How did you arrive to NoFap and to the realizaton that you were addicted to P?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by larrylarrylarry, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Elchicoloco

    Elchicoloco Fapstronaut

    I wanna try to invent something like this site, in Italian... I've seen that this problems is more common than one would ever expect and linguistic barrier can be a problem for people who don't speak a fluent English
    MaxGoof and HappyInTheRain like this.
  2. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Great thread.

    I started to fap with porn. I was 13 por 14 years old. It was really difficult at first because we only had one computer at home, but that didn't stop me to download my favorite porn and search for new videos at night. Sometimes I would even do it with my sister sleeping next to me (small apartment and too many people). Almost 13 years after everything changed for the worst, I got my own room, a computer, wi-fi and a big tv screen. I think I can remember the moment all this affected me real hard, I got sick, I had just broken up with my now ex-girlfriend. Then I started to watch porn everyday for hours and masturbated at least twice. When I got back to work, I was tired as hell and that continued for months. Then my old man died, I got depressed, everything went to hell. I stopped going out, any kind of socialization, played videogames all day, ate junk food like a pig, sitting all day. Until one day I realized I had extreme DE, I got a huge belly and bitch tits, extreme social anxiety, girls didn't even look at me anymore etc. Doctors would tell me that everything was fine with me even though I was exhausted 24/7.

    It was the worst period of my entire life. So one day I'm reading "The artart manliness" blog, and there's one article calles "Are you addicted to porn". At first I laughed because science tells us that watching porn and masturbating is "healthy". Then a couple of weeks I read it again and thought "ok, it's obvious that I've experienced all of those symptoms.

    There was a link to the subreddit, and that same day I landed here. I was skeptical at first but man, today I know it was the best decision I've taken in years.
    larrylarrylarry likes this.
  3. oni543nanog

    oni543nanog Fapstronaut

    Like a said before , my goals are diferent ,i know the real effects of porn for the most of noFap members, but i got more to 150 days clean one year ago, i know myself, i have an extreme autocontrol today, i'll never leave this new world, more to 400 days without orgasm by my own hand is a such value, thanks for you tip and good luck for all here in this amazing forum :)
    larrylarrylarry likes this.
  4. tommilover

    tommilover Fapstronaut

    I have been addicted to porn since my early teens - first taught myself weird masturbation ritual at age 11. I had gone through several, usually religiously motivated, phases of getting off porn, deleting saved material etc. etc. before realizing the back and forth was stupid. But instead of being able to quit - I just quit quitting - Now I am 37 and have about a terabyte of porn collected over 10 years. Porn has been something I've looked up and streamed every day I could for a while, when I could, everyday at least once, and at one period, so much that my dick would be scratched up and even bleeding from over use, and since I've been unemployed and mostly alone - 5 days a week until I found this site.

    I had been to several religiously motivated stop porn sites or articles etc. the past couple of years or so, but those were pretty useless to me - a few weeks ago, I was bored with what I normally did to O and google something like "most fappable porn" or "easiest porn to fap to" or something like that and found this site - I hadn't used it earlier because I'm a little older than the generation that uses the word fap - so . . . .
  5. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    You are never TOO OLD to change direction for a better life. I too am still getting used to the word "fap" however whatever it's called for us it's not a good thing to do. Keep focused and don't give up!! These "pornies" you jerk off to, mostly are more fucked up than you think.
    marcpro and larrylarrylarry like this.
  6. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I was searching for some porn App (erotic games or sth) but only thing I found was an app that measure how much porn addict are you (test was for free) so I did it for fun. When I was reading reviews of app very often there was abbreviation 'No PMO' and I was like what the fuck that means so I google it and it put me strait to glossary and here I am.
    HappyInTheRain likes this.
  7. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    An accident with a happy ending. Pun intended. Sorry bro, I could not resist!
    Glad you're here!
    JustinX likes this.
  8. Me too I only get a soft errection even with porn. I know that feel :(
    larrylarrylarry likes this.
  9. Lol same I can barely speak english because I'm not a native english speaker. so I have problems replying to other posts even if I really want to because I'm afraid they wouldn't understand what am I saying.
    larrylarrylarry likes this.
  10. tommilover

    tommilover Fapstronaut

    if I used the word fap I just would have found this site earlier... how long has it been running?
  11. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    First, I would like to say that there is no doubt in my mind that "mind and body" go together. I have always believed that a strong mind and a strong body compliment each other. Because of my illness and the treatment I receive, which I jokingly refer to as my "no boner meds" "fapping" is not the issue any more. When I first started the meds over a year and a half ago, the urge was there and I could actually raise enough of an erection to "rub out" the feeling of an ejaculation but with no discharge. My Urologist told me that was my "MIND" playing games with me.However, that didn't stop me from obsessing over my "porn crush" and as a result doing some pretty stupid ass things on Twitter and other porn sites. I became a porn aficionado, not just watching, but actually became a member of a porn forum, kept up with the porn news sites, and so on. My need for information became insatiable, all because of this porn crush. However, after reading this article in TIME and signing on to NoFap and subreddit, I found a place where I could begin to use the power of my mind. I came to realize something my experience had told me years earlier, but that I refused to accept. These porn babes are more slaves to what they do than we are to what we do when watching them, especially the younger ones, the so-called MILF's are pretty much socialized to their choice, and I'm sure make every effort to convince the young ones that all is OK. the fact is, it's not OK. Despite all the online bullshit and how they try to convince you they're living these glamourous lives, they know they are "SLAVES" and they know what they must do to feed their ADDICTION. When we STOP viewing them, STOP buying their panties, Snapchats, wish list stuff, and most of all "fapping" to them, we deny them their income, and we FREE ourselves.
  12. AlienOverlord

