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About four years ago my father was in a bad accident and fell really bad on his head. He is got some brain damage, and his cognitive abilities have declined a bit. His doctor just prescribes medication, (A lot) to deal with his depression and everything. I personally wish he wasn't on so many medications and wish I had my old dad back. He eats a lot of food, and sit and watches a lot of television. He has gained quite a bit of weight, and he never gets out of the house. I recently got some applications to volunteer at a local organization that helps out the homeless and such; which I am hoping he takes it seriously. His health was already pretty bad with a heart condition, but I'm afraid that he is not helping his case eating constantly; lot of carb heavy foods. I love my dad, and he is definitely changed. I'm afraid to admit that he most likely doesn't have a lot of time, and being his youngest son I feel as if my time with him is short. It is kind of messed up to say but this is what I truly feel. I bought a bike, and also one for my dad, but he has never gotten around to taking it with me. I'm hoping that in the spring he will change his mind. We have a dog which I walk 3 times a day, and every time I go I ask him if he would like to go, and he declines. He finds it hard to remember a lot of things, and is kind of handicapped to some small degree. I would love advice from people who have had similar experiences, or any advice. Sometimes when I see him I get a deep sadness of what happened, and it makes it hard to deal with some times.