Has Meditation Helped You?


New Fapstronaut

I know many nofappers mention that meditation has supported them in quitting. I've heard wild stories of how people who fapped 3-5 times a day for 7 years now only have "O" a few times a year.

Want I am curious about is they type of meditation that you do and how exactly it helps you with nofap?

I know many nofappers mention that meditation has supported them in quitting. I've heard wild stories of how people who fapped 3-5 times a day for 7 years now only have "O" a few times a year.

Want I am curious about is they type of meditation that you do and how exactly it helps you with nofap?

Changed my life. See the link in my signature.
I have heard stories that the recovery is going way quicker if you meditate everyday, i have done it for 1 week now 10 min a day. No huge improvements yet
It helps me to keep going and not break my streak (so far, lol).

It helps me to not sit around and lust for PMO all day, like I thought I would when anticipated the idea of quitting.

In meditation you are supposed to not mentally label feelings and/or thoughts, not surpress them, not act upon them, but watch them silently and let them be.

When I apply the same technique towards any kind of urges, it helps dealing with them. It allows more control over my behavior, even while an urge is present.

I can have the physical feeling without thinking "uh, that's a very strong urge, if I don't act upon it now, imagine how bad will it get later?! Better act upon the urge soon!"

This removes (or rather, lessens to a great extent) a big part of the problem, the mental part. The physical part is very benign after that in comparison.

I guess I don't need to meditate every morning to deal with urges during the day, but I strongly feel it helps to exercise this technique in a kind-of safe environment at first (ignoring thoughts and focusing on breath), so that when an actual urge comes I am better prepared to deal with it.