That's entirely up to you if you want to keep away from porn entirely. I believe that there many of us who wants to give it up for good and not look back (myself included).
In my opinion, I think that is the right thing to do: give it up completely. There are many reasons why, some around you and those around you:
1) It is fake; it's all acting.
2) We don't know for sure if the people in the these videos wanted to do it or if they were forced to it.
3) It is a lot like drugs and it seems that the industry is behaving like it.
4) It hurts you in the long run and drags you down along with it.
5) It hurts not only you, but any relationship you may have; just ask any of us who are married, have a partner, or significant other.
6) Check within yourself; you seem to know that, deep down, it's wrong.
7) It can lead you to more and more problems, and you'll be finding yourself looking at something that you once thought it was disgusting.
It seems your addiction is very mild if you're only looking at it 2-3 times a week; some of us were looking at it 2-3 (or more) *a day*. You're young, and you're early enough into it that you have a much better chance of getting out of it and not look back. Trust me, you'll want to get out now while you can.
I regret the decisions that I made back in my early 20s by allowing myself a relapse (I started it in my pre-teens and early teenager years). When I started to attend a baptist church, I stopped until the girlfriend that I had while I was in college broke up with me. Shortly after that, I feel back into it by making the wrong choice of actively seeking it out.
You're very young; and you have a life ahead of you still. Take this opportunity to do something about it now before it has a death grip on you and tear your life apart. I'm in my 40's, been married for over a decade, and it had made my life hell and now my wife's life hell.