
4) memories hidden in my brain now came back, I can reevaluate them once again!
5) energy
6) unlimited motivation
7) easily giving up addictions, but I still like to drink beer with my friends ;p I think going coldturkey with everything is a bad decision long term
8) feeling like a real men
9) different, mature point of view on life
10) became more profamily
11) became more grateful for everything
12) godlike calmness
13) even silence is enjoyable
14) girls approaching me like never before
15) life is amazing
Some new benefits are still appearing
I want to keep NoFap lifestyle for a lifetime!
I feel my PIED is still out there, but I know the things will get better with time. I focused myself on self development, learning languages and workout.
Thanks for reading! I hope that my story will motivate someone to get on the NoFap track
In a state of depression I found PC exercises which I thought would help me. Actually it made some improvement and I learn due to that how to orgasm without ejaculate. Becouse of semen retention I transform myself really in case of learning and personal development. Because of the semen retention I got a big energy kick, compare to the days when I was PMOing and feeling totally Like a shit. But the real problem still was there and I saw that in another failed performence...
After that (finally) I hit on NoFap Community what blow my mind. Since two last years I've been on a few streaks which the longest was about 75 days but on a hangover I gave up...
Ok, that was the background story and here I will describe you my latest story. I've been in Germany about month ago living in a hotel with all workers from our company. I met there a beautiful girl and she was really into me, a same as me. After some time we got closer and closer and we finished sleeping together and ended in a foreplay becouse my dick was not responding good enought. Here I need to say that it happend on day 60 streak and probably the flatline occurs. I guess she was dissappointed and gets a little bit distance to me. I felt really down and I decided to get a step forward. I have told all the fking TRUE about myself what was really amazing experience. After that I felt that I've made a big connection with her. We arrange a walk to talk more about my story and she was really interest. Then she admit that she have a boyfriend in Poland, whats hit me a lot, but probably due to NoFap I was able to be totally okay with that.
I think that this honesty was an addiction crusher! Today is a Day number 110 and I am really happy to say, that I feel like a totally different person. What helps me a lot were:
- cold showers - i take it 2/3 times a day. First on the morning, second after gym and third before going sleep. It gives me discipline and energy.
- intermittent fasting - I'm doing 16/8 fast. Clarity of mind and control of myself x5!
- gym workout - everyone knows that is one of the major strategies

- facing the urges - when an urges appears I think to myself and remind myself why it is important to stay strong and why I am doing that. Always I tried to remind myself about that girl and how i felt after failed performence...
1) mind clarity
2) disciplined
3) real emotions
4) memories hidden in my brain now came back, I can reevaluate them once again!
5) energy
6) unlimited motivation
7) easily giving up addictions, but I still like to drink beer with my friends ;p I think going coldturkey with everything is a bad decision long term
8) feeling like a real men
9) different, mature point of view on life
10) became more profamily
11) became more grateful for everything
12) godlike calmness
13) even silence is enjoyable
14) girls approaching me like never before
15) life is amazing

Some new benefits are still appearing

I feel my PIED is still out there, but I know the things will get better with time. I focused myself on self development, learning languages and workout.
Thanks for reading! I hope that my story will motivate someone to get on the NoFap track

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