Does anyone feel this way about women?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RedPillRebooter, Jun 8, 2017.

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  1. Spot on there mate! Many of us would not recognize a smarter person than we are if we would meet one. Maybe we would even think they are dumber. :D
    Jewish girl and Hisself like this.
  2. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I know someone I would trust completely if things went south :)
    Kenzi likes this.
  3. 3... 2... 1...
  4. Like if shit went down bro. Like serious danger is upon you
    Matrix Intel and Star Lord like this.
  5. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Yup I would trust.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Sounds like you're still and addict but you've just switched addictions. How many days have you been sober from drugs?

    Ha! A little lesson I've learned from my time on the streets is if shit goes down then the only person you should trust is yourself. Period.
    Jewish girl likes this.
  7. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Last time I did ecstasy was 2014. I did it a few times in 2016. But I'm done with ecstasy. Just because you do a drug doesn't mean you're an addict. If someone put ecstasy in front of my right now I wouldn't do it.
    Hobbes likes this.
  8. Yes, I understand that, but you said "a bunch of times" which would usually indicate a substance abuse issue. Plus it's not uncommon for addicts to transfer addictions. Glad you've been able to stop using ecstasy. What about other substances?
  9. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Why are you even here? Seems you don't have the problems the rest of us guys have, you have it all figured out. You prefer thinking of women as sex objects and you claim it's the superior mindset. Clearly the rest of us losers can't comprehend the plane you are currently on. Why seek anyone's advice here?
    Bel and Jewish girl like this.
  10. Maybe he's looking for validation for his beliefs? In his writings you can see him reaffirming himself with statements like "I know you guys think like this" or "I know anyone who says otherwise is lying", but I don't think these are cutting it for him. Change is a scary thing, especially when it comes to changing an outlook which has helped you cope with difficult times. I think there's a fear that by losing his coping outlook that he will be lost and vulnerable again, so he's holding on to it hoping to find other like minded rebooters who can reaffirm him that he's on the right path. Hence the thread title.
    Bel and Jewish girl like this.
  11. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Of course there is obvious insecurity there. If he were confident in his choice he wouldn't even be here. The thing is, almost no one has ever reaffirmed him that he's on the right path. All he gets is backlash. Maybe that's what he's after. It's an easy way to let off some steam. This place is for getting support, not for having people tell you you're doing a great job, or for picking fights. Missing the whole point I think.
  12. Maybe he does like the backlash? It might make him really feel like he's going his own way, and maybe that's the reward with all of this?
  13. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    @Monster Carrot I already told you, I'm interested in other people's opinions on this matter. I like to see different perspectives other than my own. Besides that, I thought it would be interesting to see how you guys view my opinions and challenge them.

    Why am I here? It's like alcohol anonymous. You go to meetings everyday. So I'll be here often even though I'm already rebooted ~ so I never go back.

    P.s. you are quite rude to me. If you don't like my opinions or think I'm trolling then you can simply not reply to my threads. No one's forcing you.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  14. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    If women are less intelligent, then it doesn't matter what anyone says... You consider us 'subhuman'
    I'd try to argue for my gender, but I'd think it'd fall to deaf ears.
    You don't seem to actually want to fix it.
    Let alone think it's "a flaw" or worthy of being fixed.
    It's your perspective and you are entitled to your opinion.
    Everyone is.

    I bet aren't even reading everyone's posts past the first couple of lines because you actually don't place value on their opinions, you just want to make sure your own version of why you are the way you are has validation.
    Oh, I'm sorry.... I'm a girl.
    Am I not allowed to have a vocabulary?

    And to point.... I've seen you be both misogynistic and rude on the forum, so I don't think you can play the "rude card" to anyone without a really good cause.
    That's my opinion, and I'm allowed to have it.
    Star Lord, Bel and Monster Carrot like this.
  15. Rockhold

    Rockhold Fapstronaut

    My gut feeling says NoFap will be too powerful for me. There is a good possibility I will be knee deep in ass in a few months, there is something about calming...more fluid. Porn takes that aspect away, you are so bombarded with sexual imagery all you want to do is bust a nut in a lazy way.

