From Nothing To Worthy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by shred75, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    Day 20 started.

    in this age of information overload and midn programming ,I finally can say that nofap is a good path to achieve your goals.
    It helps you to put a factory reset to your programmed behaviour set by modern world.
    Once you are factory reset ,you see "Good as Good and Bad as Bad"
    I also think my nofap journey differently nowadays.
    Its because nowadays it is serious that how much media and government is creating a controlled news ,oppositiom etc.
    They cant fool me anymore.
    I cant accept what media tells me

    No media cant taught me ,bad is good and good is bad.
    I have opened my eyes.

    Day 20!

    Also sleep well, you may get illusion that you cant sleep without porn or masturbation thats just too much bullshit your mind is producing.
    just listen to your cicardian clock before you want to sleep, it is easy to sleep without porn.
    I just noise blockers though but a healthy sleep will help.

    Also eat anything,those who blame food or meat/beef/chicken for their porn addiction need a mental hospital.
    LostSon267 likes this.
  2. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    I think that my life is a crap.
    whatever i do , i end up doing it terrible.
    I dont even learn fast like others.
    I just have that all defects into me.
    I dont even hv friends to talk to ,nor I want anyone further.
    Those who I find here just delete accounts too, I also am not able to study or anything.
    like I am very much demotivated in life because of what is happening in my life.
    Basically desensitised with life.

    update : i hv got a mood to watch some alien documentaries maybe it will change my mood.
    I wish i had money, i make music but no one watches my music.
    I spent so much time on production but get 0 in return.
    I m finished.
  3. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    NoFap is giving me so much courage that I finally started those pushups and kicking again.
    I have been exercising so much.
    Niw its time for ind vs pak match.
    I m enjoying the match so far.
    hail nofap.
  4. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    Day 26 almost done.
  5. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    Day 27 almost done.
    Time to do some pushups.
    jk243 likes this.
  6. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    Relapsed couldn't hold it more.
    Day 1 done.
    No shame.
    I was just 3 steps away from a month reboot.
    But just admitting , I have start again gives me enough motivation to move in life.
    That is why I choose nofap to be in boundaries and learn discipline and sane behaviour.
  7. Moscrac

    Moscrac Fapstronaut

    Bro let me tell you about relapses and hardmode.
    Just don't orgasm, you go watch that shit, while watching. Observe yourself, be Mindfulness. Find a reason why you need to spill your semen on the floor. Find a good reason why these people fucking on screen care about you.
    Fine, you watch that shit, watch it all, but find a good reason why you need to orgasm, what is porn filling in your life? You don't feel loved? You are not happy with your career?
    The only flaw with hardmode is once you relapse, you hardwire back to the same porn, you chase then a higher high and is really really hard, because these porn urges are insane.
    I tell you, I have in my memories like 20-30 videos, that I can remember anytime but they don't get me horny because I haven't had an orgasm on them for 3 months. If I go orgasm in one of them.. I will probably fall in a slow downfall and relapse every 7-10 days till I reach the daily relapse.
    In july I did binge for 3 weeks for hours, I was some desperate addict, going to them, then quit, then cold shower, then watch again, then quit, then blue balls. It was insane.
    I do get across soft porn daily and it doesn't trigger me, is just some idiots degrading themselves.
    Be mindfulness, OBSERVE yourself in the act, you really really need to do this? Listen to the man in you, do you want a woman to just kiss you on her own and love for who you are? Why do you care about some bitches that don't care about your semen? They don't love you when you orgasm and they abuse you for their income. Porn is abuse, stop letting yourself abused.
    It ain't about pushups, cold shower, some streak on calendar or some nipples om screen, is about standing for yourself.
    Don't feel shame you watch that shit, feel shame you move your hand to your dick, that dick needs to be in a woman not in your hands.
    Is hard to stop watching, checking, I have empathy for you. Is a learnt behavior, you are abused, probably have underlying traumas and it just fills that void, but you have to get your shit straight, do I orgasm alone in a dark room to some people having sex? Do these people mean anything to you?
    Do not orgasm whatever you do. Best would be full hardmode, but if porn challenges, stand for yourself.
    You think these bitches in porn are beautiful women? You think they understand the love concept? You think some body defines a true woman? What is a woman for you? Just a hole? Have respect for what a woman really is.
    When you watch porn again, remember my words.
    That woman doesn't love you.
    She doesn't do any of that for you.
    You don't matter to any pornstar.
    She is probably a drug addict.
    She is abused.
    You are abused.
    Love yourself
    Put that dick in the pants
    Walk away
    Cold shower
    Man up, your life is too short to cum on the floor because of some sellout bitches selling their ass.
    Jacky198 likes this.
  8. Moscrac

    Moscrac Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction is not coke addiction. Is mem stuck in the 10yo mentality when they see a pussy.
    Porn addiction is about stop being a boy and start being a man, start saying no to masturbation and orgasm, what is gonna do porn to you? Stab you?
    Find real male role models, learn from them, why they can have a family, why they don't feel nervous approaching women, be yourself, be you, because you are a good person, you deserve better!
    You have to fight for it, like a man
    shred75 likes this.
  9. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    I am trying meditation these days. I discovered that it is not just monk shit we are told to do , I listen to specific suggested hypnosis/ guided voice ,it affects me in a way I want but for that I need to be ready to be changed, so it's a new think on which I m working.
    Yeah ,it's quite sad I do it , I have been corrupted by Satan . I used to be a very religious guy who caresd about God but I became atheist for 7 years ,I still have doubts and difficultly to choose religion, fear of atheism is that I hv nothing to stop me from porn but recent years I discovered God in my life , it takes experience to witness God work in your life , I believe he does exist and infact he really is good , I hv my arguments for that but it's a shame that I don't only betray God but society when I spill semen for no reason ,it's a coward behaviour, I m so mentally ill programmed by internet. I hope I get better I m trying.

    May God give me eyes.
    Oh my god help me to see a women as women.
    Why do I forgot that I have sisters whom I respect where does the respect for when I watch porn.
    Save me god .

    Yeah bro I will try my best next time
  10. Moscrac

    Moscrac Fapstronaut

    Light that candle and talk to god.
    Don't need to read bible words. Just light a candle, say what is on your soul.
    Atheism is religion, they BELIEVE god doesn't exists.
    Have a real talk to god he will listen.
    Read the book "it works".
    Man up, this isn't about a new streak, is about fixing your relationship to god and become a man.

    Sorry if I go rough on you. Is just love, respect that next time, you watch, you quit, suffer from blue balls. Orgasm is the big NO.
    shred75 likes this.
  11. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    It's ok , you want good for me.
    Thx for some tips.
    I m ready to start again
  12. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I did too much relapse.
    Back to day 0 , I almost forgot nofap even exist.
  13. shred75

    shred75 Fapstronaut

    Guys,....... I m ok !
    I m back.
    I was ill from quite days ,so streak maintained and it's like day 4 or 3 but anyways I wl count as day 3.
    My energy is ok.
    Mood is ok.
    Things r ok.