    AlienOverlord Fapstronaut

    First stumbled across porn when I was twelve. F'ing website that had a misleading description in the search engine. It wasn't a p site at first glance, but had links to images on the side. I was instantly hooked. They eventually claimed to have gotten a cease and desist letter from an ip holder and shut down. Remember, the net was a much different place fifteen years ago.

    From there I kept intending to quit, kept making and breaking promises to quit. I think it was in my early to mid twenties that I finally hit a breaking point with nonstop pmo and bad depression and sought out help. I found an active forum. Didn't stick around for very long, just didn't like what I saw. Found feedtherightwolf. That's where I saw someone mention nofap, and I eventually started looking into this, and now I'm here.
    larrylarrylarry likes this.
  13. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    @AlienOverlord Like they told us in AA, "You get here when you get here." The important thing is that you are here now and that is a move in the right direction. I also remember the Internet years ago and the AOL chat rooms, everyone was so innocent back then. Boy, things are sure different now. I've checked out that show "Catfish" on MTV a few times and I'm amazed at how desperate and foolish some of these young people are, until they did a show on an older woman who got "catfished" as well. My point is, that these people in the porn industry from the "actors", producers, as the rest are the ultimate "catfish", shit one guy even uses a variant of the word as his Twitter handle (I don't think I'm supposed to say it here.) As young people we all may have been lured by porn as part of the natural "coming of age" process, sadly some of us got hooked. There is no doubt in my mind that many of these "porn stars" got hooked the same way, some have even admitted it in interviews. Frankly, that's not my problem. Our goal is to stop the madness, change our lives, and be the kind of person we want to be, free from PMO and other related addictions, and free from the assholes who peddle it.
    marcpro and larrylarrylarry like this.
  14. holtech

    holtech Guest

    I found this site 2-3 years ago. I'd been struggling to perform with my girlfriend at the time which I lived with. Many nights when she went to bed I'd stay up masturbating to porn, sometimes even borrowing a pair of her worn underwear to help me along. (All this seems absolutely crazy now as for some reason I was ignoring the genuine article in the next room!)
    Anyway, I was struggling to maintain an erection and rarely "finished" during sex. It became an awkward situation, and whilst we talked about it I didn't know what was causing the problem. So we ignored it.

    Obviously she took this personally and thought the issues were to do with herself gaining a little weight or something silly. Eventually she came home from work one day and told me she was moving back with her parents and we ended it there and then.

    Frustrated I turned to the internet for answers and eventually came across the subreddit of nofap. It blew my mind! If I remember correctly I managed a 130 day streak that first try, and within that time I'd met a new girl who I am now engaged to. Unfortunately I thought I was fixed and immune and have subsequently slipped back into old habits.

    So here I am!
    marcpro and larrylarrylarry like this.
  15. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    I guess my first thought after reading this was, DON'T QUIT, and KEEP COMING BACK!!! You'll never be fixed. Just like me in AA, even though I haven't had a drink in 33 years, I will always be a drunk. I just won't be a DOORMAT anymore. Don't let porn make you a doormat. The answers you're looking for, you already know. Stay strong!!
    holtech likes this.
  16. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    I knew I was addicted to porn since I was like 14 or 15 years old. I wanted to stop having orgasm every time I went to take a shower and I wanted to stop watching porn. And I couldn't.
    I found out about NoFap years later, through a comment I found on YouTube. I checked it out, thinking "Hm, this seems interesting, but..." Then, not many days after I relapsed and thought "Okay. I'm going to try out this NoFap thing."
  17. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    The fact you came back says a lot about your desire to stop. Like I've said several times before my PMO days are over, but not my addiction to porn in another way. NoFap helps me a lot, it can help you too. Don't Quit!!!
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  18. MaxGoof

    MaxGoof Fapstronaut

    I knew some guys who were NoFap on a Telegram group, then I read some articles about how P and M is actually bad for you and porn industry, then stuff about quitting and inevitably i got there.
    I didn't really have an addiction, but I wanted to quit that before it became one, because it was getting me into things I didn't really wanted to get, and the fact that you literally can see fake rape videos online made me sick and had me quitting completely
  19. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    Sounds to me like you get it. Keep coming back!!!
  20. tommilover

    tommilover Fapstronaut

    very smart to start, which is to stop, early