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My 90 Day Challenge


Day 0 : Feeling full of motivation and honestly a deep sense of revenge like mindset to start the NoFap Challenge.
Day 1 : No challenge in particular, busy with work and day flew by. Hanging on to fight one more day !

Thanks Gervacio for your Kind words.We will definitely help each other to inspire and beat this dirty habit.
Day 6 : Can feel the increase in the energy and more attention towards work. It feels good. Hanging on !
Day 7 : doomed! relapsed. Identified the mistakes and have noted them. Starting again today. 7 days was one of the highest. will cross that barrier this time.
Failed again miserably (like a millionth time or so .. ) ... :( .. I just let myself go and .. when back on my feet,made a new approach to try again.
Lessons Learnt this time:
1. I have identified the trigger times and place that affect me to break the challenge: have planned to keep busy in these time or be with friends or stay away from triggering sources
2. first few days .. i.e. up to 5 days it is easy to be in control .. the challenge starts from 6th to 8th day .. need to be careful during this period to cross this barrier.
3. Sleep : need to sleep for 6 to 7 Hours (qualitative sleep) .. keep my phone far away from me 10 mins before going to bed
4. Exercise : Have felt the difference in energy level for the whole day when i went for Running/Walking, plus exercise. Have decided not to skip this.
5 . Last but not the least : The last try i did was a record of 8 days after a long time ... when i failed after 8 days .. i could see the change in my Mojo and energy level's ... so if 8 days could be so great .. i want to know how 90 days would feel ..

so this time rather than to complete my 90 days abstinence from PMO.. i want to challenge myself to feel the 90th day !

Starting again today !