@Meff, welcome to NoFap! The messages above have already given you great advice. I recommend all of the things previously mentioned.
I used to masturbate about once a week when I started NoFap. I have been working hard over the past few years and I usually make it about 40 - 45 days now before it happens. This is a huge deal for me. I wish I could leave it completely behind more than anything. I’m determined to eventually succeed. There are several layers / issues I’ve had to work through. I’ve learned a lot about myself and I still have more to learn.
Success lies in mindfulness. Your thoughts will lead to actions if you focus on them for too long. This is why porn is so damning. Those images get burned into your brain and it’s hard to forget those scenes. And the scenes as well as the memories of the scenes trigger a physiological response that eventually leads to more PMO. And the addiction cycle continues.
The key is to recognize when those thoughts come into our minds, and then let them pass without focusing on them. Recognize them and then let them come and go. Learning how to meditate can help you become more aware of your thoughts.
So when we find something else that we enjoy other than PMO, our mind is occupied with other things and we don’t even think of PMO. So staying busy or keeping our minds distracted keeps us safe. It’s when we’re sitting there, doing nothing, and just thinking about how much we don’t want to fall to PMO, unfortunately we will eventually fall because of exhaustion. We can only survive on willpower for so long before it’s too much.
And then there are triggers that cause our minds to want to escape reality through PMO. We use PMO for temporary relief from stressful situations. I heard someone say once that the main triggers can be summarized with the “BLASTED”.
B = Bored
L = Lonely
A = Angry or Anxious
S = Sad or Stressed
T = Tired
E = Empty
D = Detached or disconnected
Read about it here:
For many of us, one of these triggers makes us want to escape through PMO. So learning how to deal with these triggers in a healthier way is key to recovery.
Just wanted to let you know what has helped me most. As I discover my triggers, I find ways to make small adjustments so that after I fall, I try to never fall again in the same way.
Best of luck to you here! Feel free to message me if you need any additional ideas or support.