Doing calisthenics instead of going to the gym


New Fapstronaut
Hey so, before i get to the point, i gotta give a bit of a backstory beforehand. So i've been working out for at least 9 months now. I started out with calisthenics and i gradually started going to the gym consistently 3/4 months ago. I've gained quite a lot thanks to both. But for a while now, i want to do calisthenics from home(like i used to) instead of going to the gym and lift weights. And honestly i wonder whether if it's a good idea to do that for at least two weeks or not.
(There's also the fact that i barely have any money left to go there anyways so)
If you enjoy the calisthenics and get results then you can take a couple of weeks off from the gym. Might do you some good to get away from the weights for a little bit and change things up.

And if money is an issue, working out at home can is a solution that would work for you.
Why not? Callistenics can be enough of a workout, from what I understand. Or is it, the getting out of the house, that is helping you maintain? Either way, if you are short on funds, sounds like it's been decided for you. Good luck.
If you wanna do calisthenics I can’t recommend this guy enough

His programming is solid, helped me do more and better push ups or pull ups than I had ever done previously. His books are solid and his YouTube has a ton of great free info.