HELP! I am 15 years old and I have masturbated almost once (or more, 2-4) for multiple years...


New Fapstronaut
I am very worried that I have damaged myself someway because of something I read on Quora and the fact that my erection is softening. I can't get a 100% erection anymore. Maybe 80%, but that is the most and I am worried and it's getting softer.
I wouldn't consider myself addicted to porn, however; I have watched it multiple times. I have read porn, as well. I have also masturbated to thoughts. I often get erections through sight or thoughts during the day.
I have tried to quit masturbating altogether, recently, but it is very difficult. The urge during the night is difficult and I often edge.

Have I damaged myself, and if I have, is it permanent? If it is, is there a solution and what is it? How else have I damaged myself? Will this cause any problems down the road? What is this about testosterone levels? Is edging unhealthy?
Any other advice/tips or anything you can offer would greatly be appreciated.
Have I damaged myself, and if I have, is it permanent?
Wow, that's a lot of questions. I will try and give you a brief, basic answer to them. You may have damaged yourself. If you have then the damage is not permanent.
is there a solution and what is it?
The solution is to stop edging and masturbating and reading/watching/looking at porn or sexually arousing material. This is called the NoFap Challenge. It takes a few months for the brain to heal and recover its proper functioning. Also, if there is any damage to the penis, called 'death grip' because you squeeze much too tight when masturbating, it will recover. :)
Is edging unhealthy?
Edging is the worst thing you can do! But, first you must be clear about what edging really is. Click on this link for a definition and an explanation as to why it is so counterproductive. Information about edging and why you must stop.
What is this about testosterone levels?
Not sure how to answer this one as I do not know what you have heard. But as you are going through puberty, your levels should be good. The levels that are more relevant are dopamine levels. This is mentioned in the link I mentioned above.

Okay, thank you a lot! This has helped me, but I have more questions that worry me : My erection is soft, I'd say I can only get it to 80%. If I quit masturbation and viewing pornography in general, will my erection return? Also, people say it is healthy to masturbate every once and a while. Because of what I have done, should I limit it to perhaps once a week or should I wait a few months before masturbating again? Also, would having any type of sex with another person help or would it be worse? I apologize for so many questions, but this has worried me greatly.