Need Help- Flatlining Hard (Anything is appreciated)


I doubt anybody saw it but I made a post yesterday updating whoever on how I'm feeling after day 29. I'm still new to NoFap so I'm not 100% on all the terminology, but I've seen some people refer to something called a "flatline." From what I understand this is a period of depression that a lot of people get when coming off, and often times is really intense. The reboot was going incredibly well until I had a wet dream a little over a week ago that set me back. Ever since then I've been experiencing a lot of depression and fatigue all the time, which is the polar opposite of how I felt before the dream. I've been really tempted to cave, thankfully I haven't yet. I've thought about only allowing myself to masturbate on Friday and Saturday so that it won't make me tired for school the next day. I'm posting here because I don't want to do anything stupid that sets me back and completely eradicates a month of insanely hard work. Are these temptations to cave, even if it's in a "controlled" way part of this, and I don't expect that there's a set time frame, but generally how long does this last for people? Any response would be great
I doubt anybody saw it but I made a post yesterday updating whoever on how I'm feeling after day 29. I'm still new to NoFap so I'm not 100% on all the terminology, but I've seen some people refer to something called a "flatline." From what I understand this is a period of depression that a lot of people get when coming off, and often times is really intense. The reboot was going incredibly well until I had a wet dream a little over a week ago that set me back. Ever since then I've been experiencing a lot of depression and fatigue all the time, which is the polar opposite of how I felt before the dream. I've been really tempted to cave, thankfully I haven't yet. I've thought about only allowing myself to masturbate on Friday and Saturday so that it won't make me tired for school the next day. I'm posting here because I don't want to do anything stupid that sets me back and completely eradicates a month of insanely hard work. Are these temptations to cave, even if it's in a "controlled" way part of this, and I don't expect that there's a set time frame, but generally how long does this last for people? Any response would be great
Yes, it sounds exactly like you are in a flatline. It's very important for you NOT to masturbate during this time, even though you are full of doubts and dying to cave right now. The reason you don't want to cave now is because if you abstain through the flatline, you will learn that the flatline does indeed lift and your mood and spirit returns to healthy, normal you, without you having to do anything. It's important for you to experience this. Otherwise, if you masturbate now, you are training yourself to jack off to improve your mood - this is exactly how PMO addiction starts and continues.

As far as how long flatlines last, it's hard to say exactly. For some it's a day or two, for others it's been months. I'm on day 160something and I've had a few and each lasted about 8-14 days. Each one brought about serious doubts about my reboot, but each one eventually went away on it's own.

Here's an article about post-acute withdrawal that may be helpful for you at this time:

Good luck and hope you feel better soon!