    You might develop "if it happens, it happens" attitude. But it's too early to draw conclusions. I squash any sexual desire because I am still not rebooted yet. I still don't understand the concept of objectifying and actually wanting sex with someone. Like if you stop objectifying, do you even want sex? Usually sex has to have a little objectifying? Or do you just become this smooth criminal, if that's the case, yeah, it's lethal.
  16. JamesRK

    JamesRK Guest

    I can't say I have anything to add from my own views as a gay man, but since all my relationship my relationships with straight people are platonic, I've had close friends – both men and women – talk to me very candidly about sex and romance. A lot of what you are saying, I think, is part of a huge irony.

    While there are exceptions on both sides, men are more driven by sex, and women are more driven by emotional connection. Hence, I've heard from male friends about these extensive steps they are taking to attract women for sex, looking for new ways to flirt or be attractive to women, or find whatever shortcut they can to end up having sex. On the other hand, I've heard my female friends tell me the times they have been most interested in sex is when they feel extremely emotionally connected with and valued by men. Some of my female friends admitted that had slept with a player or two, but since regretted the entire thing and have become turned off by that kind of man.

    There are exceptions to these generalities, but even so, women have control over the sex market (if you'd describe it as a market system). Since many more men are seeking casual sex, the smaller group of women looking for the same thing can really take their pick. Since they don't have to settle, if you want to be that guy, you better be the most attractive man available, and you have a lot of competition.

    What I think is ironic is that tons of guys are competing trying to be this "alpha male" who can get as much sex as he wants, but statistically, most of them are not going to be of above average attractiveness. In that case, he would have neither looks nor personality going for him. Thus, I think for most men, building real emotional connections with women as people is their best shot at sex. However, if you are subscribing to the idea that women are emotionally uninteresting and intellectually inferior, you're going to be turning off a whole lot of women.
  17. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Never said that, I just am attracted to women sexually. Women should be great full that I am attracted to them. I mean, whenever a girl is interested in me, I am very great full.

    You should be great full every time a guy shows interest in you. Anything else is taking that for granted.
  18. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    I just don't think NoFap is the right place for you. Your goals are not really what we are trying to accomplish around here. I'm trying to help you realize it so you can move on already.

    If you can't see the value of a good woman, then I feel pretty bad for you. All your relationships will amount to nothing more than meaningless fornication, sadly.
  19. @RedPillRebooter have you tried going to the 30-39 and 40+ journal sections and reading some of the guys/gals entires? Some are dealing with the aftermath of your kind of outlook, so reading their stuff might help you better yourself and avoid some serious pain in the future.

    Just a thought.

    Either way I hope the best for you.
  20. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    If you are actually looking for a real intellectual debate, from a woman.... I'll humor it.
    I'm on lunch and I have a minute to spare.
    From the psychological standpoint, look at your words... 'great full'
    You are either a idiot or completely self entitled.
    Neither is grateful for the attraction.
    Probably grateful for the attention, yes, of that I agree wholeheartedly.
    Nobody is grateful for anyone elses attraction.
    It's just a buzz.
    A buzz in which landed everyone here, I may point out.
    They want what comes next.
    It's not the flicker that attracts the fly to the light, although it is attractive... It's the heat.
    Think about it.
    How many people you "click-smiss"
    It's the same principle.
    Flicker, flicker. Ooh, a lamp.
    I have no problem being the lamp.
    I can't even put my picture on this site because my face is a trigger.
    I don't need a preach about taking things for granted.
    There is a fine line because objectification, idolization as well as simply showing flack respect towards someone for being personified
    You also think all women should be "great full" to be attention got?
    Is that correct?
    No, harassment is real.
    And because of how I look, I get enough of it.
    Whispers of "sweet nothings" and quite frankly, no.
    You think we aren't intelligent?
    Maybe we don't have anything to say because you are boring.
    Women don't want to talk to fake.
    I am college educated and have traveled halfway around the world but if some Spaz comes up, "hey babe how are you?"
    Or "you are so pretty"
    I'm going to shut up and leave.

    And based on how boring you described so many women... Maybe, it's what they were thinking too.
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